Chapter 16: Wuya's True Purpose

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‘Powers even stronger than you could possibly imagine.’ (Y/n) thought back to Chase’s words as she tended to the now unconscious puma. ‘What did he mean? How could that ball of gas be so powerful that he’d have to have one of his cats keep an eye on her? It doesn’t make sense.’ She thought to herself before her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. “We have to figure out what she’s planning. This is only the calm before the storm and I have a bad feeling that this storm may end up tearing the world apart.” Chase orders five different cats as he walks in the room with a grave look on his face. “Chase! What’s going on? You’re acting as if the world is about to end.” (Y/n) says with a look of concern. “Because the last time Wuya got her body and powers back, the world became a barren wasteland. The fact that the land still holds so much life suggests that she’s planning something. Something big and I personally don’t want to wait and see what she has planned.” Chase answers before gesturing for (Y/n) to follow. “Where are we going?” 

“Something tells me Wuya’s plan has something to do with a Shen Gong Wu that she knows is about to activate. And I plan to be ready for it.” As soon as the two entered the room where the Shen Gong Wu Scroll laid waiting, it began letting off an intense light brighter than ever before. “OW!!! Why is it so bright? I don’t remember it being this bright last time.” (Y/n) said while she and Chase tried to shield their eyes. When the light finally died down enough to see, the two made their way to the scroll. “Two Shen Gong Wu have activated at once.” Chase says opening the scroll.

“The first is the Light of Life. This makes it to where you can revive anyone, but there are limitations to this. While you are able to revive the dead, they had to have died less than 48 hours prior to revival. And the other is-” Chase stops in the middle of his sentence and begins trembling in fear. “What!? What is it?” (Y/n) asks, trying to figure out why he seems so scared. “I-I-It’s the Cr-Crown of K-King Yan.” Chase stutters. “What’s so scary about a crown?” (Y/n) asks with a confused look on her face. “You don’t understand (Y/n). The Crown of King Yan isn’t JUST a crown. It’s a dangerous Shen Gong Wu that, if used, could spell the destruction of all life as we know it.” Chase explains with a death grip on (Y/n)’s shoulders and an emotion on his face that he would normally NEVER show. Fear.

“Okay! Than we just need to make sure we get it so that it can’t be used.” (Y/n) says trying to get Chase to relax enough for him to not be cutting off all circulation to her arms anymore. Finally letting go and relaxing a bit, Chase absent-mindedly nods his head. “Yeah, yes, YES, absolutely, of course. Ahem.” He finally composes himself and looks at (Y/n) with focused eyes. “Yes. We need to keep Wuya from getting her hands on the Crown at any cost. This is why I’ll be going for the Crown, while you go after the Light.” Chase says with determination, causing (Y/n) to do a double-take.

“Wait, WHAT!? You want ME to go after a Shen Gong Wu ALONE!? I-I-I-I can’t do that! What if I mess up, or look like a fool!? I’m not ready for this. I’ve just managed to figure out the whole form-shifting thing and now you want me to get my first Shen Gong Wu BY MYSELF!? I can’t do it. I-I-I-I-” Chase interrupts her freak-out by grabbing her shoulders again, making her look him in the eyes. “I know you have difficulties in believing in yourself. I know you have your doubts. But I don’t. I know you can do this. You’re clever, you’re smart, and I know you’ll do just fine. Wuya will be focused on the Crown. Leaving the Light to Jack. And we both know how bad Jack is at anything.” 

This causes (Y/n) to let out a giggle. “The fact of the matter is that we can’t let them get their hands on both Shen Gong Wu. As long as ONE of us is successful, then we’re fine.” Chase finishes. (Y/n) nobs her head with determination. “I won’t let you down.” She says puffing out her chest. “You couldn’t even if you tried.” He states as he begins tickling her to lighten the mood. “Now we must be off. I want you to take Scar, so that, if you’re done before I am, he can tell you where I am so that you two can join up with me.” Chase says while rummaging through the Shen Gong Wu in the room. “I’ll be taking the Falcon’s Eye. And you will be taking the Mantis Flipcoin with you.” Chase says, tossing the Wu to (Y/n).  “What does the Falcon’s Eye do?” (Y/n) asks, staring at the Wu with wonder. “It makes it to where the user can see through solid objects.” Chase answers as he holds the Wu up to his eye as if he were looking through it. “Wow! And what does the Mantis Flipcoin do?” (Y/n) ask with wonder still in her eyes. To which Chase gives an amused look. “Let’s you flip like a mantis.” “oh.” (Y/n) says deflating a bit. “Now, we must go immediately. There’s no time to waste.” Chase states, walking out of the room. “Where are the Shen Gong Wu?” (Y/n) asks, following after him. “I will be going the Grand Canyon. While you will be going to a desert island in the Bermuda Triangle.” Chase answers while opening the door to the throne room. (Because for some reason he likes teleporting from there more than anywhere else.) “Don’t you mean deserted. I mean, how can an entire island be a desert?” She asks as Chase’s black smoke surrounds them, getting ready for their teleport. “It’s the Bermuda Triangle. Nothing is normal there.” He answers. “Good point.” With that said, the smoke encases them as they are transported to their destinations.

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