Part 3

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I sat down, shocked.

"Lil are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just know how much you love my parents and I didn't want to upset you or anything."

 I looked up at him, even more shocked, "Jack are you serious!? Why are you apologizing? I'm not angry you didn't tell me sooner, I'm just upset for you!"

If two people as in love as Jack’s parents were could get a divorce, would chance do any of us have?!
Jacks parents had been there for me so much growing up and I loved them like I loved my own. I'd spent a lot of my childhood round at Jack's to be honest, even though my house was bigger.

"Jack I'm so sorry, I had no idea I wish I could have been there for you. When did all this happen?"

"After Liam left for college, they've been fighting ever since. It started off as just general bickering but I ended up coming home to them full out yelling at each other. I tried not to think much of it, but they told me last week they were getting divorced, and that was the end of it."

Liam was Jacks older brother; he was just a bit older than Becky, he’d been at college a year longer than she had. Becky and Liam had actually had a fling in Becky’s sophomore year, causing a bit of a problem between Jack and Liam. But they are quite close like Becky and I, so it didn’t last long.

I stared up at Jack, and he looked down at me, confused. My gaze softened and I patted the space next to me on the couch. He willingly sat down.

“I really am sorry Jack. If you need anything, you can talk to me. And please, don’t keep something like that from me just because you think it will upset me. I’m tougher than you like to think!” I smiled softly at him and he seemed to relax, as if he was expecting me to get angry!

“Thanks Rocky.” He grinned at me, “Now stop being so mushy, you’re acting like such a girl!” He teased.

I punched him in the arm, but couldn’t keep a smile off my face. “By the way, do the guys know?” I asked.

“Yeah, I told them yesterday. Sorry, it’s just, well they are a lot easier to tell stuff like this to. No, not easier, simpler.” He finished, sensing the glare I was about to give him. “They don’t ask questions or really care to be honest. And none of them had a ‘close’ relationship with my parents like you did."

I shrugged. I could understand that, the guys were pretty straight forward to talk to.

“Well I’ve got to go, I’m meeting Liam tonight and he gets pissed off if I leave him waiting too long.” He wrapped my up in a tight hug.

“Okay, see you tomorrow.” He hugged me tighter. ”Jack let go now. Jack!! You’re squashing me!! Oww!” He let go, laughing, “Okay, leave now.”

“See ya Rocky.”


“Right boys, and Lily, this is the first game of the season and let’s start with a bang. Make the rest of the teams dread playing us okay? I don’t want you all getting too cocky either, these guys have been training hard, who knows how good they might be.” Coach gestured over to the other team, the Red Rovers, in their team huddle. “Now we’ve been over strategies for play multiple times, so now we put those into play.”

No matter what coach said, we all knew the Red Rovers were easy; we would win without a doubt. I hate to say it but no amount of practice would make them as good as us. They had been bottom of the league tables since I could remember.

We broke the huddle and cheering erupted from the side. Zac wondered over to me waiting in goal. “You alright Lil, you ready for this?” He said with a wink.

Zac played in defense along with Chase, Jack and another guy, Finn. Jack was by far the best though, I was lucky if I had goals to defend most games.

“Oh yeah, I’m psyched” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

The game went pretty much like we all thought; the Red Rover’s defenders were weak, so the ball was in our control most of the game. Ollie scored twice and another boy who played center forward with him, Matt, scored 4 times. The score ended up 6-0 to us.

Cheering erupted from the stands at the end of the game, and the cheerleaders did their thing as we walked off. I don’t know why we even had cheerleaders really; all they did was stand at the sidelines and jump around!

Once I was changed I met the guys by the school entrance and we went off to go get pizza. I rode with Sam, since he had given me a lift this morning and I didn’t have my car. He made jokes about the Red Rovers the whole time, especially the goalie. He kept saying “you should have seen his face” and cracking up.

We were sitting eating pizz, chatting happily, when the table suddenly went quiet. I looked up and Will gestured for me to look behind me. I looked at him confused, and realized all the guys were staring at something behind me.

I looked round to fine Becky standing by the entrance to the pizza place. She spotted me and shouted over, beckoning me.

“Lily! Oh thank God, I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I need a favor.” She practically shouted at me from the door.

I shushed her and went over to talk to her, looking back at the guys as I left. Most of them were glaring past me at Becky, especially Jack.

She did look a mess. She was holding one of her shoes, and her normally perfectly straight red hair was everywhere. She had mascara smudges under her eyes and it was obvious she had been out all night and probably hadn’t slept.

I pushed her out the door and turned to glare at her. “Becks! What are you doing here? What do you want? You look a mess.”

“Wow thanks sis, nice to see you too! Look, I need a favor; I’ve run out of cash. I can’t go to mom or dad, they’ll freak. I just need some to keep me going until I get my job back.”

“You got fired? Since when? Oh never mind, Becky I don’t have much on me, just call dad. I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit right now.” I turned to walk away, but she grabbed my arm.

“Please Lil, this is the last time, I promise. I just need some to keep me going, till I get back on my feet. C’mon sis, I don’t ask much of you!”

I scoffed at that, but took out my purse. I wanted to slap her and if giving her cash would get rid of her, I’d do it. I handed her a fifty and she looked at me like I was stupid. I put twenty dollars on top and turned around and went back inside.

I sat down next to Sam and he gave me a knowing look. Jack looked livid, but I tried my best to ignore him. No one brought it up, so we just carried on eating and chatting about our upcoming games.

That’s part of what I loved about having boy friends. It was so simple.


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Update: Next couple of days probably(:

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