Part 35

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The next morning I was ready by 6:45. Although I was up early anyway with Alice’s crying. I had to admit, I was getting immune to it now.

Becky and mom sat downstairs at the kitchen table. “Hey honey.” Mom said as I sat down.

“Coffee.” I groaned. Mom laughed but got up and poured me a cup of coffee anyway.

“You chose to get up this early remember!” Becky said smirking. Just then Alice started crying in her arms. She sighed and rocked her gently before heading upstairs. “Sorry guys, I think I’m gonna have to change her or feed her or something.”

I laughed, “Really sounds like you know what you’re doing!” I called.

“Shut up.” She called back down from the stairs.

Mom chuckled and shook her head as she came to sit back down, “You girls!!” She said. I shrugged, “So are you excited for your date with Jack?”

I sighed slightly, “Yeah I am, I just don’t know how it’s going to be.”

“Look I’ve known you both since you were the age of 5, you two are perfect for each other.” I gave her a sceptical look.

“Yes I know, I haven’t exactly been around much! But I still know that Jack is special, and you guys will have a laugh I promise.” She finished.

“Yeah I guess…”

“So where’s he taking you?”

“I don’t know! I didn’t get a chance to ask him after the game because all the boys were with us at the pizza place.”

“Have you not told all the boys yet then?” Mom asked.

“Well sort of. But I just don’t want to have a conversation with them around to be honest. It’s kind of a weird topic…”

“Fair enough. By the way I’m really sorry I couldn’t come to your game last night. I mean, I know you didn’t play but still I feel bad. I’ve missed so many of your games over the years and I know this one was important. I just want you to know-“

I cut her off, knowing where she was going and not needing to hear it. Mom had been so great recently, she’d been really trying with getting time off work for us and it had made a difference. It felt like we were all closer.

“Mom don’t. It’s fine.”

“No its not-“

“Mom all that matters in you’re here now. And you are, so honestly its fine. I just wish we could say the same for dad.” I finished bitterly.

Mom sighed heavily, “Don’t even get me started on your father! He will come around though. I know that man and there is nothing he loves more than his girls, even if he doesn’t always show it. He won’t be able to stay away too long.”

“Whatever you say.” I took a long sip of my coffee, letting it flow through me and energize me as much as it could. I really would need it with the minimal amount of sleep I got. “So mom you know college letters come next week….”

“Yeah I know. Have you told anyone but me where you’ve applied to?”

“Only Becky.”

“Not Jack?”

“No. I will, I just don’t know how to. This is nothing like I ever thought I do.”

“Lil you will go where is right for you, but I’m telling you, if they reject you then they’re making a horrible mistake. Journalism is a great career path, you’ll be fine.”

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