Part 14

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I met Jack by his car about 20 minutes later. He was already there; boys took much less time to get changed! It was frustrating.

He grinned at me as I walked over and tapped his watch overdramatically. I chuckled and slapped his arm.

“Hey jerk. You ready to make this the ‘best birthday ever’, just like every other year?!” I asked sarcastically.

“Hey!! You have a good time every year, don’t deny it!”

“Course I do. How could I not with you asking me if I’m having fun every five minutes!” We were now in the car and Jack was driving us back to my place.

“That was only one time! Plus it was only because I knew you didn’t like heights but.... Well I’d forgotten that when I arranged it…”

I chuckled but left it at that. We drove in a comfortable silence back to mine. We were going to drop off our bags and get changed then Jack was taking me out somewhere. He refused to tell me where!

“Beckyyyyy!!!” I called as we walked into the door, “We’re home.”

“Good for you.” She yelled back from somewhere upstairs. Hormones. Jack chuckled slightly, clearly not used to hormonal pregnant ladies in his house.

“Hey sexy thing come and say hi to your favorite soccer player!” Jack called up to her, grinning.

“Don’t test me dumbass.” She yelled back.

“She’s just like you, it’s creepy.”

A lot of people said Becky and I were really alike but personally I could never see it! I grabbed Jack’s hand and led him upstairs to put my stuff down in my room.

He made himself comfortable and stared at me while I put my books and soccer kit away. I went in the closet to change and when I came out Jack’s eyes widened a little.

I suddenly felt really self-conscious and looked down at what I was wearing. The t-shirt was a little low but it wasn’t like I had any boobs to show off! And otherwise I was just wearing shorts. Was I overdressed or something?


“Nothing. You look nice.” He said, seeming to come back to reality. Weird boy.

“Sure.” I mumbled back. “So are you going to tell me where we are going yet?”

“Nope! You will just have to wait.” He replied smirking. I sighed dramatically. “Hey! Be lucky I’m taking you out! I couldn’t have forgotten like you Godly Boyfriend!”

“That was a low blow Jack! You know Sam didn’t forget, he just didn’t know.” I stated confidently.

“Sure, whatever you say. Right then, you ready to leave?”

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