Chapter 31

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Jason's p.o.v.

I am really going to miss him I see his body go limp. I already have the plans, drive to the airport and fly from the Netherlands to London, I will drop him off at the front door and I know cliche but I will knock on the door and run away. Melodie tells me he won't remember anything and he will be knocked out so I don't have to blind fold or inject him to knock him out. 

I go through the whole process of dropping him off and I'm in front of his door the cameras and motion sensors are off, I'm really going to miss him, I give him a kiss on his forehead I place him on the couch on the porch. I ring the doorbell then run away it is around 1 am and I see the lights go on, I see his mates Rafael and Kayden they look around and don't see him at first understandable it's dark out.

 Before they go back in, a little girl runs out and yells Dada and jumps on the couch, Arabella get off Rafael shouts, Kayden says calm down he's back and he isn't dead, so stop being grumpy. Now I leave and go back to my car he is no longer mine he is theirs, goodbye Oliver. 

Kayden's p.o.v. 

It's been a month since he has been gone, the whole family was crushed especially Rafael and Zoë of course I'm pissed and angry and sad, I won't admit it but I hate Rafael for not being strong enough to fight those wolves off, he was taken and we had no idea where he was then a week later we were sent a video of him dead. 

How could people so evil, his parents came to London and we had a funeral with an empty coffin. Zoë's parents also came and they were just as devastated, we all grieved and Zoë was taken to the middle of nowhere he caused a storm which lasted 2 days her mother and Janette were there to calm her down so it wasn't so long. 

The kids were just as sad I don't know if they really know what happened because after after two weeks she stopped having nightmares, but every night we still woke up at 1 waiting for her to come down she didn't and I gave up while Rafael did it every night. After a month I decided to stay with him and then we hear the doorbell ring who the hell is up this early. We open the door and we hear the kids running down I don't see anything but Arabella runs into the couch and there he is on our couch. 

What the hell who put him hear and why now? We will ask him when he wakes up. He is all healed up guess the doctors were right. I bring him back in while Rafael and the kids are right behind me. When is he going to wake up? I don't know Arabella I don't know, I knew he wasn't gone forever, he can back in a plane it was a good dream. 

Okay kids we have to get you back to bed, but Dada is downstairs, yes but he won't wake up until tomorrow, okay Papi now go to sleep they both run their eyes night. They both stayed in Rocco's room ever since we told them their Dada was not going to come back. 

They cried as we did and they would just talk to each other and blocked everyone out. Yesterday Bella told us he was coming back tomorrow but of course we didn't believe her, they showed us a video of him dead. But I'm so happy it's like a weight has been lifted off of me. Rafael can forgive himself and we can finally get back to normal, whatever that is. I get into the bed and Rafael joins me and also has Oliver in his arms, honey he is alive and well, I can't wait until he wakes up but what if he isn't the same we don't know what he has been through. I know but let's go to sleep then we can talk to him and tell everyone he is alive. 

We all have the best night sleep that we have had in the last month. 

In the morning we wake up and see Oliver is gone oh no not again, then we smell bacon and chocolate pancakes, Oliver's favorite. We go downstairs and then we see him in one of my T-shirts, God he is gorgeous. 

Hi Papa and Papi, he turns around and I could tell he was surprised to see us when we came into the kitchen. He loses his smile and rushes to give the children there food and he doesn't even cut it up I have to do it and Rafael followed him out to the living room. I can't leave the children alone I get a plate and eat pancakes and eat with the kids. 

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