Chapter 23: RUN FOR IT!!!

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(Y/n) collapsed on the bed just as the sun began to rise. She then notices a small ball of black energy forming on the nightstand before it disappears leaving a plate of food in its place. (Y/n) glares at the plate before rolling over. She was up all night, trying to escape. None of the 23 different tactics she tried would work. She didn’t even try to attempt teleporting because she knew that there wasn’t any kind of powerful energy that she could lock onto that wouldn’t end up making the situation worse. And she hadn't learned how to teleport without locked on to someone else's energy yet.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. ‘What if I pretend to give in and make a run for it when their backs are turned?’ She knew that she had to act fast if she was going to get back to Chase before the 48 hours were up. She quickly began searching for a pen and paper. When she found what she needed, she quickly wrote a note saying that she gave up. She then ate the food that was on the plate, placed the napkin over the empty plate and put the note on top before setting it back on the nightstand. All she could do now was wait, she only had a few hours remaining until it had been 2 full days. Each minute felt like an eternity. Finally, the plate disappeared, taking the note with it. She began pacing around the room until a sudden *CLICK* rang out through the room before the door slowly opened, revealing none other than King Yan himself. With a victorious grin on his face, King Yan stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. “So, you’ve finally come to your senses and decided to join me, huh? Come let us talk.” He says gesturing to the bed before sitting down and patting the spot next to him. (Y/n) took a deep breathe before taking a seat away from him. He then slid over to press himself up against her. She then attempted to move over but he had caught her by the waist to where she couldn’t move away. “Where are you going? I just want to get to know my little pet.” He whispered in her ear before licking his lips, making her skin crawl. She took another deep breathe before turning back to him with the most scared and sad look she could muster before giving a little sniffle and throwing herself against his chest, which caught him off guard. “I’m just so scared when I’m alone. P-p-please don’t leave me in here anymore.” She prayed that she was convincing enough. She then felt King Yan’s arms come around her in a hug, and then he kissed her on the head. (Y/n) didn’t know what he was doing until flashes of the past forced themselves forward. It wasn’t long until she realized that he was looking at her memories. 

“You poor little thing. No wonder you clung to Young. You were desperate to belong. Don’t you worry, I’ll give you a place to belong.” King Yan said after looking through her memories. The way he said it creeped (Y/n) out. ‘Yeah, you’ll give me the perfect chance to make a run for it and get back to Chase so that he can beat the-’ Her thoughts were interrupted by him picking her up princess style. “Come. We were just about to go wreak some more havoc. I want you to come with us so that you may witness the pure splendor of the dark powers that I, King Yan, possess.” He says as he walks out the door with (Y/n) still in his arms.

“Father? Why is SHE coming with us?” Wuya asks as she stares at (Y/n) like she’s trying burn a hole through her. “I don’t want her to be by herself anymore. I thought this would be the perfect way to show her the beauty behind my power and keep her from being alone. Plus I feel as though we need to keep her with us if we want to keep her from the Xiaolin. Now, let us be on our way, to show the world the power of King Yan.” He says before he surrounds the group with his dark energy and teleports them to their destination. 

When (Y/n) opens her eyes, she finds a sign that reads “Welcome to Tusayan”. “Tusayan?” She asks in confusion. King Yan then sets her down as he explains, “Tusayan is a tourist town on the eastern part of the Grand Canyon. Wuya, I want you to keep an eye on her. If she needs anything, take care of it. Got it, Wuya? And don’t let her get hurt.” Wuya sighs in irritation, “Yes, father.” King Yan then turned around and began walking towards the town as black flames form with each step he took. ‘With us right next to the Grand Canyon, I’ll be able to lose them in no time.’ (Y/n) thought as she patiently waited. Wuya then stepped forward, getting excited to watch her father work. (Y/n) slowly stepped back until she was sure that nobody was watching then she turned around and bolted. Sliding down the side of the canyon, she hears a distant “Hey!” from Wuya and she knew that she had to get out of there and find a way back to the Xiaolin Temple. ‘Hold on Chase. I’m coming.’

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now