Chapter 34

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Kayden's p.o.v.  

Do you think he heard us? Yes honey he probably did, Rafe responds. I sit down and put my head in my hands, how did it get to this? I am sad but angry, sad because he won't be ours anymore and also angry about what Zoë told us. 

I know honey, Rafe rubs my back. Do you think it was a bad idea to take the kids out to breakfast without telling him, Oliver probably knew what happened, don't worry okay…

Oliver's p.o.v.

I sprinted up the stairs, I have to take that note off their bed, I open the bedroom door, I still see the note placed on the bed. I crumbled it in my hands, I'm so fucking stupid, to think it's all my fault, maybe I should've stayed with Jason, no no no that won't work, I'm not leaving my children again. 

I hear sounds coming they are coming up to their room, the room I'm in, I rushed out of the room, Oh shit where is the note I just dropped it, I don't see it it's probably under the bed, I sprinted until I get to my room, whew. 

I go into my closet, I wish Zoë was here she would know what I should wear for my interview, oh well I pick out an outfit, a red button down shirt with black pants, hope this is fine. 

I told the kids I would play with them, it's a little late, so probably not, I look at the clock, 7 damn where did the time go? I go check on them and they are still playing around, kids it's bedtime, aww man. Come on kids, I get to tuck you guys it's been too long since I have done that, right? Okay we will. 

I help, well not really they do their nightly routine by themselves now, hell when did that happen. I tuck Rocco in, in his room, I love you, love you too Dad, then I kiss the top of his head. I go to Arabella's room and do the same thing, this time I say sweet dreams, she smiles and drifts off to sleep. 

I go to my own bed and do my nightly routine, night night to me. 

3 months later

I got the job for accounting at that law firm, and I love it, the lady who hired me loves me she says I'm a hard worker, and surprisingly me and her have gotten close, her name is Annaliese but she likes Anna better. 

She kind of reminds me of Z.… wait no, no memories of what my life could have been, 2 weeks ago I told Rafael and Kayden that I'm buying my own car so I don't have to use theirs they were surprised but went with it. 

Today I'm going to tell them I'm moving out. This is the last thing tying me to them besides the children, I can't live here knowing I don't have a chance with my own mates, it hurts every day when I see them. 

I try to avoid them at all costs but it's hard when the kids want us to all be together.

I already found a place 2 bedroom condo 5 minutes away from work so I don't have to drive but walk to work. It's Saturday, I don't have to worry about work. I pack my 4 suitcases, I know not a lot but I already bought furniture and bought things for the condo, last night I told the kids I was leaving, they cried but I told them I'm only leaving because it's closer to work. They believed it, thank God for their innocence, they have noticed the lack of love shared between their fathers and I. 

Is it because of Papa and Papi, Arabella asks maybe not, she is smart. Ummm no children your father's and I are just fine, but we aren't getting along right now so it's better if I leave. They start crying and I sit down so they can run up to my arms, I start crying also, you guys I'm just moving 10 minutes away and I will see you everyday, I promise, we will talk and call everyday. They sniffle, okay Dada/Dad, I'm going to miss you guys. 

Flash forward

I have my bags by my bedroom door, okay deep breath, I knock on their bedroom door they say, come in. I open the door slowly, I see them sitting on the bed, Kayden reading a book and Rafael on his phone, they put both of them down when they see me. Ummm hi uhhh I wanted to talk to you guys, ummm I'm leaving. Leaving where? The store? Because Yumi already does that. No no no nothing like that I guess for better words I-i'm m-moving o-out. You are what? You can't leave 

Why not? I don't want to have to depend on you guys anymore. Oliver that is not a problem, I'm getting so frustrated at them, Rafael and Kayden I'm moving out, and it doesn't matter where I live, I'm NOT leaving my children and I'm only 10 minutes away I'm not moving to another country. 

Why do you guys even care? we aren't in a relationship, you can't leave without telling the kids, I already talked to them last night we had our goodbyes, so I'm just telling you guys, not asking. Here is my address, I walk up to Kayden and give it to him, goodbye.

 I leave out of their room, rush to mines to grab my bags and I leave out of the house without a second thought, I get into my car that is when I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. 

I rest my head on the steering wheel, and I shed a few tears, what's wrong with me? I knew this day was coming but it hurts, I'm actually leaving them, there is no turning back. I look at the house and they are both on the porch staring at me with what? Is that sadness? grief? I don't want to think about it anymore I step on the gas I wipe my tears away as I'm driving, I have cried over them enough I don't need to use up anymore.

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