Part 10

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By the time we got to the edge of the forest where we parked, I was ready to kill myself. Zac and Lucas were bickering the whole journey about who had a nicer ass out of two girls from the cheerleading team. Plus I couldn’t distract myself and talk to Chase and Katy because Chase kept whispering things to Katy, making her giggle and it made me feel way out of place.

It was going great so far.

I think I would have rather had the awkward journey with Jack!

When we got out the cars, the guys started to unload out stuff, while I went to chat with the two girls; Katy and Emily.

“I’ve never been camping.” Emily said uncertainly.

“Don’t worry about it, neither have I!”

“You guys will love it, it’s really fun. But just a warning, the water; freezing.” The girls laughed and I looked at them seriously. They stopped smiling when they realized just how serious I was.

“Oi Lil! Lazy ass, come and help us unload the tents.” Sam called from the car with most of the tents in.

“You’re the guy, you’re supposed to do all the hard work! I’m just a weak little woman.” I said innocently.

He rolled his eyes at me and I laughed, walking over to him anyway.

We unloaded all the stuff from the car and walked it to the spot we usually set up at. It’s just next to the lake on the decking bit, so slightly raised from the ground. It was about a ten minute walk and we had quite a lot of stuff so everyone had to carry something.

“This is heavy!!” Katy complained.

“Don’t be such a wuss. And I won’t have whiny girls on this trip. Nu-uh. So you suck it up or go back to the car.” Will stated. I think he might have been a bit gutted there was so many girls as well.

“Chill out, I’m just saying, I’m weak and this BBQ is heavy!”

“Katy, you’re not even carrying the whole BBQ.” Katy sighed and shut up about it, admitting defeat.

Once we’d put everything down on the decking we all just sort of stopped and looked at each other. All the guys were grinning cheekily and I knew exactly when they were thinking.

“Last one in does all the cooking tonight!!!” Chase yelled.

We all ran to the edge of the decking and jumped right off into the lake.

I could hear screams as I fell down into the water. As soon as I hit the water shock ran through me at how cold it was.

I knew it wouldn’t take long to get used to the cold, but until then I was screwed!

I swam up to the top of the water and took a big gasp of air, my long hair falling flat down my back. I saw heads all pop up beside me, everyone laughing, including me even though the cold was hitting every part of my body!

“What the hell was that?!”

“Now all your clothes are wet!”

“Why didn’t you tell us you were going to do that?!” Katy and Emily gushed from the top of the decking but laughing none the less. They obviously hadn’t got the whole ‘last one in’ thing and didn’t jump in.

“Looks like we have the two lovely ladies making us dinner tonight!” I heard a voice say from behind me, it was Jack. He was laughing too, and it was the first time I’d heard him speak since they all arrived at my house early this morning.

I looked at him, but he completely avoided my gaze.  I ignored that, not wanting to kill my mood and looked around for Sam. I couldn’t see him, but then I felt a tug on my ankle.

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