Chapter 22

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Oliver's p.o.v.

I hear the children giggle as I leave and I go downstairs and see they aren't in the kitchen or in the living room. Where are they? Then I go by the back door and I hear them both on the phone. Rafe is talking on the phone with his housekeeper Sumi telling her to clean the house up we will be there tomorrow. Kade was on the phone with I guess the parents, and I could hear his mom and Rafe's mom squeal.

 I open the sliding door and they both smile up at me. I mouth, I want to talk to your parents, he says a quick, He wants to talk to you, then he hands me the phone. Hi Monique and Michelle nonsense dear, call us mom and mama, oh okay well we are all coming home in a few hours but I just wanted to hear your voices. We have some words for you when you come back but can we talk to our grandchildren, yes of course give me a second. 

Kids!!! Come here please, Dada,Dad what do you want, don't speak to me like that children and here is the phone your grandparents want to talk to you. But I thought we talked to your parents, no these are Papa and Papi's parents. Bella holds the phone in between her and Rocco. Dada can we see them, yeah sure, I tell Mama I will call her back on my computer so we can FaceTime she says okay.

I give Kade back his phone and go to the living room with my computer and the twins follow after me, FaceTime rings twice before it is answered and all of them are on the screen, Bella says who are you? Arabella you can't say it like that, I'm sorry Dada.

 I just hear laughing from the computer, why are you so harsh Ollie? Me harsh, nope, never. Monique asks the twins how old are you they say we turned 1, two days ago. I saw a flash of hurt in their eyes oh God, I mumble here is the computer you guys can talk. Dada are you okay? Yes honey, I'm fine I turn my head away oh-kay Dada, then she hops back on the couch. 

I rush to the bathroom and close the door, and put my hands on top of the counter, I did that, I caused that pain in their eyes. It’s all my fault I should have never left. I hear the door open, dammit I should have locked the door, I just put my head down and let my tears go down the sink drain. Rafe hugs me from the front and Kade hugs me from the back. Honey we love you and we both got you, we can take the kids for the day and you can chill here have time for yourself, okay. 

They get the children to put their shoes on and before they leave out of the door I hear, Rocco asks, is dad okay? yes he is, he just needs a day off. Where do you guys want to go for your last day in France? ummmm can we go to the fair dad wanted us to go to. Okay we will do that, then they leave out of the door. 

I try to sleep but my brain is racing too much, I put on my favorite playlist on my phone and blast it. Guess I should start packing, I get all of the kids stuff and then take all of our bathroom products and put them in boxes and put them in my car. I bring their favorite toys and put that in my car, I have room because the kids car seats our in Rafe’s car. 

I pack up all of the pots, pans, and utensils from the kitchen and the tv and put them outside on the porch. Then lock the door, and pick up all of the kitchen stuff and living room things and put them by my car. Rafe and Kade can pick them up when they get here. I got a text telling me they would be here in 30 minutes. I text, okay and you guys drive safe. 

Oh dang it I forgot my charger

I unlock my door and walked in, it looks so weird in here almost like how I came here almost a year and a half ago. I go upstairs to grab my charger and I hear a sound downstairs oh they are back early and I go downstairs and I don’t see them just one person and they are wearing all black, and our pouring ewww what is that smell? Kerosene. 

Hey what are you doing? The boy says, oh shit! You shouldn’t be here. I frown what? I’m sorry dude you really weren’t supposed to be here, what the…. Then that is when all the shit hit the fan. 

I run towards the back door but the guy doesn’t run after me but out of the house. I go back towards the front and he is on the porch and throws something through the window. Then boom, I get thrown back and hit my head against the glass, ow! Oh fuck that hurts. Oh my children and my mates should be coming home they can’t come in here I use the wall to help me walk to the front door but *cough, cough* I can’t breathe, my throat is burning, my vision blurs and I lose consciousness.

What is going to happen to Oliver?

What will his mates do?

They wouldn’t run into a burning building, right?

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