Part 12

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“So then Amber calls me and is all, ‘oh I miss you babes’ and I was just like what?! I don’t even know Amber that well, and now just cos’ I’ve left college and got myself knocked up, I’m the big gossip and she wants to talk to me! Apparently everyone ‘misses’ me. What bullshit you know?! No one cared when I was there so why would they now!” Becky rambled on; I just sat there smiling and nodding.

I didn’t really know what or who she was talking about, I was just happy to see her back to herself again.

I made an approving ‘hmm’ sound so she thought I was still paying attention, and sipped on my coffee. Being in a forest all weekend makes you realize how much you miss fresh coffee!!

“Look at me nattering on about myself!! How was your weekend at the lake? I hope you didn’t trash it, that place has some serious memories.” Becky stated.

“Course we didn’t trash it! It was great, a bit too cold to swim but I had a laugh. I think we all did.” I answered thoughtfully.

“Well that’s good. But now you need to get back to work. You have finals soon, and you need to win this next soccer match to get through to the semis. You gotta win this season Lil! Especially if you want to do soccer later in life.”

“Gee thanks mum.” I replied sarcastically. “Plus, I don’t know what I want to do yet so don’t make me talk about the future, it’s stressful.”

“You’re hopeless.” Becky sighed dramatically. “Isn’t your aunt Lily hopeless?! Yes she is.” She cooed down to her stomach bump.

“I don’t think she can hear you Becks.” I laughed, she rolled her eyes.

“Babies like the sound of their parents voice when they are in the stomach actually!” she stated firmly.

“If you say so.”

“Yes I do. Now bump and I need the toilet. Be right back.” She replied getting up to go to the loo.

She was about 6 months along now, and really had a bump. It seemed to suit her though. Although she was beautiful so I reckon green hair would suit her!!

As I was waiting for Becky to come back, still sipping my coffee, my phone beeped.

I leant over the table to my bag and grabbed it. The text was from Jack.

‘I hate school. And exams. And school. And working. Oh, and school! Save me please! Wanna meet up? X’

I let out a small laugh. I wasn’t sure if I should meet him though. I had only seen him a couple of hours ago, plus I had work to do as well.

‘Haha, come here. Bring work, we’ll help each other J x’ I replied, smiling to myself.

I put my phone down, but it beeped again straight away. This time it was Sam, I sighed.

‘Bored out of my mind. Can I come over?’

I thought it might be really awkward with the both of them since they clearly had some sort of problem with each other that I clearly didn’t understand (boys!) but I couldn’t exactly say no.

‘Course, I got a lot of work to do though, you might get even more bored. X’ I replied.

Two seconds later I had a reply. ‘Never bored if you’re there. X’ I smiled, he was such a charmer.

Becky came back into the kitchen and sat down slowly.

“So where were we?!”

“Something about you being crazy talking to your unborn baby?”

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