Chapter 15

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Oliver’s p.o.v.

I started a new job and I like it but I’m getting so tired and that means I’m working too hard and since I have a desk job I sit down a lot so I’m getting fat I’m so sad and I hate it, it makes me feel so ugly. Rafe and Kade try so hard to make me feel amazing whether it be little gifts at work or sex. 

My God the sex is amazing if it is just with one of them or both I don’t even get that sore anymore my asshole is so used to them fucking me.  

We came up with baby names so when I do become pregnant we will already have names for them. So we came up with 

Girls: Arabella (Which is Kade and I’s favorite), Melanie, Lynette, Anastasia, or Franchesca

Boys: Enrico, Ricardo, Rocco, Aiden, Zion.

I hope I get pregnant soon, I’m getting so fat I don’t think you would even notice if I was pregnant. 

3 months later

I feel like crap all the time, I go to the doctor’s with Zoë and we find out I’m pregnant I’m actually pregnant I’m so happy. The doctor said they hear two heartbeats twins my Lord. Does that mean I have 6 months to go, no, shifter pregnancies only last a total of 6 months so you have 3 more left. I look to Zoë OMG I’m pregnant, I can’t wait to tell Rafe and Kade, she smiles with me come on I will help you, you are carrying precious cargo she rubs my belly. I slap her hand away Zoë just let me walk myself I need to tell them, okay she responds.

 I have to go into your house for something, what do you need in my house? nothing you have to worry about. I drive to my house, I open the front door I turn around to say something to Zoë but she disappeared that girl is so sneaky, I brush it off. I go upstairs trying not to make a sound, I get ready to knock on the door of Rafe's office when I hear them talking. What? Did he just…. OMG I have to leave now. I go to our bedroom and pack all my clothes and it fits into 2 suitcases, I go downstairs and call out for Zoë, can we please leave, yeah why? what happened? Nothing can we just leave and go where? I can't tell you they might find out okay, find out what? Oliver what's going on? Zoë please let's just leave can you buy me a ticket to the South of France and I will tell them the right place. It is for the babies safety, I need to go now Oliver it's like 8pm do you think they will have a flight out there. They better or Zoëlla will transport me there, I'm not letting my babies be raised by those liars. 

Okay, she drives me to the airport since I'm stressing and making the choice to leave my mates. We arrive at the airport in 15 minutes and we do get a flight and everything just happens too fast. I get my ticket and then I get into the plane and I vaguely remember Zoë saying to text her after the flight and when I get to wherever I'm going. I fall asleep on the plane. 

What the hell? What happened to Oliver that made him want to leave them so quickly? Where is Oliver going to go?

I know short chapter but the next few chapters get a little much

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