Chapter 2: Reveal

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"Who the heck is this!?" This made Chase chuckle and smirk. "Since you asked so nicely..." This caused (Y/n) to blush, realizing that she thought out loud. She let out a nervous giggle. "My name is Chase Young, Prince of Darkness." As he said this, giant jungle cats came in the room from behind him. Almost as if to confirm this title, they all bow their heads to their master once they found a spot and turned to him. "Okay. Well... um... I-I'm (Y/n) (Y/l). It's... nice to... um... meet you, M-Mr. Young. Um... your Highness... but I uh... really should be leaving so... erm... if you could be s-so kind as to... uh... uncuff me, I-I'll be getting out of your way so you can do... uh d-dark... stuff." She stuttered as he walked towards the bed. "(Y/n)" He repeated her name once he got to the bed-side. "What a beautiful name." He said as he crawled on to the bed towards her, causing her to back up until the chain gave her a tug indicating that she was out of room. He continued to crawl until he was practically on top of her with his face an inch away from hers. "T-thank you? I-I'm guessing you aren't one to care much about... ahem... personal space." She said nervously, trying to avoid eye contact. However, he grabbed her chin, forcing her (e/c) eyes to meet his amber ones as he apologized. "I'm terribly sorry kitten. But...I'm afraid I simply can't let you leave. I can uncuff you. But I can't allow you to leave. That would make all my efforts be in vain." After he finishes his apology, he goes around her and back off the bed. "Wait, you brought me here!?" She asked, shocked at his blunt refusal. "But of course." He answered, looking over his shoulder as he walked over to a dresser she hadn't noticed was there. "Who else could have brought you here? My cats?" He asked, gesturing towards a group of large felines who, under normal conditions, wouldn't even stand to be in the same room as the others, let alone laying side by side as they were. Once he got to the dresser he picked something up off the top of it and placed it inside the breastplate of his armor, he then began to rummage through the top drawer. "If I may be so bold, may I ask what you're looking for?" She asked, unable to contain her curiosity. "I'm looking for an outfit for you to change into. Unless, you would rather wear your nightgown all day. Aha!" He answered finding what he was looking for, he then turn back towards the bed and started walking toward her, holding a midnight blue piece of clothing. (Y/n) was too distracted trying to figure out if the clothes he held in his hand would fit to realize that he was now standing right infront of her. Startled, she attempted to move away, but Chase had caught the chain and pulled it as close to him as it would allow. The sudden tug caused (Y/n) to hiss in pain before feeling the relief of her wrist being freed.

As she rubbed her wrist, Chase tossed the clothing at her face. "Once you're finished changing, my cat will lead you to the dining hall for breakfast." He said before leaving the room with all but one of his cats. Lions, pumas, leopards, jaguars, panthers, and tigers all filed out the room like soldiers before the last one closes the door behind them, using it's tail to do so. All, that is, except for a single tiger, who looked like he's seen better days due to three scratches on his left eye, the scratches all look as though they were done in a fight, perhaps by one of the other cats. But the tiger just sat there, staring at her with a blank look on its face.

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