Chapter 5

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Oliver's p.o.v. 

I can't believe they played with me like that, What did I do wrong to deserve this? I want to talk to Zoë but she went on a weekend spa trip, I won't bother her on her perfect weekend. I will have to wait until tomorrow. I leave my apartment and drive to the forest, I take my clothes off and shift and run. I let Leo take over, he runs into a clearing and howls in pain.

The next day

I get up for work and get dressed and I'm still limping from yesterday he lied when he said it will heal within a day. I cried my eyes out yesterday, I don't have anymore tears to cry, I look in the mirror I look absolutely terrible I use make-up to cover the bags under my eyes and the hickeys on my neck, yeah I have that as a reminder of how stupid I was. 

I arrive at Starbucks and wait in our spot to tell Zoë what happened surprisingly she was already here, I frown at her. She looks at me, "You were crying Why? Was it something to do with Rafael", I look down I feel the anger radiating from her. Zoë calm down Tell me what happened? in her monotone voice showing she is really pissed. Well ummm Rafael kind of had sex with me and it was amazing but I found out that he was in a relationship with Kayden she gasps with shock what? and I was rooting for Kayden, I'm going to kill them both, I lay my hand on hers no Zo, I can tell she is already thinking of how she is going to kill them. She looks at me and softens her eyes, okay honey I won't kill them, (Just make sure they wish they were) Zoëlle No, she hates when I call her by her full name No. She says with a smile, "If they come near you, I can't promise you anything" then she gets up to leave. Zoë you know they are wolves they could rip you to shreds, she looks over her shoulder at me I know, and Rafael is the alpha of his pack, was not expecting that but no matter you didn't say I couldn't hurt them. I really hope they don't come here because she will kill them, I have no doubt. 

I go throughout the day and when I go into the back to grab something for out front I sense them behind me and I stiffen. I don't turn around but I say you guys need to leave now Zoë will kill you if she finds you here. We know that is why we know she is in the bathroom. We are sorry for this Oliver, Kayden says, what the f-fuck, then I feel a cloth over my nose and mouth. I try to hold my breath but when I let it out I inhale too much of the chloroform and my eyes close. 

Rafael's p.o.v. 

I feel so bad for having to basically kidnap him but we are only taking him to our home. I think his friend Zoë saw us because she is radiating anger right now shit, I step on the gas. Kayden looks at me weird why are you scared of his friend I look at him, her brothers are mma fighters so he shrugs. You know the fights I used to take you to last year well her brothers are Stallion and Minotaur twins, holy shit he says, and Kade, Oliver said, "Her brothers taught her everything they know, and she knows how to use any gun.". Well damn, we are wolves she doesn't know that, so she won't be a problem. Kayden says, "Actually she does know about wolves, Oli told her about it when he was 18" we just leave that up in the air. 

We arrive at home and Kade picks him up while I open the front door, I lock it once we get inside. We walk up to our room and lie him on the bed, he wakes up about a half hour later. He yawns and looks around and when he sees us he jumps up, what did you guys do? Why am I here? What do you want? Oliver we just want to explain, I don't need to understand that you guys are horrible people and I thought Kade you were my mate and you weren't supposed to hurt me, I speak up Oliver we are both your mates. What? He says before he passes out again. 

He wakes up again and we explain that we are both his mates and I didn't think it was possible but either that you can have two mates but my mom told us this. Oh he states, I'm sorry we lied to you it is just we wanted to see if you liked us before we rushed into anything. I guess that makes sense, okay I forgive you guys but I have to tell Zoë to not kill you guys, wait Kade says you told Zoë I freeze. You need to call or text her right now okay, where is my phone oh no you guys it's still at the café. We hear our bedroom door open and we both turn around and see Zoë with a pistol and a silencer on it, I feel a pain in my stomach and I see her shoot Kade but I don't know where because I pass out. 

Oliver's p.o.v. 

Come on Oli we are leaving now, Zoëlle you killed them, no I didn't they will live you said wolves have fast healing, well yeah but… then they are fine. She pulls me all the way into the car and I ask where are we going she says my house, okay I say. I hope both my men will be okay, she is a good shot so she could have shot them in the head. I'm glad she didn't but now I have to tell her all of this, but she still has that gun in her lap I will just wait. 

We pull into her driveway, and I forgot how big her house was, (Oh by the way her brothers bought her this house, why? I don’t know) Zo It wasn’t what it looked like. She gets out of the car and goes into the house, damn. I leave her car and ran in after her into the house. 

Zoë, No Oliver explain to me how “It isn’t what it looks like” mean, because what I know is that I saw the two guys that hurt my best friend kidnap you. Bu…. I’m not finished Oliver you know how scared I was, I called Dante for advice . Oh shit! I say out loud (She doesn’t ever call her brothers only texts them but especially not Dante, so she must have freaked out. He is a doctor for a huge mob family, Cantrell's, yeah that’s a pretty scary mob they are into some pretty disturbing things but that’s for another day) 

I’m sorry Zo, she looks at me with tears in her eyes, you know what I had to do, I shake my head, Oliver I will tell you….

He's Our OmegaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora