Chapter 37

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Oliver’s p.o.v. 

Dad I don’t want to stay here, oh okay let’s wait for our food then we can get it to go. We wait another 10 minutes and we get our food, Rocco are you sure you don’t want to eat here, no we can stay, okay. Thank you I tell the waitress, she nods then walks away. 

They ordered a chicken fillet for me with curly fries, and for Rocco fish sticks and curly fries, this looks amazing we dig in. I tell him about my best friend, and how I found out my best friend Eric from highschool. He seems to actually understand all of this, he is smart.

Dad I don’t like him, you never met him before, Bella saw him and she says he did bad things, like what? now I’m intrigued. You have to talk to her, okay I will, you want to go home? Yes I’m finished eating. I wait for the lady to come back for the check, she comes to clear are food, wait where is the check? Sir it is already paid for oh, you have a nice day, you too.

Rocco and I leave the restaurant Dad they paid for our meal didn’t they? Yes son they did. We drive home in silence, when we pull up to the house I ask Rocco something, why don’t you ever talk to me like this whenever we our all together? I park and take him out of his seat.

Dad, Bella talks a lot, I laugh she does, but you can also put your thoughts out there. Are you sure? She might get mad at me, well if she does you ask politely, can I talk. She probably will listen, okay I trust you, thank you dad. Go to your playroom I need to talk to your sister, okay then he runs across the hall into the room. 

I knock on her bedroom door, Arabella it’s Dada I’m coming in, I see her on her bed. Arabella can you come over and sit by me, okay she crawls over the bed, then she sits right next to me. Arabella look at me, she looks up, I’m sorry Dada I didn’t mean to make you mad, I was mad you wouldn’t let me sit in the front seat. Now I understand, Yumi explained it. You mean your Fathers didn’t explain. 

WHAT? I TOLD THEM THEY HAD TO TALK TO YOU. Da…. I’m sorry Arabella just they make me so mad. I will have a conversation with them when they come home, please don’t fight. Honey I won’t fight them I will just have a conversation with them. You can go in the playroom with your brother, she gets off the bed, Bella you forgetting something. No I didn’t forget, I love you, mwah she gives a little kiss on my cheek. Then she runs away, I will join them in a few, I need to have a talk with Yumi. 

I go downstairs and look around the house where is this lady? Yumi, Yumi, Yu… hello dear AHHH you scared the living daylights out of me. Oh sorry, didn’t mean to, what’s wrong? why did you call me? 

I was just wondering…. here let’s go into Rafael’s office. I sit in his chair and she sits across from me, what’s wrong? Okay I’m not mad at you but what exactly did Rafael and Kayden say to you? They just told me I need to talk to Bella because she said ‘fuck’ to you. Well fuck, I told them to discipline our daughter not put it to someone else. What the hell is wrong with them?

Yumi, why do I still love them? Rafael and Kayden, they are so infuriating. Sir you were with them for a long time, those feelings won’t just go away. I lay my arms on his desk and put my head on the desk, I swear I’m glutton for punishment. 

This isn’t going to work between us, I moved out and the hate for me is clear, for something I did a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the children I would be in another country, maybe Italy. No I can’t keep running I don’t want to be that person. I really hate my life. 

I heard the front door open, I snap my head up, oh shit I looked at the time 11:12pm I freakin fell asleep. I try to get out of his chair but I tripped over my own feet. This is not the time, but of course then I hear footsteps Oh no, I slide under the desk. Of course they would come here instead of their own freaking bedroom. 

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