Sequel 4: You're WHAT!?

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"Reaction to what?" Kimiko asks as she comes into the room. The two jump in surprise at the question before relaxing at the fact that it wasn't Chase. "Kimiko, it's good to see you. Come in and sit down. We have a lot to catch up on." (Y/n) says. Kimiko then sits on the bed and waits for the two to explain. After some hesitation, (Y/n) heaves a sigh before explaining. "You see, I have been sick to my stomach for a while now. A few of months ago, I went to the doctor to figure out what was wrong. I figured it out but I don't know how to tell Chase." (Y/n) begins as Kimiko tries to figure it out for herself. "Well, you're immortal now so you can't be sick. GASP!! (Y/n)? Are you...?" (Y/n) could only nod in response to Kimiko's unfinished question. "No WAY! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! And Chase will be happy too. He loves you and he's worried about you. Tell him before he makes himself sick with worry. I guarantee that he'll be ecstatic." Kimiko reassures. "You're right. Let's go tell him." (Y/n) says before getting up, with Kimiko's help, and makes her way to the living room.

On the way, there was an explosion that shook the house. Once the shaking stopped, Kimiko, Scar, and (Y/n) began running to the living room to find that everyone had gone outside. The three go after them only to be welcomed with a blast of energy landing right infront of them. When the dust around them clears, they find that the boys are fighting Wuya, and having some difficulties. As soon as Wuya notices (Y/n), she gives a toothy grin and wraps herself in her smoke just as Chase flies towards her causing him to go through nothing but smoke. He then looks around, looking for Wuya to find her pop up infront of (Y/n). "Stay away from her!" Chase yells as he dive bombs Wuya. Kimiko attempts to defend her by using her signature move. "Judolette Flip FIRE!" She yells as she flips forming a ball of fire around her before launching it at Wuya. Wuya dodges and knocks Kimiko away causing Scar to pounce at her but ends up getting thrown as well. Wuya goes to grab (Y/n) but she turns into a kitten and runs off to the side just before Chase slams into Wuya's back. Before the dust could clear, Chase gets thrown out of the dust cloud. Wuya then spreads her smoke out to cover the whole yard. Chase gets to his feet and flies above the smoke cloud before using his wings to disperse it. Once the smoke disappears, he finds that everyone has fallen asleep and both Wuya and (Y/n) have vanished. Chase lands back on the ground before letting out a shout of rage before punching the ground.

Several hours later, (Y/n) wakes up to find herself in a familiar room. She bolts upward to find that she's in Chase's old lair. She gets up and begins to walk around the lair until she hears voices coming from the dining room. She makes her way to the dining room and finds Jack and a couple of the jungle cats having a conversation. "I know, I shouldn't have worked with Wuya but how else was I going to make sure she didn't go overboard and hurt (Y/n). She gave me a second chance even after everything I put her through. As long as Wuya thinks that I'm on her side, she'll let me figure out where the Misfortune Rune is. And once we figure out where it is, we can give her the wrong info and go behind her back and get the Wu before she knows what happened." Jack says to one of the panthers causing a lion to give him a suspicious look. "Hey, don't give me that look. It's going to work. I am an evil genius after all." Jack says, puffing his chest out in pride causing (Y/n) to giggle, to which Jack screams like a little girl in surprise. "I don't think an "Evil Genius" would be talking to animals that he can't understand, or squeal like a 4 year old girl. Hehe!" (Y/n) says laughing. Jack pouts causing (Y/n) to laugh even harder until she's hit with an excruciating pain that makes her drop to her knees. Noticing this, Jack and the jungle cats all rush to her side. "What just happened?" Jack asks, worried that Wuya might have hurt her somehow. "Nothing. It's nothing. I've just been feeling ill lately. Now help me back to my room you can explain what's going on once we get there." (Y/n) says to which Jack obeys, taking her back to her room before explaining the situation.

Meanwhile, Chase had finally managed to get everyone to wake up. "What would Wuya want with (Y/n)? You said that a new Shen Gong Wu had activated, so why (Y/n)?" Chase asks the monks. "Well, unlike most Wu, Dashi had made it to where nobody can sense where it is once it becomes active, not even me. In order to keep it safe, he entrusted it with a family that saved his life. He told them that when the time came, they were to take it out of its hiding spot and give it to the people with a small green dragon, that being me. The only problem is that, I have no idea who or where the family might be. But I do know that they hid the Misfortune Rune when they built their home 1550 years ago." Dojo explained. "1550 years ago? But that's when (Y/n)'s family built this place. Hiding a Shen Gong Wu here would definitely explain why she was told to keep the house in the family. I wonder if the Wu activating might be why she became ill as well. We should find (Y/n) before her illness gets worse. Once she's better, then we can focus on finding the Wu." Chase states to which Kimiko softly says, "Not that simple." This gets Chase's attention. "What exactly do you mean by that, Kimiko?" Chase asks with a raised eyebrow. Kimiko then looks at Chase and sighs. "I swear, men can be so dense. It won't be that simple because she isn't sick." Kimiko explains raising her voice a little. "If she isn't sick then why has she been sick to her stomach and getting cramps all the time?" Chase asks, frustrated that he doesn't know what's wrong with his wife. "You dumpy! It's because she's pregnant!!!" This puts Chase into a state of shock. He simply sits there for a long time, completely speechless.

Meanwhile, back with Jack and (Y/n), after Jack explains the same thing that the monks explained to Chase, (Y/n) tries to think of where her family could have hidden such a powerful item. "If what you say is true, that would imply that my family has been protecting this Shen Gong Wu for centuries. Unfortunately, I can't think of where it could possibly be- AGH!! AHH!" (Y/n) cries in agony before collapsing on the floor. Again, the cats are by her side. "Please, if I don't know what's causing this, how can I help?" Jack states as he looks at her worryingly. "Regrettably... Agh! ... There's nothing you can do... ahh... one of the down falls of being pregnant." She says through the pain. "Yeah. I guess you have a point about tha- wait, WHAT!!!?" Jack asks with his eyes so wide that they look as though they could pop out of his skull. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!? How far along are you? GASP!! Does Chase know?" Jack asks. "No! He doesn't. Not yet. Honestly, the doctor isn't even entirely sure how far along I am. All I know is that it's growing fast. My biggest concern is that, with the rate this baby is growing, it might come soon." She responds with worry in her eyes. Jack's face turns stern before he walks toward the door. "What's wrong? Where are you going?" (Y/n) asks as Jack bends down to the lion standing at the door. "Go tell Chase where (Y/n) is. I don't care what Wuya will do to me. Chase needs to be with her. And I refuse to let Wuya control me anymore." Jack says turning back to (Y/n) as the lion leaves to find Chase. "I'll keep you safe. Until Chase gets here, I won't let Wuya even look at you. If my hero is happy enough with you to have a baby with you, then I will protect you so that you both will have a future worth the centuries of evil he's had to endure." Jack's speech brings (Y/n) to tears. "Thank you Jack. I'm glad you're here. I don't know what I'd do if I was alone."

Suddenly, there's a loud *BOOM* by the front entryway. Jack and (Y/n) rush to the entrance to find the lion who was on his way to get Chase is covered in wounds and lying unconscious while the doorway is destroyed. Wuya steps through the destroyed opening, then glares at the duo that stands before her. "I should have known better than to trust you Spicer. You've always had this bad habit of swapping sides at the flip of a switch. No matter, I guess old habits die hard!" Wuya yells as she throws a blast of energy at them.

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