Chapter 38

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Oliver's p.o.v.

Last night was so hot I can't, I came maybe twice and they didn't even touch me. I thought at one point Rafael saw me when he was eating out Kayden but he didn't say anything, so probably not. I don't know what I would have done if he saw me, if they both saw me.

This is what came into my mind last night. I need to keep my mind on work, yes numbers and boring stuff, not my exes fucking each other and I got to watch, no no I will not think about that.

I sit at my desk and work on the project I was assigned, that takes up actually, the whole week everything else is basically a blur. I do remember spending time with my children. I did curse out Rafael and Kayden, that was an eventful monday. Work then to their house to pick up the kids, and then I cursed out their fathers, great parenting.

It went something like this

After a long day at work, I go to their house and I tell them I have to speak to them before I take the kids. They say sure, I go into of course, Rafael's office. I'm immediately aroused, I hope they can't scent that, they did just have sex in here so they probably will think that is.

I get all serious when Rafael is sitting in his chair and Kayden on the desk. I just want to make this quick, I want you guys to discipline the kids no one else. What are you talking about? are you serious? Arabella told me how Yumi talked to her and NOT HER FATHERS who I clearly told to.

Now they get frowns on their faces, why does it matter? She knows not to do it again, that's not the point I pinch the bridge of my nose. I want our kids to know what they should or shouldn't do by their parents as in us three not anyone else.

I begin to walk away Okay Mr. Boss, we will obey your rules. You don't have to be like that acting like a child you guys are just s-so s-so.... infuriating they finish off, no I wasn't going to say that. They lift an eyebrow, you know what it doesn't matter what I was going to say, just don't push it off on anyone else. I walk out of the office door and I head to the kids bedroom and pick them up so we could leave the house. Hi Dada/Dad what are we doing today?......

Flash Forward

It is now Friday thank God I'm going to spend the night doing absolutely nothing. When I'm walking away from my desk, Anna calls me into her office, oh no what if she knows about Eric did he tell her? Am I going to get fired? Oh God.

I walk into her office h-hey Anna, why do you look so uptight? Ummm nothing why did you call me in your office? WE ARE GOING TO GET DRINKS WHOOOO, Annaleise shhh you are at work? how many people are still here? I look out her window, two people and they are leaving. Oh, so... she looks at me expectantly, heck yeah let's go. Wait what about our clothes? Oliver I have mine in my car and I'm coming over your house I'm getting you dressed. I smirk whatever Anna, she smacks my arm oww what was that for? we walk out of the office. That is for calling me by my full name. I will drive behind you, so get your ass moving.

I hop into my car and drive the 5 minutes home. (Yes, I know I said I would walk but I knew I was going to be staying late). I wait for Anna, then I go to my room with her right behind me, can you pick my clothes while I take a shower, no, why can't I take a shower? because you are going to have sex you are going to be dirty again.

It's been like 2 months since I moved into my condo and she already knows my closet. She still amazes me with how she reminds me of a certain someone I will not say.

Flash forward

That literally makes no sense but okay, and I guess you are the boss of one night stands. I'm not the 'Boss' of... I give her the eye okay fine I may have had a few gu..... Okay a lot of guys. I hate when you do that mom thing, what thing? The stupid eye thing that makes you want to tell the truth. Oh, well I'm sorry I have two kids who love to not tell the truth.

She finally picked an outfit for me, tight black jeans what is the thing with black pants matching with me and she also gave me a gray t-shirt that says I love ice cream. Really? Yes it's that or your green shirt that says go green let's save some water me and you, where the hell did you even find that? A shirt Kayden wore I smile at the first time I saw him wear that shirt, that's a story for another time.

Okay let me change into a shirt and shorts, I nod close my bedroom door and go to my kitchen and grab something to eat and I make a bomb ass sandwich and I go to take a bite and Anna comes out of freaking nowhere and takes it out of my mouth, dude what was that for. We are eating there, don't spoil it, so let's go, you need more clothes than that I point at her.

She puts her hands on her hips, I will not. ANNA I CAN SEE YOUR TITS, are they bulging out? No but.... Then we are fine. Those shorts are they underwear, no and they aren't too short you can't see my vagina. I roll my eyes whatever your boyfriend will not be happy, guys hitting on you.

He is going to be there if I was drinking something I would have spit it out by now, what was that for? Ummmm nothing nothing. (Except he says he wants to fuck me but dating my best fucking friend)

I just don't think your boyfriend will be okay with that bathing suit. He picked it out he wanted all the guys to know how gorgeous I am but can't have. That's sweet I guess in a twisted way. Let me wrap my sandwich and then we can go, I grab my car keys no no no you will not be driving, we will get an Uber.

She says she already called one while she got dressed. We get out to the driveway and we see the girl, where are you guys heading she asks when we get in. We will be going to Molly's, Anna says, Anna that place is like hella expensive and you have to reserve a spot for it in like a month before to even get in. That's the perks of having a rich boyfriend, you can do or get anything.

I sit back it takes only 10 minutes to get there, thank you I tell the girl then Anna pays her, I have money on me but she told me this day is just for me and I don't have to pay a thing. I'm not going to turn that down, when I say this she just rolls her eyes. You are going to have a wonderful time, she has a glint in her eyes oh Lord I'm in for it now.

We skip past the line of people waiting to get in, when we enter my lord it is freaking amazing in here I'm glad I didn't bring a jacket I'm already hot. The people here are hot boys and girls, but especially the boys I didn't know guys could be that perfect, well looks, but personality maybe iffy. You can't judge a book by its cover, they say. I'm still in my twenties, I need to live a little before I turn the big 3 0.

We sit at a booth, one person is already occupying it, Eric her messed up boyfriend he better not try anything. I sit down across from him ha he can't touch me now. I spoke too soon when we finish ordering, and start talking about nothing in particular, he uses his long legs and rubs his foot along my dick hnmm you okay over there Oliver he asks worry etching his face.

Yes I'm fine Eric, I grab his foot and move it so it's down on the floor, he has a better idea use one hand to put on Anna's leg and the other to cup my balls, what is wrong with him? You have got to admit it feels good Oliver, well yeah doesn't mean he can fondle me like this.

Thank God the food comes, he has to use both of his hands to eat, We all kind of pause to eat and we all kind of let out a breath, do you guys think we took a breath during that meal, we all burst out laughing definitely not, it's probably not healthy.

Oliver she sings my name Anna I sing what's that for? there are two guys checking you out at the bar, no they aren't. Then I see the waitress deliver a drink, sir this martini is from the two gentleman at the bar, I smirk at Anna, two guys at once you did it before, Eric joined the conversation, oh really.

Yes I did but that is over so I'm going to get laid, have fun Oli make sure they wear condoms, Anna!!! what? just be cautious. I down my drink, here goes nothing

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