Part 40

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My first thought when I woke up was that I wasn’t in my own bed. My second thought was that I was lying next to Jack, who was fast asleep, and that we were both wearing minimal clothing.

My third thought was that I felt as though some teenagers were having an uninvited party in my head with pounding music that make me want to shut my eyes and go back to sleep.

My final thought was that I was going to throw up.

I literally jumped out of the bed, which wasn't good for my pounding head, and ran to Jack’s bathroom. I heard Jack groan and ask what was going on, but I was a bit too preoccupied to reply.

I opened the lid of the toilet and chucked up my insides in a gagging motion. My hair started to fall into my face so I panicked, trying to move it away while still only being sick into the toilet. But then, I felt two warm hands gather my hair up and hold it back for me.

"Thanks." I managed through throwing up. I couldn't help feel really embarrassed, I didn't want Jack to see me be sick, that’s probably the most unattractive thing a boyfriend can see!

He chuckled lightly, obviously finding this all slightly amusing, "S'okay." he replied softly.

He rubbed my back gently, and held my hair while I finished throwing up. When I was finally done I got some tissue and cleaned myself up then splashed my face with water.

I slumped down against the bathroom wall feeling utterly exhausted. Jack slid down next to me, "How do you feel?" he asked.

"Like shit." I replied.

He laughed, "Sorry I shouldn't have let you drink so much last night."

"No it's not your fault, anyway, I have fun....l" I trailed, the mention of last night had made us both slightly tense.

"Lily, about last night..."

"Don't. I'm sorry. I mean I only remember bits but I'm pretty sure I was acting like a complete whore."

Jack chuckled, "I'm not complaining..." he teased.

I laughed and slapped his arm, "Shut up. But look, it's fine. I'm glad we didn't do anything because I wouldn't want it like... That. Not with me being drunk, I just.... I want it to be... Special." I finished clumsily.

Jack put his hand in mine, "I would kiss you right now but you sorta just threw up." he joked. I laughed and squeezed his hand.

We sat there for a moment before getting up. It was only 10 so we got back into bed. Jack got out his iPod and we just lied there listening to music for a bit. Absentmindedly I ended up tracing the lines on his chest while he drew small circles on my stomach. We didn't talk, but it was a comfortable silence and we had music to fill it.

At about 11 my phone buzzed. I rolled over to get it off the side. "Who is it?" Jack asked.

'Are you at Jack’s? When will you be back? B x' I read the message out loud to him, "What shall i tell her?" I asked him. He shrugged and grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him again.

"I don't want you to go yet." he said innocently.

I grinned at him, "Only because I'm mostly clotheless." I teased.

"Well yes that helps..." I flicked his hard stomach, "BUT I also love your company. And I also love you." he finished.

"Much better." I approved, "but seriously, what should I tell her?"

He sighed, "Well we are still meeting up later so I don't mind. Knowing you, you'll take at least half an hour to get ready and I want I make you breakfast. So, I don't know, tell her you'll be back for about 1 and then me and you can meet up at 3ish."

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