Chapter 23

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Rafael’s p.o.v. 

We had an amazing time with the kids but I can tell they are tired. We are about 20 minutes away from home and we are singing songs in the car when Kade and I feel it, oh fuck! What was that? we ask each other, that sharp pain in my heart, hurts like a bitch. 

We can ask Oliver when we get to the house, unless he is the cause. I speed to the house and we see smoke coming from a house, please do not let it be ours. 

I jump out of the car, OH MY GOD the house is on fire. I didn’t realize that Kade took the kids out of the car. Oliver he and I say, Bella screams Dada Dada and Rocco yells Dad , and she tries to run into the building, no lemme go Dada is in there I can feel it. 

The kids are crying, Kade is crying, I don’t cry, without a second thought, I take my sweater to cover my nose and mouth and run into the burning building to find my mate. 

There is smoke everywhere I have to bend down to see anything. I crawl into the kitchen no, I look in the living room no, I don’t think he would be upstairs so I make my way towards the back of the house and I see him lying there. He is bleeding on the back of his head, it is getting worse in here I pick him up bridal style and tuck his body into mine so he doesn’t get burned anymore than he already is. I run out of the house and I see the ambulance and fire trucks out. Anyone else in there sir, no it was only him. 

I lie him on the gurney and I watch as they pull him up into the ambulance, and they say we can meet them at the hospital, that is at least 15 minutes away. I rush in the car in the driver's seat Rafe no you can’t drive like this, Rafael NO, do not get behind that wheel. Now put the kids in the car so we can go. I buckle them in which is really hard since they are both fighting me, where is he going? Is he going to be okay? Kids stop I don’t know, I just don’t know that shuts them up and when I get into the passenger’s seat an Kade glares at me. 

I just buckled my seatbelt and look out of the window, is he going to be okay? Is he even alive? We just got him back, I start silently crying. We finally get to the hospital in 10 minutes Kade must have gone more than the speed limit to get here. 

Kade says he is going to find out where Oliver is and he tells me to take Rocco while he takes Arabella. What am I supposed to do? I guess I say that out loud because Rocco says call your parents. Yeah right I’m listening to a one-year-old. 

I call the house number and Zoë picks up, Hello she answers Zoëlle get everyone to the phone NOW, Rafael what’s wrong? I heard her scream for everyone to get downstairs now I pull away the phone away from my ear. After a second I hear her say speak! “Family it all happened so fast I couldn’t….” Slow down my mom says tell us what happened.

 I take a deep breath and Rocco takes the phone and speaks for me since I clearly can’t talk, Papa and Papi took us to the fair because they said Dad needed a break, when we came home it had smoke and fire coming out of it, I hear them all gasp and say No! Papa ran into the house and brought Dad out, we are at the hospital and Papa wants to talk to you now. 

Family it’s what he said I ran in there it was so much smoke and when I found him he had blood on the back of his head and he already had burns. I hear all the girls crying, I start getting choked up and Rocco starts crying into my shoulder. 

Wait! Kayden is coming back, Kayden I have the family on the phone tell them what you know, are you sure? Yes Kayden just tell them Okay he has burns on his lower back, and his left arm they are just 1st degree burns since we got him out so fast, he has a shard of glass in his head that they are trying to take out right now and he has smoke inhalation but I don’t know what they are going to do about this, but they will let us know. He gives me back the phone and takes a sleeping Rocco away from me. 

Zoë can you give the phone to my mum, Zoë isn’t here she called her family. Son you are off speaker phone, how are you feeling. Mum I feel worse than when I found out he left, but this time he might actually die like he won’t come back, Mum. Kade and I felt a sharp pain in our hearts and then we saw the house. 

I felt that same pain in my heart when you father had his heart attack. I was terrified out of mind, but I had to put my brave face on for you guys you were still so young, mom we were in college. No matter it still scared me but your father survived and Oliver will too. What is that screaming in the background, it’s Zoë talking to her brothers, that will not go well, I say. No it will not but I sent your sister to go and calm her down. 

Mum I have to go back to the house to get the kids clothes, but they are in the house, no Oliver packed all of the stuff up and put it in his car we were going to leave to come to you guys. Okay well I will let you go and update us she says will be coming to you guys. No we will bring him to the hospital, by where we are, Okay honey be safe love you, bye mom love you too, we hang up.

I walk back to Kayden and the kids, they look so cute I should take a picture but I won’t. Both of the kids are leaning on him and his head is laying on the back of the chair, he has his hands around them like a momma wolf. 

I use the mate link, “Kayden, I’m going to get clothes for all of us from Olivers car back at the house but I will be okay, I love you" hmmm is his response, I smirk. 

I ride back to the house and if we got that ice cream the kids wanted, Oliver would have been dead. The ruins at the house no I can’t even say house it is just a bunch of rumble and a couple studs still standing. 

I get out and the firefighter guy asked me if I lived here and I said yes, well Sir it looks like someone intentionally did this, WHAT??? Why would someone do this to him, well did he have any enemies, no. Well do you have enemies, then I take a deep breath and rush to get the clothes from his car and drove out of their so fast I didn't even hear what the guy said. 

I'll get someone else to get the car I can't go back there without flipping my shit. I get back to the hospital and I don't see my family where the hell did they go? A nurse apparently sees me dilemma and tells me the man with the pretty eyes and two young children went upstairs to room 324, okay thank you ma'am.

I slowly open the door and see Kayden lying his head on the bed Oliver is on, and the kids on top of the bed they are so small they don't take that much room. I almost cried when I saw Oliver his head was bandaged from where I guess they took the shard of glass and he has bandages on where Kayden said they would be, and he has a tube in his mouth that helps him breathe. I wipe a few tears from my eyes and put the bag of our clothes under the chair I'm sitting in and I fall asleep thinking about which one of my enemies could have done this. 

Who do you think actually did this?

Is Oliver going to wake up?

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