Chapter 12: Xiaolin Temple

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‘CHASE, COME BACK! PLEASE, COME BACK! CHASE!’ (Y/n) yelled and yelled but all that could be heard were meows. “Wait, did y’all hear that?” Clay silenced his friends so that they could listen. (Y/n) was still yelling for help. ‘PLEASE, HELP! I’M STUCK! DON’T LEAVE ME!’ (Y/n) continued to plea, not realizing that she was drawing the attention of the monks instead. Kimiko then pointed at a bush, the bush (Y/n) was stuck in. “It sounds like it coming from over there.” Clay then began to walk towards the bush. (Y/n) was too busy crying to realize that her location had been found until the branches above her began to part, revealing the cowboy looking down at her. “Why, hey there lil fella. What’s a lil cutie like you doin all the way out here?” He asked while reaching for her. (Y/n) began scratching and hissing at him, but it was no use. “Hey now, that ain’t very nice. C’mon lil fella, I’m just tryin to help. Looks like you got yerself stuck on this here branch. Don’t worry lil one, I gotcha.” He said, breaking the branch and scooping her into one of his hands and bringing her up to his chest. Upon seeing their friend’s discovery, the others decided to come up to take a closer look. “Aww. She is, as you say, cute as a bottom” Omi said as he stared at (Y/n) before turning to Raimundo when he corrected his little friend. “I think you mean, cute as a button.” Dojo finally came up to the group to take a look. “She is really adorable, but it looks like she has a family.” He said drawing everyone's attention to the collar around she neck. “But we can’t just leave her here, she’ll be eaten alive.” Kimiko stated causing (Y/n) to cower at thought. “Why don’t we take 'er back to the temple with us and see what Master Fung says.” Clay suggests earning nods of agreement. “Alright then. Let us put our gears in the back.” Omi said gaining a long drawn out silence. ‘Is he trying to say to get their rears in gear?’ (Y/n) said to herself, unfortunately the others couldn’t understand her. “I think we better take this one with us or else we’ll be here for hours.” Raimundo said with Kimiko, Clay, and Dojo nodding their heads in agreement.

Dojo then began to fly around the monks while simultaneously growing to become 40-feet long. When he got to his maximum size, (Y/n) couldn’t help but be amazed. “OH! Rears in gear.” Clay said while mounting Dojo, with everyone, except Omi, giving an acknowledged “OH!” in response. Clay then placed (Y/n) in his hat. “You’ll be safe in here. Don’t wanna risk ya blowin away.” And off they went, not yet knowing the consequences of take the seemingly harmless kitten along with them.

Meanwhile at Chase’s lair.

*CRASH**SMASH**THUD* “WHAT DO YOU MEAN (Y/N) WASN’T WITH YOU WHEN WE TELEPORTED!?” Chase yelled in a frenzy of pure rage, not knowing who to point it to. “Just as I said Master Chase. When the showdown end, she lost her footing and ended up falling. You teleported us away before I could tell you or find her.” Scar said, cowering at what Chase might do to him now that he had pointed the blame towards his own master. However, Chase then took a deep breath and began concentrating on sensing (Y/n)’s location. Chase then resumed his destructive rage. “The monks must have found her. Because she headed STRAIGHT FOR THE XIAOLIN TEMPLE!” He yelled while throwing a random vase towards the nearest wall. “I can’t break into the Xiaolin Temple. They’ll suspect that something was up.”

Scar then cautiously walked up to Chase. “But they wouldn’t suspect that Spicer boy.” With Scar’s reminder, Chase lifted his head, knowing exactly what Scar was implying. Chase then made his way to the Shen Gong Wu room and pulled out what looked like a blanket with a devious grin on his face. “What’s the point of having a fan, if you’re not willing to use them to your advantage?” Chase said before disappearing again in a puff of smoke.

Meanwhile, back with (Y/n), she and the monks get to the Xiaolin Temple and waiting for them was an old man with no hair except for a beard, a mustache, and a pair of bushy eyebrows. “Welcome back young monks. I trust you retrieved the Shen Gong Wu.” The older monk said, not showing any emotion. “Oh yes Master Fung. We have obtained the Sleep Sprayer.” Omi enthusiastically said holding up the Shen Gong Wu. “And we also brought back a lil friend.” Clay said pulling (Y/n) out of her hiding spot in his hat. “Ah. Indeed you have, but it looks like she has somewhere else she should be.” Master Fung said pointing out her collar. “But Master Fung, she was in the middle of the Amazon. Who could have possibly lost a kitten all the way in the Amazon?” Kimiko asked. “Did you ever think she could belong to Chase Young?” Master Fung asked earning laughter from everyone. To which Raimundo responded “Nice one Master Fung. Like Chase would have a cute little kitty. That’s funny.”

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