Chapter 11: Gong Yi Tempi

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When the smoke cleared, (Y/n) found that they were now surrounded by extremely tall trees and she could hear the pitter patter of rain, but they weren’t getting wet. “I’ve always wanted to go to the rainforest.” She said looking around in awe. “To be completely honest, even if there weren’t any dangerous Shen Gong Wu, I’d still hunt some of them just so I could go all over the world.” Chase admitted as he walked through the rainforest like he owned the place.

After about 30 minutes of walking, (Y/n) heard what sounded like a helicopter as well as people fighting. “Hey Chase, do you hear that?” With that question, Chase began to listen and then bolted off towards the noise. He stopped just before a small clearing, where people and robots were fighting, and in the middle of it all was a small shining object. “Is that shiny thing in the middle of the fighting, the shen gee thingy?” (Y/n) asked, pointing her paw towards the middle. Chase followed where she was pointing and saw the Shen Gong Wu. “Nice eye, Kitten.” He praised, giving her an appreciated pat on the head, before then picking her up off his shoulder and onto the ground. “I need you to stay here, where it’s safe.” He said before making eye contact with Scar then bolting off into the fray. Scar then stood over her as if to protect her.

Chase’s arrival did not go unnoticed. A Brazilian looking boy noticed Chase making his way to the Shen Gong Wu. “Hey, what’s Chase doing here?” The Brazilian’s question caused everyone’s focus to shift to Chase. A small bald headed boy is the first to break away from the fighting to attempt to stop Chase. The bald boy’s and Chase’s hands both touched the Shen Gong Wu at the same time and it started to glow. ‘What’s with everything glowing lastly’ (Y/n) thought to herself.  “Chase Young, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown.” The small bald boy yelled. “Very well, Omi, I accept your challenge. Name your game young monk.” Chase responded. 

“Wait, a what?” (Y/n) asked curiously. “It’s when two or more people reach a stand-off over a Shen Gong Wu. It’s pretty much how it settles the conflict as peacefully as possible.” Scar explained without looking at her. With that question answered, her curiosity shifts to the people, and the purple ghost-like floating head, around them. “Okay, that makes sense but now I’m wondering who all these people are. And that thing.” She said gesturing to the ghost. “Well, I’m sure you caught the name of the bald kid, Omi. He is one of the Xiaolin Monks, also known as Xiaolin Dragons or Xiaolin Warriors. He is known as the Dragon of Water.” Scar began to answer when they were interrupted by Omi’s announcement. “The game is monkey in the middle. The first one to catch the Shen Gong Wu while it’s being thrown around by monkeys wins. I wager my Mantis Flip Coin against your Lasso Boa Boa.” Omi stated. “Let’s go. XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!” Both Omi and Chase shouted then suddenly the area began to change. Trees began to grow, acting as platforms for the spectators to stand on to watch from, and branches from nearby trees began to spread and entangle around the warriors. Even their outfits changed, Chase’s armor now had spikes on it, and Omi and three others whom (Y/n) assumed were the other monks, all were now wearing ninja-like outfits with a symbol on the front, each representing a different element. Omi had a water symbol on the front, the Brazilian boy had a wind symbol, the girl in the group had a fire symbol, and a big cowboy had an earth symbol plus he kept his cowboy hat on too. When the terrain stopped moving, the two warriors both leaned closer to the other and yelled “GONG YI TEMPI!” Then a random monkey dropped in and grabbed the Sleep Sprayer and began tossing it to another monkey and they repeated the process, seeming as though they were having fun. 

The two warriors jumped into action, trying to get the Shen Gong Wu and failing as it’s thrown over their heads. (Y/n) took this chance to get Scar to continue his explanation. “You were saying?” With the reminder, he then continued. “Ah yes. The group in similar clothing are also monks. The one with the cowboy hat is the Dragon of Earth, Clay. The girl is the Dragon of Fire, Kimiko. And the Brazilian boy is the Dragon of Wind and the leader of the Xiaolin Dragons, Raimundo. And the little tiny dragon draped around Clay’s neck is Dojo.” The moment Scar finishes his explanation, (Y/n) heard two voices cheering for Chase. When she looked at the sources, she found that the cheers were coming from a red headed boy, wearing a torn up black lab coat who she thought strongly resembled a monkey, and a purple ghostly floating head. “And who are they? They’re cheering for Chase but I’ve never seen them before. Are they allies or something?” She asked growing more confused with every cheer they shout. “They’re more like admirers. They’re on the Heylin side but Master Chase wants nothing to do with them, and I don’t blame him. The fanboy is a supposed ‘evil boy genius’ named Jack Spicer. The ghost is an extremely powerful Heylin witch named Wuya. She’s only powerful if she has her body and she's incapable of possessing anybody but she still has quite a few abilities that can still make her annoying.” Scar answered with a look of annoyance on his face.

When (Y/n) turns her attention back to the showdown, she finds that things are heating up because they are starting to use their Shen Gong Wu. “Mantis Flip Coin!” Omi yelled before jumping up the doing flip after flip after flip like a mantis, flipping straight for the path the Sleep Sprayer is going. “Lasso Boa Boa!” Chase yelled before throwing the lasso at the little monk, catching his feet. But just as Chase began the yank Omi away from his goal, Omi reached up and grabbed the Sleep Sprayer out of the air, there by ending the showdown. With a bright flash of light, everything began the return to normal, however, in the process (Y/n) had lost her footing and ended up falling, landing in a bush that was only a couple of feet from where she had fallen from. She then hears the other monks congratulating their friend on his victory and commenting how close it was, while Omi stood there holding the three Shen Gong Wu, including Chase’s Lasso Boa Boa. As she tried to get out of the bush, she found that she was stuck. Her collar had gotten caught on a branch of the bush and no matter how hard she pulled, she couldn’t get free. “Until next time, monks.” That was all Chase said before the black smoke returned to teleport him and the other cats away. All cats except for her. “Wait! Chase! I’m not over there. I’m stuck. DON’T… leave me.” But it was too late. She was now trapped, not only in a bush, but in a bush in the Amazon Rainforest.

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