Chapter 15: Let the Training Begin

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"AWW, C'MON!!!" (Y/n) yelled with a hand pulling at her tail and a hand pulling at one of her ears. Laughing, Chase walked up behind her and grabbed her hands to get her to stop pulling. "Calm down, Kitten. This kind of thing is completely natural." (Y/n) slowly turned towards Chase and stared at him for a few seconds before yelling with her arms swinging wildly. "How is ANY of this NATURAL?"

"(Y/n), I'm able to turn into a dragon at will because of magic. And I'll tell you something NOBODY else ever knew. Not even any of the other cats." Looking around to make sure no one else could hear, he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "When I first tried to shift back into being a human, I still had my scales." This caused (Y/n) to let out a giggle before he continued. "My second time, I thought I got it right."

"What was wrong?" She asked curiously. He hesitated for a few moments before finally answering sheepishly. "I turned around and tripped myself with my tail." This caused her to laugh so hard that she had to lean on him to keep from falling to the floor. "My point is," Chase continued, rolling his eyes, "that you can't expect it to go perfectly every time." (Y/n) nodded her head in agreement before looking up at him again.

"I just have a couple of questions that have been eating at my mind for a while. First off, you're not going to try getting me to call you Master or Master Chase like everyone else here, right? Because I'll tell you right now, mister, that is not happening." She said trying to be as intimidating as a girl with cat ears can be, which isn't much but she can try. "And second, why do all the other cats call me M'Lady?" This caused Chase to laugh again, mainly at the fact that she was trying so hard to look intimidating. "Relax, Kitten. I won't have you calling me Master, unless you mean it as a teacher, or you just want to. And the reason why they're all calling you M'Lady is because you are the only person that I've sworn myself to." This confession caused (Y/n)'s face to turn crimson. "You make it sound like we're married or something." She said with her head down bashfully. This causes Chase's face to grow serious. (Y/n) looks up at Chase and begins to wonder if she said anything wrong.

Chase then leans forward to where his and (Y/n)'s lips are only a hair from touching. "Would that be so bad?" He asks looking deep in her eyes. (Y/n) could feel his breath on her lips before she shakes her head ever so slightly. "I wouldn't mind." Upon saying this, she sees a flash of relief enter his eyes before hunger quickly takes its place. She feels drawn to the look in his eyes like a moth to a flame. She's just about to lean forward when Chase suddenly flutters his eyes like he was snapping out of a trance and he steps back. He then begins to walk towards the door. "Now that you're, relatively, back to normal, we can start on your training. Come. Let us not waste any more time." (Y/n) watches Chase leave with mixed emotions. She was disappointed that he changed the topic so suddenly, confused as to what he meant by his earlier question, then finally got her emotions settled on excitement in finally beginning her training and followed to the training hall. "I guess we can say goodbye to that lazy day, huh?"

And so the training began. They spent the first week trying to figure out where (Y/n) stood with her fighting skills as well as figuring out her fighting style as a whole. Though her tail got in the way quite a bit, she made it through and managed to get used to her tail existing. The second part of the training was spent learning ways to improve her techniques as well as learning new ones. They spent two weeks doing that and all the while she was getting stronger. By the fourth week, she was ready to train alongside Chase and she even got to spar with him. In their spare time, Chase taught her how to use her newfound feline abilities. A month into training, (Y/n) had become almost as strong as Chase. She had improved a lot more quickly than he expected. Chase had finally found his perfect match, in more ways than one. (Y/n) did learn how to shift into human form perfectly but came to find that the cat features helped a lot in combat. Chase enjoyed their training sessions and got to where he couldn't sleep without her at his side. Despite the fact that he had wanted to protect her, he found that he would probably end up getting in her way if the situation ever arrived.

But then, one day their training session was interrupted. *BAM* The doors flew open to reveal a puma completely out of breathe and bleeding from deep scratches all over her body. "Wuya." The poor puma said shakily before collapsing. Chase and (Y/n) rushed to her side to find her injuries were more severe than they originally thought. "We have to tend to her wounds quickly if she is to have any chance at surviving." Chase said as he got up to get a special elixir to make the puma's wounds heal more quickly. But as he reached for the liquid, the puma forced out a single sentence. "Wuya has her physical form back and all the powers that comes with it." This makes Chase freeze for a moment before he continued to grab the elixir and walk back to the puma and forced her to drink it. "Powers? What powers?" (Y/n) asked in confusion while she cleaned the puma's wounds as best as she could without causing even more pain for the poor feline. Chase simply looked up at her. "Powers even stronger than you could possibly imagine."

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