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(e/c): eye color
(h/l): hair length
(h/c): hair color
(y/n): your name
(y/l): your last name

(Y/n) laid in bed, praying that for once she could sleep in. *RING RING RING* 'Of course not' she thought to herself. She begrudgingly rolled over to find that it was, as expected, her boss calling. "Maybe I should just let it ring. ... Nah, better not, it's the only job I will probably ever have." She tells herself before answering the phone. Before she could even say hello, "(Y/L) I WANT YOU TO GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE. NOW!" *BEEP* Looking at her phone, she realizes that it's not even 4am yet. With a sigh, she throws her blankets off, revealing her bruised body. Bruises and scratches cake her body from head to toe. She quickly throws her uniform on, which thankfully consisted of a long sleeve shirt and slacks. She then rushes to put some makeup on to cover her black eye and a cut on the opposite cheek. She slips her sneakers on and runs out the door to the restraunt that stands three blocks away from her house. Not having the money for gas, let alone a car, she runs down the road as quickly as she can. Upon walking through the doors, *THWACK* she gets hit on the head with a wooden spoon.


"I had to-"


"But we open at 6!" She nervously protested. "THEN YOU BETTER GET STARTED NOW SHOULDN'T YOU." He yelled throwing some cleaning supplies at her before storming off.

With yet another sigh, she starts cleaning, until she senses someone watching her. She turns towards the window where she thought she saw a flash of greenish black. As she looks out the window trying to figure out what it was, she gets another wack upside the head by her boss, telling her to get to work. Feeling thankful that it was with his hand this time, her mind becomes so consumed with trying to finish her work that she doesn't realize the amber eyes, watching her every move.

Throughout the day, she continues the impossible tasks her boss throws at her and finishes them perfectly. As the day comes close to an end, she's taking an order to a costumer when another waitress sticks her foot out at the last second causing her to trip right in front of the boss. With both her and her boss now covered in food, she goes to get up when she hears the waitress who tripped her giggle and call her the all too familiar nickname "Curse". She's almost to her feet when her boss grabs her (h/l)(h/c) hair and drags her until they get outside where he throws her to the ground before grabbing a rusty metal pan and slams it across her face the moment she turns around to look at him. "LISTEN HERE YOU CURSE. I GAVE YOU THIS JOB OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF MY HEART AND THIS IS WHAT I GET? EXCUSES, TARDINESS, AND CLUMSINESS!? I SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER OR YOU'LL END UP LOSING WHAT YOUR FAMILY WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO LEAVE YOU. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I DO SOMETHING THAT I DON'T WANT TO DO." He screams in her ear before going back inside to clean himself up. When she knows for sure that he's gone, she begins to quietly sob to herself. Letting only a small amount of pain and loneliness show to nobody but the wind, or so she thinks.

She cries for only a little while before wiping her tears and leaving to get a couple of groceries. While walking through the town store, she can't help but overhear the whispers of those around her.

"Hey, look. It's the town curse."

"Why is she always alone?"

"Don't you know? She's the town curse. Anyone who has gotten too close to her has ended up dead."


It's not like she hasn't heard it all before. Having no family members left alive and being too scared of have any friends after losing her three childhood friends in a car accident, that she survived. Even she believed the rumors of her being cursed.

She goes through the store, trying to make sure she's not forgetting anything, when the feeling of someone watching her returns. Just as she has all day, she ignores it, until she begins to hear a slight echo of her footsteps making her realize that she's being followed very closely. She gets to the end of the aisle when she quickly turns to confront her pursuer, but nobody was there. Wanting nothing more than this day to end, she rushes to the register, knowing that she was forgetting a few things but she didn't care. She just wanted to get home and away from her pursuer, and relieve some stress.

She felt eyes on the back of her head the entire way home but whenever she would look, there would be nobody there. When she got home, she put the groceries up, changed, and headed to her special training area where she practiced her fighting skills in order to relieve stress. She still felt like somebody was watching her but knew that nobody was stupid enough to sneak up behind someone who is in fighting mode. When the sun began to set, she decided to call it quits. She went inside and took a shower before going to bed. It took a while but she was eventually able to get to sleep. Unaware of the dark forces who had been plotting to steal her away.

Walking into (Y/n)'s training area, Chase couldn't help thinking back at all that he had seen and heard while watching (Y/n). 'So much cause for evil to take form but yet, I sense none. If anything, there was more good than evil. Watching her today, even my heart began to brake. And I don't even have a heart anymore. I haven't had a heart for over 1,500 years. How is this possible?' Chase thought to himself. "No matter." He says as he looks around at the damage done to the training area. "She is obviously an exceptionally strong and skilled fighter. No matter what it takes, I will have her at my side." He says to himself as he walks to her house and looks at her through the window. "Sleep well, little kitten. For when you awaken, you won't have to worry about these worms who believe they're above you. For once you are mine, no one will lay a hand on you again."

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now