Chapter 25

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Rafael’s p.o.v. 

I love our kids so much, and they are the most precious things in my world. I can’t wait until they meet our family, which should be here in a few minutes. 

Then I hear a knock come in, and the whole family comes in: My parents, Kade’s parents, Bridgette, Janette, Zoë and someone that looks like her, her brother. 

Bella walks up to the family in her little dress with Rocco right behind her. Hi everyone, she says they all bend down, Hi Arabella Auntie Zo Zo, she uses her hands to say up up. Zoë introduces everyone, this is Kayden's parents and sister, and they are Rafael's parents and sister, and this is my brother Dante, she whispers something in Zoë's ears and it makes her laugh. 

Okay, now you guys talk to your family while I'll talk with your dad's, okay they both say, and go into their grandparents' arms. 

She walks up to us with her brother, Kade and I both stand up and shake hands with him, Hi I'm… yes I know Zoë told me all about you two. I look at Kade what is he going to do? there are children in the ro... thank you both for loving Oliver he is like a little brother to me and you guys took care of him, he gives us a smile. That doesn't make him look that scary.

"Why did she say all good things about us? 1. We lied and hurt him 2. She hates me and 3. We are the reason he is in this situation." I say all this to Kade, I don't know Rafe? We can ask her about it later.

A little while later we are all sitting down we just had dinner and then the doctor comes in, Hello everyone, well Oliver is still going to be put on a ventilator to help his breathing. He also will be still in this state for about 3-4 weeks, we already know that but we didn't tell the family. Zoë starts crying and she cries into her brothers chest. 

Then we hear a knock on the door, two burly men come in it looks like they are twins, Zoë looks at them and frowns before she runs up to them Chris/Sam, you came. 

We tried to tell you we would but you didn't let us finish, I meant to apologize for that, she looks down. It's okay Zoë and besides we finished the tournament and we are all yours for the next 5 days. Seriously, we haven't had a sleepover in like forever, Zoë like last time we said it is not a sleepover it's a stayover, whatever she replies. 

My sister clears her throat. Oh yeah ummm she walks over to my Janette and gives her a side hug Dante, Chris, and Sam this is my girlfriend Janette, they gasped I told you Chris you owe me $50. You Guys Bet On Me Why? Dante holds his hands up I had nothing to do with that, she punches both of them in the chest DON'T BET ON ME!!!! Ow, Zoë that hurt, oh grow up she rolls her eyes. 

Fine fine, it's nice to meet you Janette, nice to meet you too, how can you deal with her on a daily basis? She punches them again, because she loves me and I love her, awwww, they coo

I'm glad you guys are here she says seriously, of course, so what's the update on Oliver’s condition? They said he might be like this for a month maybe more. 

Aw fuck! Language, what? why? Zoë you swear all the time, Samuel not when there are children in the room. What? where? then Bella and Rocco run up to them by there legs up up they both say her brothers pick them up. Bella says, "You guys look the same just like me and Rocky you guys are twins right?" They nod their heads and smile at them, Aunt Zoë talks about you you and you a lot. As she points to all of Zoë's brothers.

Okay okay that's enough as she picks up both of them from her brother’s arms I do not talk about them that much, she whispers. 

Our kids are something else, I take them from Zoë and they are really sleepy so they fall asleep in my arms. I tell Kayden I’m going to take them home. I tell everyone goodbye and kiss my mother and mother-in-law on the cheek.

 The drive home seems to take forever but I stay up enough, I take both of the kids out of their carseats and carry them into our house. I already have their things in their room but not their beds so we will get that tomorrow. I get them both washed and changed and put them in Kade and I’s bed. 

Kayden’s p.o.v.

The family says they are getting ready to head out. I watch them as they go but I grab Zoe's arm, hey can I talk to you for a second, yeah she tells her brothers and Janette she will be down there in a minute. I come up to her and I call Rafe and put him on speaker, “I got Zoë in the room with me so we can talk” I tell Rafe.

Okay I know what you guys are going to say, why did you say we are caring of Oliver? We lied and hurt him, you hate Rafe and we are the reason he is in this situation. She holds out her hand for me to take it, despite my recent feelings with you guys, I do believe you love and care for him and I’m glad you guys are going to try again with him, she squeezes my hand right?

 Yes, Zoë we are and we are never going to lie to him again. Okay she says, then she gives me a hug, I love you Kayden and she speaks into the phone and I guess you too Rafe, he chuckles you have grown on me she finishes, then at that she leaves the room. 

She is gone Rafe, I take him off speaker. Rafael what are we going to do I’m so tired I literally feel drained and I feel like crying but I don’t want to anymore I don’t have it in me. I know honey and we can figure it out I’m tired too, come home we can decide what to do tomorrow. Tonight I want you in my arms, and the kids will be sleeping with us tonight we didn’t get there beds yet. 

Okay I respond I will take a cab home I don’t think I can drive. I love you Rafael, and I love you Kayden. I hang up and kiss Oliver on his forehead and say I love you too Oliver and I miss you. 

I leave out of the hospital and call an uber, I arrive home take my jacket off and put my keys down, I slowly walked into our bedroom and I see our twins on the bed on top of him and Rafe is asleep, Arabella and Rocco our on his chest. 

I change into my night clothes and squeeze into the already full bed, I take Rocco off Rafe’s chest since he is the closest to me, he whines before he goes back to sleep. Goodnight my loves. 

Zoë’s brothers our just as intimidating as she says they are. You can tell they love their little sister a lot. They would go to the moon and back for her or Oliver. Wonder if they know that we are all wolves, I don’t think they would tell their sister is a witch.  

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