Part 4

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I made my way to fourth period math, slowly. I’d had a generally crap day. I’d only had one lesson with one of the boys, and that was English with Will. Sure, there were a few people I could talk to in lessons, but none of them were amazing friends.

There were a couple of girls I’d made friends because they were in multiple classes with me. But otherwise they only people I really spoke to were boys from the soccer team, or the football team.

It was especially hard with soccer being the bottom spot of the school. Football and basketball were the leading sports. Their games always had double the supporters.

I guess that’s another thing about being the only girl on the team. Maybe it would be easier if I was the only girl on a football team, since that is never called a ‘dying’ sport!

It has never really bothered any of us on the soccer team though, we play soccer for us. Plus we all support the other school sports.

I sat down in class in the empty two seats at the back. I watched people walk in, and sit down with each other, chatting and laughing. Then a short girl I’d never seen before came in on her own. She had red hair, just like Becky’s. She looked around and I put my head down. Praying she wouldn’t come and sit next to me.

Just my luck, she spotted the empty seat and made her way over to sit with me.

“Hi, I’m Katy. I just moved here from California. I’m new and so I don’t really know anyone, do you mind if I sit here?” She chirped.

“No, take a seat.” I forced a fake smile.

I didn’t need to ask her any questions all lesson, she chatted away to me the whole time. I found myself not minding too much though. Her life was pretty interesting.

Turns out she was born in Texas, but had been moving around from place to place her whole life. She’d lived in multiple places I only dream to visit, and had never stayed anywhere longer than 6 months. She was an only child and her dad was a musician, the reason she moved so much. He was always on the road, so her and her mom followed him everywhere.

At the end of the lesson I was kind of sad to see her go, I guess I liked her company more than I thought.

“Well it was really great chatting to you! I’m sorry I disrupted you so much from the lesson. Once I get started I just don’t stop talking”

“That’s fine; it was nice to talk to someone. You play any sports?”

“No, but I was in the cheer team at my last school.”

And that just ruined it, those two words and I automatically didn’t want to talk to her anymore.

“But it got so boring, all those girls are so bitchy and the outfits made me really uncomfortable. So I don’t think I’ll be doing that again! She laughed. After she said that, I made a mental note that I wanted to talk to this girl again.

“Oh okay, cool, well we should hang out some time.”

“Yeah, I’d like that. I’ve got to go. It takes me a life time to find my classes. This school is huge compared to the one I went to in California.”

“Well where are you heading? You want me to help?”

“No that’s alright I’m sure you’ve got somewhere to go.”

“No, no it’s fine!! I have a free period next. Where do you need to go?” I looked down at her timetable and she had chemistry, in the same lab I did.

I walked her there, and we kept chatting. I told her a bit more about the school, and she didn’t even flinch when I mentioned I was on the soccer team. She told me her dad was quite a fan of soccer, particularly FC Dallas.

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