Part 5

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I sat down in my seat next to Sam at the back. Today we were starting our chemistry project, and because I sat next to him, he was my partner.

“Eww! Do we have to do this!? How is this going to help me in life? I want to do sport; chemistry has nothing to do with sport!!” He complained.

“Just shut up and help me. You know you’ll get a good mark because you’re with me!!”

“Yeah right, I’d get a better mark being with a monkey!”

“Hey, that was mean! And I was joking, I actually need your help, or I’ll just take credit for the whole thing and you won’t even get a grade!” I stated, “Not that it’s going to be a good one” I finished under my breath. Chemistry wasn’t really my subject.

Sam put down his pen and sat back in his chair, putting his feet on the table.

“Why don’t you ever date anyone?” He suddenly came out with. I didn’t really know how to respond. No one had ever asked me a question like that before, especially not one of the guys. Not to mention it was completely random and off topic.

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.”

“I guess I just haven’t found anyone I like yet.” I looked up and smiled at him innocently.

He dropped it after that, so I didn’t say anymore either. But I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d ask me.

At the end of class Sam and I walked to soccer practice together. We decided he would come round tomorrow after school to finish off out project since soccer was cancelled because there was a football game on.

When we got to the changing rooms I went to get changed, we were 5 minutes early so hopefully none of the cheerleaders would be there yet. I was right. I walked straight through to the toilets where I normally changed; knowing that if I stayed in the changing room the cheer team would all be there.

I opened the door to the bathroom and as soon as I did I could hear someone was in there. I heard a sort of sniffing sound and immediately recognized it as someone crying. A girl crying.

I walked in to see who it was, but as soon as the door shut behind me the sniffing stopped.

“Hello? Who is it? Go away.”

I recognized the voice as they started talking. I was tempted to turn around, leave; they didn’t know it was me. But for some reason I walked in further.

It was Leanne, one of the cheerleaders. She was in my chemistry class so I wasn’t surprised she was already here. We were let out early after all. She was best friends with Kirsty, the head cheerleader. Kirsty was a right bitch, and Leanne was one of her so-called ‘followers’. I’d never spoken to any of them properly, although Kirsty and I got in a pretty awful fight in 10th grade. But I knew well enough to stay away from all of them.

I know it’s very stereo-typical, but from all I’d seen and heard, those girls were a pain.

“Hi, Leanne?? It’s Lily. Umm, are you okay?” I hesitated as I reached the cubicle she was in with the door locked. I knocked on it.

“I said go away!!”

“Are you sure? What’s wrong?”

“Leave me alone Lily, I FINE.”

“Gheez, I was only trying to help.” I muttered, turning to walk away. I didn’t have much patience when it came to people being emotional.

I heard the cubicle door unlock as I reached the door to leave and Leane came out in her cheerleading mini skirt and top. She had puffy eyes and tear streaks on her face.

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