Part 17

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The drive home was awkward. I knew Becky was pissed that I had made a big deal out of the whole ‘Slut’ thing so she we didn’t talk the whole drive. Instead we listened to Katy rant on about how she doesn’t want to move this time and how she is happy here for once.

It was sweet, and I guess I was half-listening, but I couldn’t really bring myself to pay attention. I was too angry. I hated the way people judged Becky. They didn’t know her. They had no right.

We waved Katy off by the door, bags in hand, but as soon as the door shut, Becky dropped her bags and turned to look at me.

“What the fuck Lily?!”

“Look, I’m sorry I just didn’t like-“

“Save it. That was a thick move. I’m going upstairs, leave me alone, please.” She turned and stalked off upstairs, leaving me standing alone. I sighed but picked up all out bags and dumped them on the kitchen table.

There was a note from mom and dad on the table when I looked down. I sighed, not really caring what it said but picked it up anyway.

‘Lily, tell your sister to call the relatives. I’ve had enough of everyone trying to talk to me about her. It isn’t fair.

Hope you’re having a nice week, sorry I haven’t see you for a while. Oh, and me and your father are going to Greece for a week next week, we trust you to behave yourself, don’t let us down. Mom x’

I crumpled the paper up in my hand incredulously. I felt the anger from early rising again, pulsing through me.

How dare she?! How fucking dare she say that. It wasn’t fair on her?! What about Becky?! I hated her. I hated both my parents. They clearly didn’t want or need me so why should I bother with them. I was so done.

There was no way I was telling Becky to ‘call the relatives’. She didn’t need that right now. Besides, mom thought it ‘wasn’t fair’, well she can experience not fair when she’s had strangers in a mall call her a slut.

I picked up the bags again and went to dump them upstairs. I put Becky’s bag outside her door, respecting what she’d asked, and threw mine on my bed. I changed into some sweats and grabbed my IPod. I needed to go for a run.

I always went for a run when I was stressed. I ran everywhere and anywhere. When I ran I felt free, like I was worth something. I knew I was doing good, and it made me feel good. Running was just something I understood.

It was starting to get a bit dark but I kept running. Knowing that no one would notice I was even gone.

I was looking down at my IPod, not worried I would bump into anyone because I didn’t expect anyone to be out the late, but to my surprised I ran straight into another body and fell smack on my ass.

I took one of my headphones out and looked up to smile at the person, apologize, after all it was me who wasn’t looking.

But when I looked up I saw who it was and stopped still.


Out running, late, on his own. Just like me.

He looked down at me and smiled, I could only just see his face now, the only light coming from street lamps. He looked gorgeous, even though he was out running! I envied the way he always looked so hot. He smiled a small smile, but it was there, and put his hand down to help me up.

I took it, my mouth open in shock, words not coming out. I felt like I needed to say something. We hadn’t spoken in a while and I didn’t know where we stood.

“Don’t open your mouth like that Lil, you’ll catch flies.” He said smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled meekly back at him, remembering that is what he said when he asked me out.

“Sam, I-“

“I’m sorry. I overreacted. Forget about it.” He said it quickly.

“Really?” I questioned, giving him a skeptical look.

“Yes really. I have to go, mom needs me home soon. Sorry babe, look we’ll talk tomorrow or something.” He rushed, and leant over to kiss me on the cheek. He then ran off and left me standing there alone. In the dark.

For some reason it didn’t felt like I had solved anything. It didn’t feel like I’d got what I wanted, like I’d said my piece.

 I ignored the feelings and carried on running, heading home now, fed up with over-thinking everything I could.


“I think he was just jealous.”

“How’s that?”

“Because you spent the day with someone much more attractive and manly than him.” Jack explained, smirking widely. I laughed at him and flicked his arm, making him chuckle.

“I just don’t understand. How could he go from being mad to just forgetting about it?! And he didn’t even apologize. Or let me apologize!!”

“Can we just forget about it please? I’m all for being the supportive best friend but you have Katy for your boyfriend troubles.”

I sighed, “Fine, I just don’t get boys...” I muttered.

Before he could say anything else, we were bombarded by all the guys. We were sitting in the cafeteria alone, just chatting. Well alone until everyone arrived! It was like an overload of millions of different discussions, all at the same time!

“I am SO excited for tomorrow night!!” Emily gushed.

“Yeah everyone is raving about it. I hate to say it Chase but I think you pretty much have the whole of our year coming to your house.” Jack stated.

Chase sighed and Katy kissed his cheek, then whispered something in his ear, making him smile a little. I looked away, feeling that by looking I was invading or something.

I looked around that table at all the guys and noticed Sam wasn’t here. I hadn’t spoken to him since we ran into each other, literally RAN into each other, and I wanted to talk to him.

“Where’s Sam?” I asked.

“Dunno. He had to leave P.E. for a dentist appointment or something. Well that’s what he said. But who knows with that kid lately!” Ollie responded casually.

I smiled and nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. I’d really wanted to chat.

“Well before we get through the party, we have to face Daggers.” Chase commented sternly, his game face on. Daggers were the team we were playing at the semis. I was both excited and nervous, we absolutely had to win this, and it was a big deal for a lot of the guys. To get to the finals meant hope of college.

A lot of them relied on that. Jack relied on that.

And I wasn’t going to be the one to let them down.


So I updated on Thursday like i said!! :D It isnt much i know, sorry! But atleast it's something :)

I hope you guys like it, i have some drama next chapter, Chase's party as well *WINK WINK*

COMMENT PLEASE! And vote and fan and stuff ;D

Oh and by the way i have a photo of Lily's outfit for the party if anyone wants to see it?? You have to comment though ;)

Update: Soonish, maybe this weekend.. :/

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