Taking One for the Team

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I groaned loudly at the sound of my name and rolled over. I knew exactly what she wanted, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. It was way too early!!

She shoved me gently, pushing me back to face her. I opened my eyes slowly to find Becky’s face looking down at me, I made another groaning sound . “What do want? What time is it?” I said sleepily.

“Shhh, you’ll wake mom and dad! Move over, I can’t go back to my room they’ll hear me.” She whispered. I shuffled up, making just enough room for her to slide in. I could smell the alcohol on her, and I think she’d also been smoking.

“You’ve got to stop this Becky, mom and dad would be so mad if they find out you’ve been sneaking out!”

“You know they don’t and wouldn’t give a shit Lil, now go to sleep” She kissed my cheek, “I’ll see you in the morning” She turned over and that was it, end of. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off again.


 ‘Beep, beep, beep’

I moaned and rolled over to silence my alarm. Once I’d managed to drag my ass out of bed, I noticed my sister wasn’t there anymore. I sighed and let it go, she’ll be fine.

After breakfast I went to brush my teeth and found Becky lying on the bathroom floor, surrounded by her own sick, which I had to clean up. As usual.  She was half asleep so I cleaned her up and dragged her into her room and put her on her bed. She stirred a bit, but I didn’t have time to sort her out properly, so I just covered her over with her duvet and left.

I got to school ten minutes late as usual.  “Sorry Mr. Daniels” I gushed, rushing over to my seat at the back next to Jack. He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

 “Late again Miss Adams, that’s the third time this week, may I ask why?” Mr Daniels questioned.

“I know sir, I’m sorry, I missed my bus.” I lied.

“Don’t let it happen again!” he replied slightly more annoyed. I nodded and looked down, feeling my face flush red. All the guys sniggered at me, especially Jack, so I jabbed him in the ribs. That shut him up.

Jack was my best mate, had been since Kindergarten. We made friends with the other guys when we joined the soccer team in High School. They'd all laughed at me being a girl trying for the soccer team until they saw me in goal.

On the way to first period, which I had with one of the boys, Sam, Jack came up behind me and jabbed me in the ribs, making me squirm.

“Payback” He said smugly while I glared at him. “So Rocky, may I ask why you were late?” He said mocking Mr Daniels’ strong Australian accent. I laughed lightly and shoved him, and then I sighed, knowing he wouldn’t like the answer.

“Becky.” I replied simply. He stopped to look at me for a moment, and then we carried on walking in silence for a moment. I knew what was coming.

“Lily you cant-“ I cut him off mid-rant, knowing how the rest goes.

“-keep on letting her walk all over me and ruin my last year at school, blah blah blah. I know Jack, but I’ve told you before its fine! She’s fine, I’m fine, just forget it.”

“Maybe I will. I don’t even know why I bother sometimes!” He replied angrily and stormed off to his first period. I sighed but carried on to my first period where Sam would cheer me up, he always did. Jack would get over it, he just got way too protective sometimes.

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