Chapter 24: Collision Course

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Everyone gathered at the remains of the front gate as instructed. “Are we missing anyone?” Chase asks looking to see if someone was missing. “Wait, where’s-”

“I’m coming!!! Don’t leave the dragon.” Dojo said as he slithers his way to the rest of the team, getting out of breath. “How are we supposed to leave you? You’re our ride.” Raimundo says as he looks down at the tiny dragon. “Hah! Do you honestly think that we’ll be traveling on HIM? Psh! Don’t insult me.” Chase says as black smoke begins to form at their feet and begins to surround them entirely. Everyone watches the smoke in awe before Chase draws their attention, “THIS is how I travel.” With that the smoke encases the group and they’re teleported to Chase’s home. 

When the smoke clears, they find themselves in Chase’s thrown room, surrounded by Chase’s cats growling at them. Chase simply waves his hand and they disperse, Scar walking off along with them. Chase then tosses the Third Arm Sash to Clay and the Mantis Flipcoin to Omi saying “I feel as though you’ll get better use out of these than I would.” before making his way to the Wu Room. “Pick whatever you’d like, but remember that once the truce is over, you’ll return the Wu you’ve borrowed. Got it?” After everyone agreed, he gestured for them to go ahead, and they bolt passed him before he walks away. When the group finishes picking their Shen Gong Wu, they begin looking for Chase. Omi finds him in his room, staring down at a pillow, before Omi gestures to the others. Guan and Omi each place a hand on one of his shoulders. “Do not fear, Chase. We will search the beginnings of the earth to find her. Then we will take up King Yan.” Chase couldn’t help but smile at Omi’s attempt to cheer him up, as he rolls his eyes before telling the tiny boy, who reminded his A LOT of his old master. “Ends of the earth and take down King Yan. But I appreciate the thought Omi. Now, if you’ve all finished, let’s get go-… Wait a minute.”

“WHAT? WHAT IS IT?” The four young monks asked in perfect sync. “Chase?” Guan looked at his old friend in concern. “King Yan isn’t overpowering her energy. She must have gotten away from him. But I can also sense that Wuya is not far behind her, and catching up to her too.” He says with a look of hope in his eyes. “Well? What are we waiting for? Let’s hurry up and get her out of there.” Raimundo exclaims, seeing the same opening that everyone else sees in this situation. “Agreed. We must hurry if we want to get to (Y/n) before Wuya does.” Chase says as he quickly grabs the Shroud of Shadows off the bed before beginning the teleport once more. “Besides, NOBODY takes my kitten away from me and gets away with it.”


(Y/n)’s lungs burn as she tries to out running Wuya as she throws green fireballs to try and trap her. ‘I’M DEAD! I’M DEAD! I’M DEAD! I’M DEAD! I’M DEAD!’ These thoughts going through both of their heads has the chase continues. She then finds a tiny opening on the side of a cliff. Praying that it goes farther than Wuya’s arm can, she quickly transforms into her kitten form and dives into the crack, squeezing her way as far as she can. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE RAT!!!” Wuya yells as she reaches into the crack, trying to grab the little kitten. “Yeah, no thanks.” (Y/n) says before crawling deeper into the split.

Not far away, Chase and the others appear on the scene and find Wuya grabbing at, what they can only assume to be, (Y/n). Raimundo then steps forward with a large sword in his hands, “SWORD OF THE STORM!” He then swings the sword downward causing the sword to form a huge gust of wind that pushes Wuya away from the gap. She then looks up to find, not just the four monks, but Master Monk Guan and, more shockingly, Chase stood amongst them. “Oh shi-” Wuya says before getting interrupted by another blast of wind. “Chase, you and the others deal with Wuya. Dojo and I will get (Y/n). GOLDEN TIGER CLAWS!” Guan says as he pulls out a gauntlet of claws and slices a hole in thin air before he and Dojo jump through it and jump out into a small clearing on the other side of the crack just as (Y/n) crawls in the opening as well and bumps into Guan’s leg. Before she could scurry away from the large stranger, Guan picked her up and cradles her in his large hands as she cowers in fear, not knowing that he’s on her side until Dojo crawls to his hands and pets her head and speaks in a soothing voice. “(Y/n), It’s okay. We’re here to help. This is Master Monk Guan, he and Chase use to fight alongside each other.” (Y/n) timidly looked up at Dojo then to the large man before asking “Can you take me to him? It’s not too late, right?” (Y/n)’s question caught Guan by surprise and he smiles at her kindly. “Yes, we’ll take you to him.” He says before making another rip in the air and jumping through to get right back where they were before to find the battle was nearly won. Chase took the Shroud of Shadows off to reveal himself next to Guan. “(Y/N)!!! I’m so glad that you’re unharmed.”

“CHASE!!! YOU’RE ALIVE!!! But how? You know what, I don’t even care how. I’m just glad that I didn’t lose you too.” (Y/n) says as she jumps into his arms while transforming back into her human form in the process. “You’re the one who saved me Kitten. Besides, I vowed that I would never let you feel alone ever again. I’m just sorry that I broke my promise for even a moment.” Chase responds hugging her like he was never going to let her go again. (Y/n) burst into tears as Chase rubbed her back to calm her. Suddenly, Wuya let out a shout of pain before crumbling to the ground. “All of you will regret this, and I assure you that once it’s over, you’ll wish that I was the one to make you regret it.” Just as those words left her mouth, black lightning lit up the sky, radiating the entire area with an ominous aura. Wuya struggled to her feet as she laughed maniacally as the black lightning became more and more intense before coming together to strike a single spot. When the dust clears from that spot, HE stood in its place.

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