Part 22

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The couple finally pulled away from each other, both their heads shot round to look at me. No other words could form from my mouth other his name. Sam’s name.

Sam who was standing there making out with some other girl.

I tore my eyes away from Sam to look at the girl pressed up against him on the wall. When my eyes set on her face, my jaw dropped open. I could have been on the floor I swear.


Leanne who I had helped get over her ex in the toilets. Leanne the cheerleader slut. Leanne who I was nice to, who I spoke to.

“Babyyy, ignore her. She’ll leave now she’s realized what she’s interrupted.” Leanne drawled, running her hands up and down Sam’s chest.

Sam was still staring at me, eyes open wide. In that moment it felt like the world had stopped spinning, that the only thing on earth was me and him and his gaze piercing into mine.

“Sam, c’mon. just kiss me again, she’ll go!!” Leanne whispered right into Sam’s ear. I’m pretty sure she was trying to be sexy but she was honestly just making me feel sick.

“I…err, I’m sorry…I didn’t- umm I’m gonna…” I managed, my voice barely audible. I turned to start walking out, struggling to keep myself upright.

Tears were threatening at the side of my eyes but I wouldn’t let them fall. I wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing he made me cry.

“Leanne shut up for a second!” I heard Sam say from behind me, “Lily! Wait up, please. Let me explain.”

I couldn’t talk to him. I couldn’t face him without crying and that was something I wasn’t going to do.

I knew there was a bathroom at the top of the stairs, first door, so I legged it to there. I rushed in and shut the door behind me. No one even noticed me run by; they were all too caught up in each other.

I locked the door and leant back against it, falling to the floor. I still didn’t cry though, my heart felt empty.

How could he do that to me? What had I done wrong?

I listened to the noise from outside carefully and heard someone go down the stairs quite quickly. I prayed it was Sam; that he hadn’t seen me go in the toilet and that I could leave now.

I opened the door carefully and poked my head out. Sam wasn’t there anywhere so I hurried out the room and started for the stairs.

But all of a sudden a thought hit me. I didn’t have my car. Sam was supposed to give me a lift home.

I looked around for the one person I knew could help me. I went from door to door just checking to see if he was in there and then I spotted him.

He was sitting in a circle of people, all laughing hysterically, and playing spin the bottle.


I stood for a moment to watch, just to see what happened next. I instantly regretted that.

A girl opposite him, she was in my math class I think, leant over the circle, crawling seductively, and planted a kiss right on Jacks lips.

It felt like someone stabbed me in that back. The tears in my eyes were really building up now. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, it was Jack he could date who he liked. It was just seeing him with that girl made me feel really small.

I put it down to me being vulnerable and swallowed everything I was feeling. When they had finished kissing everyone in the circle cheered. The girl smiled coyly and bit her lip, trying to look cute and nervous. Bullshit.

I walked over and tapped Jack on the back, he turned round to look at me and the smile dropped from his face.

“What do you want?”

“I’m sorry for whatever I said or did. I really am. But I need to go.”

Luckily no one in the circle was really paying much attention to the two of us and just carried on. Jack looked like he thought about it for a second before glaring back at me.

“No. I’m having fun. Get your boyfriend to take you.” He said coldly.

The tears in my eyes were starting to blur my vision and that was the final straw. One single tear fell down my face and Jacks face softened at that. I didn’t want his pity though.

“Jack please.” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. He sighed and looked back at the circle of people, making his mind up.

I looked round to the door and saw Sam walk by. I immediately whipped my head back round, praying he handing seen me. He hadn’t, he just kept on walking past the door.

I couldn’t risk him finding me, I had to get out of there. I got up and ran straight to the door.

“Lil wait!! Okay I’m coming it fine!!” Jack called from behind me, a hint of desperation in his voice. I didn’t look back to him.

I sprinted straight to the front door and started running down the street, the way back to my house.

I stopped at one point to remove my heels and eventually slowed down to a quick walk. I was sort of hysterical but then. I couldn’t see myself but I knew I had mascara running down my face.

All that held in pain was now flowing down my face in tears. I could no longer feel my feet because I’d run on them bare foot for so long.

My mind couldn’t seem to make sense of it all. There were so many unanswered questions in my mind. Things that didn’t make sense to me.

Why now? Why her?

I got to a point where I had to stop altogether. Everything hurt. My feet were aching, my head was still pounding, and my heart was numb.

I took a moment to take everything around me in. it was completely dark except for the street lamps giving off a dim glow so I could kind of see where I was going.

Not that it helped. I’d just ran in pretty much a straight line, trying to get as far away from it all as possible.

Somehow my hand bag was still in my hand. I must have picked it up before I went upstairs and ran into Will and Sam.

I reached in and pulled out my phone. It was one thirty in the morning.

10 missed calls.

18 texts.

8 voicemails.

I ignored all of them and put my phone back in my bag, but I suddenly felt scared. I barely knew where I was, no one else knew where I was, and it was practically the middle of the night.

I started walking again, faster this time. I tried to forget what it was I was running away from and focus on getting home.

No one was around, it was eerily quiet. But then I walked past this one alleyway with a group of boys in it.

I kept my head down, and carried on walking hoping they wouldn’t notice me.

I carried on for a bit, not looking back but when I finally decided it was safe to turn around I noticed them, only about a meter back, following me.

My heart sped up and my breathing got really shallow. Out of nowhere I got a burst of confidence. I wasn’t sure if it was the drink of because I was so angry about Sam.

I turned around to face them, the one in front stopped, the others copying him.

“What the hell do-“ I stopped short when the boy lifted his hood. A cocky grin plastered to his face. I knew him.

“Well hello Lily.” He said, amused.


I'm so so sooooo sorry i've been so crap uploading! Its been a hectic week! Sorry guys :/

Hope you liked it!! Who do we think it is that Lily has run into???

Upload: as soon as i can :)

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