Chapter 22: Master Monk Guan

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The Xiaolin warriors woke up the next morning and were just about to take Chase’s breakfast to him, after eating their own of course, but were stopped by the sound of someone walking on the now squeaky floorboards of the temple. They doubted that it would be Chase because they would also be hearing the footsteps of his tiger companion. Getting ready for a fight, someone slid open the door to the mess hall and everyone froze. Omi was the first to react by pouncing on the “intruder” and the other three followed suit.

“MASTER MONK GUAN!!!” The warriors yelled with glee as they buried the Xiaolin Master in a group hug. “I’m so happy you young ones are unharmed. The moment I heard about King Yan’s return, I knew I had to hurry and help in the fight. Sadly, I see I am too late to protect the Temple.” The tall, muscular, bald man said as he looks back at the destroyed hallway that he was just walking through. Out of nowhere, Dojo hops onto Guan’s head. “When we got here the place was already a mess and nobody was here. Dead or alive.”

“What do you mean Dojo?” Master Monk Guan asked in confusion. “Just as he says. Once we got here nobody was left. We couldn’t find any survivor or bodies. They were found to be nowhere.” Omi answers to which Kimiko corrects. “Nowhere to be found.” 

Monk Guan rubs his chin in thought before stating. “It must be the work of King Yan. He must have thought that you must have found the Light of Life and took precautionary measures to make sure you don’t revive them. However, when I last fought against King Yan, Dashi and I were no match until Chase came in and defeated him by sealing him away in his own crown. I fear we can’t risk getting cornered this time. As much as it pains me to say it, we must ask Chase Young for his help in defeating King Yan once more, if he hasn’t already sided with him.” The warriors began avoiding eye contact with the master at the mention of Chase’s name. Confused, Guan was just about to ask them what was wrong when… “You truly think so lowly of me?” At HIS voice, Guan turned around to find Chase standing with no shirt on and bandages that covered his entire ribcage. Guan instantly went into fighting position when the warriors jumped between them before things got bad. “Master, it’s alright. Chase already agreed to work with us to take down this varmint.” Clay explains while handing the plate they made for Chase to him. Chase then takes the plate and hands it to Guan. “If you wish to aid us in taking down Yan, then I suggest you eat up.” Chase states before turning to the rest. “We leave in one hour. I suggest you get whatever you need. We’ll meet at the front gate- err what’s left of it. If you aren’t there in one hour, then I’m leaving you because obviously you aren’t serious enough about defeating Yan to be of any use.” When he finishes his instructions, he turns to leave but is caught by Guan. Before Guan can say anything, Omi looks at Chase worryingly. "But you are not yet healed completely." Chase responds with a quick "I'll be fine." before attempting to free his arm from Guan's grip. “Chase. I haven’t seen you this serious about taking someone down since you were on the side of good. So why are you so determined to defeat him again?” Chase finally shakes off Guan’s hand and glares at him. “He took something precious from me. You know all too well that I don’t like people taking what’s mine.” Chase states before turning back towards his old room to gather his things. 

Master Monk Guan followed Chase to his room after eating and entered without even knocking. “Don’t you know that it’s rude not to knock before entering a room? I mean really, I’m the evil one here.” Chase remarks as Scar growls at Guan. “I don’t think that’s the case anymore.” Guan says making Chase freeze. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re changing Chase. You may not realize it yourself, but there’s something else. Is there another reason why you’re so determined to beat him? I mean, what could possibly be so important to you that you’d go against death itself?” By this point, the Xiaolin warriors have come to see what the arguing was about when Chase swings around to look directing at the, once, old friend and yells, “BECAUSE I’M IN LOVE WITH HER!!!” Chase abruptly covers his mouth like he could stop what he just said from being heard. Everyone stares at Chase with silent shock. ‘It’s about time you admitted it.’ Scar mumbles causing Chase to whip his head towards the tiger and yells, “SHUT UP.” Scar simple shrugs his shoulders as Chase sighs in defeat before looking back over at everyone, who are staring wide-eyed back at him.

“I know I’ve changed. SHE changed me. Whether for better or worse, I’m still not sure. I took her in, originally, for her fighting abilities. But as I kept my eye on her to figure out her fighting style, I started feeling sorry for her and all I wanted to do was keep her safe. I didn’t realize that the reason I wanted to keep her safe was because I had fallen in love with her until I jumped in the way of King Yan’s attack. The curse I accepted when I became immortal, was supposed to make it to where I was incapable of emotional change or love, but yet here we are. I don’t know how she’s doing it but she is. And I don’t want her to stop, and I can’t stand the thought of her being in that… MONSTER’S HANDS. I know you have no reason to aid me, but please, help me save (Y/n).” Chase admits, bowing to the Xiaolin during the last bit.

Still with his head down, Chase feels a hand on his shoulder. When he looks up, he finds it to be Guan with a smile on his face. He then looks to the others to find the same expressions on their's. “Raise your head my old friend. Of course we’ll help you. Right young ones?” Guan says looking back at the others who all express their agreement all at once. Chase stands straight with a smile of his own on his face, before returning to his normal self. “Then there’s no time to lose. Once everyone’s at the gate, we’ll leave for my lair so that we can grab some Shen Gong Wu for those of you who lost yours. Then we’ll head for Jack’s mansion, odds are, that’s where we’ll find (Y/n).” And with that everyone gives a quick cheer before going back to gather their things.

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