Chapter 45

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Kayden's p.o.v. 

He's alive like really alive, he's not dead, I don't have to feel guilty anymore. 

He is covered with the sheet we put on top of him, it's dark who's there he squints to see us. I need to take a shower, he says. We are still in awe like he is seriously alive, wait will he remember what happened? Oh fuck what if he does, we are screwed. He reaches out for someone not really sure because we all rushed to him before he collapsed, please don't let him hurt me again, then he closes his eyes. Everyone starts whispering, what is he talking about? who hurt him? 

I say, maybe it's the person who killed him in the first place, yes you are right Kayden the person should rot in hell, who knows what side effects there are. I guess we will have to find out when he wakes up. Everyone either nods or responds uh huh. 

A couple of hours later 

Oliver's p.o.v. 

I yawn, man my whole body is so sore, what happened? Oh yeah I was abused, killed and I was on my way to heaven but then I somehow got pulled back down to earth. I was ready to get into heaven, I wanted all my pain to just go away, all the feelings, all the responsibilities, everything I don't know why I was brought back or how. 

I remove the sheets and covers off my body, I feel clean thank God, but who washed me hope to dear God it wasn't either one of them. I'm in my room weird, I relieve myself, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I carefully get dressed every move hurts, it doesn't show that I have bruises or broken ribs or whatever, but I can feel it, all the pain from the beating I got. 

Would they still be here? Will Jason be out there? Only one way to find out, I open the door slowly and check my condo, no one is here, weird. I'm too sore to make anything I'll just call door dash, they can bring me food. When I finish my call, I hear a knock, could it be Jason because I really want him right now. Nope I open the door and he's standing there acting all  innocent, Kayden my attacker, my killer. Ahhhh I scream like a little girl, I push all my weight to close the door shut. Fuck me and my small size, he pushes through and places the groceries on the floor, please don't freak out. FREAKOUT, I screech out, I'm shaking too much, and all I can think about is how I want Jason here to protect me. 

I'm hyperventilating now I'm feeling light headed but my stupid body is too scared to pass out. He starts to reach out to touch me, maybe hit me again. 

Then something happens, he is blasted against the door and he is knocked out, what the fuck was that? Did I do that? I just put my hands up to block his hit, how did he get blasted? And why are my hands so hot? 

I'm so confused but I'm leaving, why would my family thinks it's okay to leave me alone with my killer. What if they didn't know? How could they not? his blood must have been all over me and vice versa.

 I'm leaving, I can't drive so I call Jason, " Please come to my house" I don't even hear a response it's only rustling then the dial tone. What the fuck just happened? Whatever I can walk to ummm I don't even know where, maybe a gas station. 

10 minutes after walking I see one and I realize how hungry I actually am, I stole money from his wallet so I bought chips and beef jerky, don't judge, I'm craving those things.

 Here you go I say to the cashier, I don't know why she is looking at me like that. Then again I rolled out of the bed, took a shower then walked a mile to get here. I go into the bathroom, I look fine my hair looks a little crazy but it's okay. I smooth my hair out, and unlock the door and lo and behold a very pissed off Kayden. 

I go to scream but he covers my mouth and pushes us in the bathroom, please leave me alone, we have kids, they can't grow up without their birth father. His face softens and he backs away a step, but then he holds my shoulders, I'm not going to hurt you, yeah that's like last time you said you wouldn't but then I died. So no I don't trust that you won't hurt me. 

Oliver just listen, not like I have a choice with him squeezing my shoulders. Oliver I'm not going to hurt you, I promise I went too far the last time, I swear I won't ever intentionally hurt you. He let's go of me, I don't know what to say to him, hey it's all good you killed me but it's cool. Hell no, I don't know if we will ever have a civil relationship. Don't come to my house, and I leave out of the bathroom, thank God he didn't follow me. I get outside not looking forward to walking back but maybe it won't feel so long since I know where I'm going. 

Hey, do you want a ride? Ummm no Ka…. No I'm fine, I'll just walk, Oliver don't be so extra just come in the car. Okay fine, I sit in the car crossing my arms, I know I'm acting like a child but I feel so uncomfortable, and it's not like I can say anything to anyone. When we get to my house I see Jason standing against his convertible,and he is on his phone what the hell.

Thanks for the ride, Jason will be here so I'll be safe, safe from you I whisper under my breath, but I'm pretty sure he heard it. I basically run out of Kayden's car and I run up to him, he has his arms out for me to I guess jump in but I'm still sore, that will take a lot of energy, I snuggle into his chest, Jason I'm so glad you are here. Let's go inside please, okay let me take the key out. We walk up to the door and he opens it for me. I lock the door behind us, I go into the living room and since he is already sitting down I sit on his lap. What the hell happened? 

Well Jason tell me what you remember. The last time I saw you was when you were getting rolled to the OR. They told us you were dead, and the rest of the family just clipped me out of everything, I didn't even get invited to your funeral, but it didn't matter because Zoë, her mom, and aunt brought you back to life. 

Wow, if they cut you out, how did you know about this? I followed them to the area they laid down your body. Will you tell me what happened because I was told there was a break in and you were hurt but that couldn't be true since I saw the photos Rafael showed me. I'm sorry for their behavior, no Ollie they are the ones who should be apologizing. 

I'm so tired of this back-and-forth thing with my exes. Babe it's going to be fine, how do you know? Because you are here with me and I will forever protect you. 

Thank you, I-I l-love Y-you, I love you too honey, but I can tell you are tired so we can go to bed. He picks me up and undresses me until I just have my boxers on, I look over and he is completely naked my lord, he looks amazing. Oliver don't get any ideas we are not having sex, and aren't you sore, yeah but I would do anything with you. Okay we can make-out but that's it, that's good too, we start making out, and it feels good to have another human interaction. I reach down to grab his dick, he moaned into my mouth but he grabs my hand, don't you dare, but I want your dick filling me up. Tempting but not until after you get better, fine I pour. 

I fall asleep with him brushing my hair out of my forehead, I didn't want to be in a relationship, but he is already my person (Grey's Anatomy reference).

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