Chapter 13

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Oliver’s p.o.v. 

I wake up in Kade’s shirt hmmmm yes, this is perfect. I look around and they aren’t there. Awwww dang, oh well I have to take a shower but when I get out of bed I end up falling, damn their huge cocks. I can’t move, so I just lay there waiting for one of them to come back. I wait 10 minutes damn it, there aren’t coming, okay fine I will do it myself. 

I use the end table then the wall to help me into the bathroom, during that 10 minutes I smell just like sugar cookies, I guess they already bathed me in my favorite body wash, and they did my hair. I go into the bedroom to relieve myself, brushed my teeth, washed my face then I left the bathroom. 

I walk into the bedroom and go into my side of the closet and grab a shirt and sweatpants. I make my way downstairs where is everybody? I go into the living room and nothing. I go downstairs maybe they are down there, and what do I see Zoë and Rafe are both getting ready to what? Fight, what are they thinking? Zoë, she turns around and answers yes. What are you doing? I’m going to fuck up your boyfriend here, what? Why? Because he is a big annoying jerk, who needs to mind his own business. What did he do? Nothing you have to worry about. 

Okay are you sure about this fight, she nods. I look at everyone around me(the family except Jane) so I guess that is why Zoë did this while she wasn’t here. Okay then, let's make this a fair fight, I'm fair, I give her the side eye, okay fine. Let me have your knives, all of them, her voice screeches what? Kade asks how many? we will get to that number in a minute I respond.

Zoë, waist down but… Now! she takes out 5, now arms she takes out 3, now the clip from your hair, but Oli, No! Come on hand it over, ugh she hands me a small but deadly weapon. Zoë is that all?, I ask, yeah you took fucking everything, you are no fun. Well I don't want you killing one of my mates, I love them too much for that. Zoë says, you love them, well yeah but I don't want them to know yet. Why? I don't know, I should tell them, they both are perfect for me and I really do love them, and can't wait until I have their children. 

"Really Oliver you love Kade and I", I freeze I forgot to turn the mind link off. They heard you didn't they Zoë asks, I nod yeah they told me we would talk about it after this and they love me too. 

Well on that note I'm going to kick one of your mate's asses. Okay don't hurt him too much she looks at me wide eyed I'm kidding go get 'em Zo. She smiles and gets in her stance, I already know her 1st move but I don't want to spoil it for everyone else, this is going to be fun. 

Rafael's p.o.v.

Zoë has so many freaking knives, 8 to be exact. She was going to kill me, I thought she was exaggerating. It all started when I told Zoë, "You don't have to act all tough, you really aren't that scary." Oh really she says smoothly, okay let's fight, you are joking no I'm not, Jane's not here she can't stop me. She says, you realize I could kill you, yeah right you, come on. Okay just know I warned you.

I told her we can go to the basement it is where we usually do are spar matches okay she responds, then I see my dad come out of a room by the room we are heading into. He asks, "Are you going to teach Zoë to fight?" she laughs no I'm going to teach your son. He laughs this I gotta see, he calls the rest of the family and they all meet down in the spare room.

Okay are you ready she asks me, then we hear someone come in, it's Oliver. What are you guys doing? he looks at our position, Zoë you are not going to beat up Rafe yes I am. You promised you wouldn't kill him, I know but he is just s….. Zoë give me all of your weapons then. That isn't fair she says, I don't see any weapons how many does she have?, I think. Kade asks how many and Oliver responds, we will get to that in a minute. Then she pulls out all of the knives, damn she was going to actually kill me. Then I hear Oliver said he loves us, Kade and I. "We can talk about that later”, I reply and Kade and I say “We love you too”.

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