Part 15

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We hung around at the park for about 2 hours in the end. Just messing about and eating way to much junk.

“I feel sick!” I moaned as we got in to the car. Jack just laughed.

“I told you not to go on the swings right after you’d eaten that much chocolate!”

“Hmmm. Well if someone wasn’t trying to make me so fat all the time and feeding me way too much food then maybe I wouldn’t have this problem!”

“That didn’t even make sense! And don’t put this on me! It’s not my fault you eat so much Rocky!”

“Eurghh I want to throw up.”

“Don’t throw up in my car or you’re dead.”

“Wow Jack. Thanks for your sympathy.” Jack chuckled and put the radio on, clearly fed up of my moaning.

When we got home Jack walked me to the door. “Seriously Jack, I’m not a child. I can walk myself to the door.”

“Yes but this is the gentleman thing to do so shut up!” He wrapped me into a tight hug and I hugged him back. “Thanks for coming today Lil. And for not moaning. Too much.” He finished with a smirk. I slapped his arm but couldn’t help the smile on my face.

“Thank you Mr. Gentleman. And I didn’t moan that much!” I teased.

“Course not. See you tomorrow Rocky.” He walked off to his car and I watched him go, leaning on the door frame. I really had had a good day. It wasn’t often I got to spend so much time with my best friend and I missed that.

When I got in the house Sam was there. He was waiting in the lounge with his back to me, looking down at something. He looked really hot from the back, his hair all messy but in a good way.

 I stood for a second, leaning on the door frame just looking at him. But then I started to feel a bit like a stalker so I decided to say something.

“Should I be worried? I mean, I know you love me Sam but sneaking in my house when I’m not here? That’s a bit creepy.” I teased. He raised his head from whatever he was looking at but didn’t turn around. “Sam?”

“Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?” Crap.

“Wha... I… umm.. it’s not..”

“Lily. Why didn’t you tell me?” He turned around then, a dark look on his face. I could see what he was holding in his hands. It was a birthday card that Becky must have put on the side for me. It suddenly made sense why he knew it was my birthday.

I managed to string some words together. “Why does it matter? It’s just my birthday. It isn’t important.” I kept a cheerful smile on my face.

“If it isn’t important why didn’t you tell me?!”

“For that reason! You didn’t need to know. I don’t like doing things on my birthday and you would have made a big deal out of it!” I was starting to get pissed off. Why did it matter?

“If you don’t like doing things on your birthday why have you been out with Jack?” That caught me off guard.

“How did you know I went out with Jack?” I asked in a quiet voice.

“Me and some of the guys were down at the park, practicing for OUR semifinals match and they were all asking me where you were. Ollie said he had seen you drive off with Jack, it was Ollie who drove me round here.” He paused for a second, looking deep into my eyes, making it hard for me to look away.

“But how come I didn’t know that Lil?! I didn’t know where you were, who you were with and I didn’t even know it was my girlfriends fucking birthday!!” He was starting to raise his voice now.

“Oh I’m sorry that you don’t know what I’m doing every second of my life! I didn’t realize you were so controlling that you have to have updates on who I’m with every 5 seconds!”

“But why Jack? If you had just told me it was your birthday and that you didn’t want to do anything how do you know I wouldn’t have left it at that. But now I look like that bad guys for not knowing it was your birthday!”

“Sam, trust me babe you’re looking like the bad guy anyways now that you’re yelling at me! Me and Jack are just friends! That’s all! He is my best friend and you know that, so does he! Why don’t you trust me?!”

“But does he really know that? Are you really that stupid Lily?!” I had no idea what he was talking about now but I couldn’t concentrate because I was too pissed off that he’d just called me stupid.

“What is your problem?! I don’t see why you are making such a big deal out of this! It’s just my birthday!”

“Because I should have known and I didn’t. And you didn’t bother to tell me! Instead you went off with Jack, just like you always do.” I could feel tears starting to build up in my eyes.

“Why are you saying all this? Just get out. Come and talk to me when you’ve stopped being such a ass.” I said in a low voice, tears threatening to fall.

“Fine, I don’t know why I even bother.” And with that he grabbed his jacket of the couch and left.

I let myself fall onto the couch, tears now running down my cheeks. I didn’t understand Sam. Why he was always so stuck up about everything. So overprotective and possessive.

I felt Becky sit down next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. I looked up at her with me tear stained cheeks.

She brushed a fallen tear away with her thumb and I rested my head on her shoulder.

“Boys are dumb.” I whispered, my voice thick.

“Tell me about it.”


Update!! Sorry its so short! I havent had much time this weekend :/ But i thought i should give you something becasue i'm not mean ;)

Hope you enjoy it! What do we think about Sam? He is being such an idiot lately :/ But i still love him!! ;D

Update: Sometime this week

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