Sequel 3: Series of Misfortunate Events

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(f/t)- favorite truck

(Y/n) grabs the front of Chase’s shirt and pulls him into a kiss. “Best. Husband. Ever.”

“Eh. Tell me something I don’t know.” Chase responds with a cocky grin. As the two continue to joke with one another, a waitress comes over with their food. Upon looking up at the waitress, (Y/n) realizes that it was the one that was always causing trouble for her. Once the girl finished placing the food down, she turns to leave before getting stopped by (Y/n). “Hey! Don’t think for a second that I’ll let you get away with the misery you put me through. I’ll pay you back when you least expect it.” She says as she glares daggers at the girl before the girl scurries off. “So, what are you planning on doing to her Kitten?” Chase asks, enjoying the evil that was laced in his wife’s voice as she threatened the girl. “Absolutely nothing.” (Y/n) answered as she takes a bite of her food. “I just wanted her to fear me so much that she ends up being a nervous wreck 24/7.” She finishes her answer as she looks up at her husband with a wicked grin on her face. Chase stares at her with widened eyes before he gives her his own wicked grin. “What a naughty little kitten I have here. I love you.” This makes (Y/n) giggle. Once they were done with their food, they decided to share a dessert before heading home.

Before (Y/n) was able to step through the doorway, Chase scooped her up into his arms and made his way into the house. Living as long as he had has made Chase want to keep to traditions such as carrying the bride through the doorway of their home after the wedding. “Old man.” (Y/n) teased as Chase stood beside the bed. And then he dropped her.

“Oof! Hey! What was that for!?” She said as he crawled onto the bed towards her, causing her to back up until she felt a tug at her wrist. (Déjà vu) (Y/n) looked down at her wrist to find Chase’s tail wrapped around it, not letting her move any further. “And just where do you think you’re going Kitten?” Chase asks with a devious grin on his face as he brings it closer to hers. Before she could answer, he captures her lips with his in a passionate kiss. By time they separated, (Y/n) was dizzy. Lust began to fill Chase’s eyes until the two heard the sound of something groaning. They began to look around but as they repositioned themselves so that they could get a better look around *THUD* the bed fell a foot and the groaning noise stopped.

(Y/n) began giggling as she saw Chase’s surprised reaction. “Well, for the record, this is an old bed. I’m surprised it hadn’t broken a long time ago.” (Y/n) says as she fights back tears of laughter. Chase couldn’t help but sigh at the reminder of how poorly (Y/n) had lived before he took her away. He then got up and held his hand out to help her out of the broken bed. “Let’s go to the closest furniture store and get a new bed.” He said as they made their way to the living room only to be greeted with another *THUD*. When they turn the corner to see what happened, they find Scar staring at a now broken couch as if it just tried to kill him. Poor Scar looked over at the couple and instantly responded, “I didn’t do it!! I got on it thinking that I could take a nap and it just… fell apart! I’m sorry M’Lady. I-I didn’t mean to-” (Y/n) instantly rushed to the tiger’s side. “It’s alright, Scar. It’s alright. Are you hurt?” She asks, more worried about the tiger than the couch. “I’m fine. Just startled.” Scar replies, still shaken. “Well, I’m not surprised. Most of the furniture in this house has been here for generations. And this place has been in the family for 1550 years. Heck, my family BUILT this house, so I’m more surprised that it’s still standing.” (Y/n) says causing Chase to worry about everything that could possibly go wrong.

“Maybe we need to make a list of things that we need to replace. Starting with the house. Knowing that this has been in your family so long, I do want to restore it. But considering that we are going to be alive for a LONG time, I figured that we could have a more… permanent living space. But that can come later.” Chase said as he went off in search of a pen and some paper.

The next morning, after making a list of everything they needed, they went off to get the most necessary item on the list, a vehicle. Thankfully, despite the town’s size, there was a car dealership a couple of blocks down the road. Once they got there, they begin looking amongst all the vehicles, trying to find one they liked. “Hey, Chase? What kind of vehicle are we looking for?” (Y/n) asked looking back at Chase from her position beside an old muscle car. “Hmmm. Something big, that way we can get everything we need.” Chase says as he looks through the different vehicles. “And I won’t accept anything but the newest and the best money can buy.” He added as he looked back over at (Y/n).

The two began looking around the car lot until (Y/n) saw a brand new, black (f/t). Chase smiles and agrees to buy it. Once they have the truck, they go to the nearby furniture stores, got all the needed furniture that they were physically able to take home with them and had the rest sent to their house. By time they got home, put everything together and in their place, it was well after midnight. The two collapse onto the new bed and fell straight to sleep.

The next morning, (Y/n) woke up to the sounds of Chase and Scar bickering. Trying to figure out what was going on, (Y/n) got up and headed into the living room to find that all the new furniture had arrived and been put into place, but there was no Chase or Scar. Following the sound of their voices, she found the two on the porch, trying to figure out how to put the broken couch into a box marked “Furniture Repairs”.

“Maybe we should turn it sideways.”

“We want to get it fixed, not brake it beyond repair.”

“It’s already broken beyond repair. These people are going to have to build it from scratch already.”

“Maybe we should ask (Y/n) for help in this.”

“Are you nut? This is supposed to be a surprise.” The two bicker back and forth before (Y/n) intervenes with a big grin on her face. “Morning boys.” (Y/n) said in a chipper tone causing the guys to jump and try to hide the couch behind them. “We weren’t doing anything.” The two say in perfect unison causing (Y/n) to raise an eyebrow in suspicion. “Yeah… because THAT’S not suspicion at all. Well, whatever, I’m going to fix breakfast while you two continue trying to put a wrecked couch into a box.” Chase guiltily scratches the back of his head while Scar lowers his head in embarrassment. “How long were you standing there?” Chase asks causing (Y/n) to turn back around, walk over to him and give him a loving peck on the cheek before doing the same to Scar. “Long enough to realize that I am the luckiest girl in the world.” She responds before turning on her heel to start breakfast. Once the two figured out the box, Scar decides to go for a walk around the property while Chase goes inside to check on (Y/n).

(Yet another adult segment. To keep the age rating constant, this part must be separated. Don’t worry, this part is not necessary for the story.)

Several months have passed and the newlyweds are closer than ever (In more ways than one). Work on the new house is almost completed when suddenly several of the workers fall ill. The same day, the nearby fire station caught on fire. Ironic. A hand full of small businesses shut down as well. To top off EVERYTHING, (Y/n) had also fallen ill. Neither Chase nor Scar had left (Y/n)’s side for more than necessary since she had gotten sick.

One day, they receive a knock on the door. Chase decides to answer it to find the monks, Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay, Dojo, and Guan all standing at the door. Chase allows them to come in but warns them to be quiet so that they don’t wake (Y/n). As the monks explain that they need Chase’s help to find the newest Shen Gong Wu, Kimiko goes off to find the restroom. As she goes to return to the living room, she hears (Y/n) talking with Scar.

“You need to tell him, (Y/n).”

“I can’t, not yet. With everything going wrong, what if he blames…”

“I know your worried but Chase isn’t like that. The longer you wait to tell him, the worse his reaction will be.” Scar says as Kimiko walks in. “Reaction to what?”

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