Chapter 32

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Rafael’s p.o.v. 

Something went wrong, terribly wrong. I thought Zoë was showing too much feelings when he disappeared, but now she isn’t showing anything ever since that memory recap she has been there but not really there. 

Oliver is the opposite he is excited and happy it’s like he doesn’t know what just happened, he lost his best friend. Kade and I are in the kitchen making snacks because we are watching a movie with the kids. 

Oliver walks past us and says the strangest things, Jason and Ian can you guys make chocolate covered pretzels, you know how I like them. What Oliver? who do you think I am? he points to me you are the Alpha Jason and this is your brother Ian anymore stupid questions? he says adios and keeps it moving. What the actual fuck? are we missing something Kayden asks, I don’t know but I hate how weird he has been acting. 

The twins ran into the kitchen crying, Papa-Papi where is our Dada? Oliver comes into the kitchen your dad is right here Arabella, I pick her up and her face is red. Jason why is your daughter acting so weird? Frankie used to like me but now she is acting weird, and so is Jax here. Papa that’s not Dada, I definitely agree but I don’t know what to do. Call that lady, what lady? She almost looks like Aunt Zo Zo. Okay this whole house is talking nonsense. Call Melodie she says? Is that the lady? yes, yes it is, can we go to our room he is scaring me, she turns into my chest yes sweetheart, come on Rocco you too. 

What do you think is wrong with him? I’m asking a one-year-old about adult problems. He switched brains we all laugh, I drop them off at their playroom and they tell me to shoo, wonder where they learned that, Yumi. 

I hear a scream, oh no I rush downstairs, Kayden what’s wrong? That is what is wrong? he moves into me like he is scared, what the hell is wrong? then I look in the living room, dear lord. Oliver is on his knees, changing from his wolf to his human self, Leo what’s going on? I don’t know, it’s like he is getting rid of me, help it hurts. He howls then it’s a scream it’s actually scary. Then he stops. 

Oliver’s p.o.v. 

I stop changing, Melodie please help, wait why do I know that name? Who is that they asked, I guess I said that out loud. 

I don't know Jason and Ian I don't know, I will go check on Frankie and Jax. 

What the hell? I say Rafe and Kade what's wrong? Is it too soon to be saying your nicknames I get it. I dropped on the floor and clutch my head, oh God what is that oh my God I scream it hurts it hurts, I pass out, damn you Zoë. 

Kayden’s p.o.v. 

I want to know what is happening to my baby. Oliver is I don’t know, he isn’t who he was, after 2 more days he is on the guest room floor and we hear a scream and we look into the room and he is completely still and his eyes turn fully white, Oliver whats wrong? 

Then he whispers, in a voice that isn’t his own, Melodie help, and then in a flash this woman appears and she doesn’t look a day over 40, she looks at Rafe and I and looks at Oliver, oh dear. Who are you? I’m his healer you must be the ones he was running from. Well it’s a good thing Jason brought him back. Rafaels asks, “Who the fuck is this Jason guy? Oliver called me Jason and called Kayden, Ian who are these people.” I can’t explain that, and if I did I would start a war, I will not be the cause. 

Can you help our Oliver? Yes, but what exactly is happening? He has been calling us not by our names, and he is happy like happier than with us, he even calls our children Frankie and Jax. 

He should have called me earlier. Didn’t I tell your daughter to tell you to call my name? Yes, but we thought she was just talking nonsense. Men, that is why I am not married, and will never get married. This would never have happened if you killed that man, this is all your fault you know, she tells us. 

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