Chapter 41

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Oliver’s p.o.v.  

I cry for I don’t know how long, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. 

Kayden shouldn’t have tried to go in my bedroom I know Jason was staying there. When I stood my ground he scratched me and I fell, scratch isn’t the right word he clawed into my face. Rafael comes from the living room yelling what happened? What happened? Then he stops asking questions when he sees me holding my face. 

Oliver let me see, I move my hand away and he says fuck, hey go into the kitchen and get some ice to put on that, it should heal within the day. I nod and go to the kitchen I put ice in a bag then wrap it with a paper towel. When my face is feeling numb, I see them both come in and their eyes are pitch black. 

Oh fuck, s-stay b-back, okay fine I admit it I had a one night stand. It doesn’t matter, we aren’t dating or are in any kind of relationship. 

Then Kayden hit me again, knocking the ice out of my hands, I recover from his hit. My eyes widen when I see the kids, kids go back to your room, Dada you aren’t okay. Arabella please, then she steps back I guess she sees their eyes. 

They turn back to me with their regular eyes but it won’t matter, I am shaking with fear, then I heard Jason say, “Stay away from him, how dare you touch him”.Then he does something to make them go away I don’t care, as long as they are gone. 

I sink down on the wall, I ball my eyes out, I didn’t know they would go this far I knew they would be mad but not like this. I forgot about the stupid hickeys of course they knew. 

I just wanted a little fun just for me, why did it turn into this? 

Oliver, baby it is okay, its okay he picks me up so I’m straddling his lap. I lie on his chest Jason when?.... why?... I didn’t mean to make them mad, I just wanted a night where it was just me. I can’t beli…. Shhh shhh I got you, I got you. He rubs my back and tells me he will be here for me always, Jason thank you. You are welcome Oliver. I love you Jason and I love you too Oliver. 

I have to get up and make the kids dinner what time is it almost 5, yes dinner time, I need to go talk to them and I can make you a plate.

You want me to come back, I give him a frown of course. I thought you didn’t want a relationship, I don’t but that doesn’t mean I can’t have any friends. Friends with benefits kind of deal, well when you put it that way it sounds like I’m using you for sex. Well of course not, you have a nice personality too, oh I do now, yes. How else did you think I dealt with you over those couple weeks, it was hard not to fall in l… to love you. 

Then I get up and I pull him up, I can’t believe I just said that, I am in love with him or is it just love. Before I leave let me bandage up your scar, okay, we talk about other stuff so I can keep my mind off how much my left side of my face hurts. He pats my butt, you look good as new. 

I blush, thank you, no problem, I will be back as soon as I can so by the time you finish cooking and finish your talk with the twins. I will wait so you don’t have to explain about us.

No I want them to meet you, I thought you wanted to wait. After today I know I want you in my life. 

Goodbye Jason, Goodbye Oliver, oh before I forget here is the passcode for the garage so you won’t leave your really expensive car out in the open. Be careful driving, how far do you live? probably about 30-35 minutes, why? Oh just wondering, I need your phone number, oh I kinda put it in your phone already JASON, what did you put in? I love you then he gives me a kiss that leaves me speechless so I can only wave goodbye. 

Now for food I can just make pasta, I look in the cupboard for the noodles, I would make it from scratch but I’m tired and I just don’t have the energy. I yell out hey kids can you come out please, I boil the water so it gets hot before I put the noodles in.

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