Chapter 17: Her First Showdown

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As the smoke clears, (Y/n) sees desert sands and cactus as far as the eye can see, but despite this, she can hear the ocean. She turns around to find the source of the sound and finds that the ocean was just behind her.

"Are you ready? Keep in mind that you'll have to search for the Light of Life. And this is still a desert. Do you remember the training we did with teleporting?" He asks, getting more and more worried by the second. (Y/n) rolls her eyes at his overprotective tendencies. "Yes Chase, I remember. Focus on your power and let our magic bond do the rest. I know. I know." She answered jokingly causing Chase to give her a skeptical look. "I'm serious (Y/n). I'm worried about leaving you here."

"Don't worry. I have Scar here to help me if things get bad. Besides you should get going before Wuya gets the Crown." She said before morphing into a kitten and heading off with Scar in tow, wishing Chase luck as she begins her search, leaving Chase to worry as he teleported to his own destination.

As (Y/n) began her search, she soon found an orb of light sitting on a red pillow on top of a sand dune. Remembering what the scroll showed, she knew that she had finally found it, and nobody else was in sight. As she climbed up towards the item, she heard what could only be described as a helicopter propeller. Knowing that it had to be Jack, she rushed forward to find a strange shadow pass by. Looking up, she saw the Xiaolin monks' dragon flying by, causing her to quicken her pace even more. Upon getting close to the Wu, she saw Jack coming from the right with his helicopter backpack and Omi jumping off of Dojo's back straight above the Wu. 'Cheaters.' (Y/n) thought to herself while making a lunge for the Shen Gong Wu. Scar watched from a distance as (Y/n), Omi, and Jack all grabbed the Wu at the same time, causing it to begin growing. (A different type of glow as before) Jack and Omi began glaring at each other until they heard a tiny, squeaky voice coming from right next to the Wu. "Omi and Jack Spicer. I challenge you both to a Xiaolin Showdown Trio." (Y/n) called out while glaring up at the two wide-eyed boys. "Yin?" Omi asked looking at the little kitten in shock. "Hey! Wait a minute! You're the little cat that was on Chase's shoulder when I took the Sleep Sprayer to him. You can talk?" Jack asks in confusion. (Y/n) rolled her eyes before answering. "Yes Omi, I'm the cat you and your friends found in the Amazon that you decided to call Yin. And yes Jack, I'm also the cat that was on Chase's shoulder. Now that we have that out of the way, I wager my Mantis Flipcoin against you're... uh... What Shen Gong Wu do you two have?" Snapping out of their shock, Omi holds up a blue sash. "I wager my Third-Arm Sash" Then Jack held up a staff with a monkey on it and said, "And I wager my Monkey Staff. What's the game?"

"The game is King of the Hill. First one to reach the top of the hill and grabs the Light of Life wins." (Y/n) said looking to the boys for approval when they nodded their heads. "Let's go. XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!!!" The trio yelled simultaneously as light began flashing and the earth started to shift. A solid rock came up out of the ground to form cliffs as the shifting sands coated the cliffside to make it difficult to climb and a slippery sand dune stood at the top of the cliff to act as a final stretch. All the while, Dojo and Kimiko found a good spot to stay and watch the showdown while cheering the small monk on. Scar stayed back and gave (Y/n) words of encouragement, though she was the only one who could hear them. When the earth stopped shifting, the trio looked up at their obstacle in awe. "GONG YI TEMPI!"

They all yell in unison as the boys watch (Y/n) shift into her warrior form. (Her half-human half-feline form)

Taking advantage of the boys' shock, (Y/n) begins climbing the cliff before they could get their bearings together. When they finally do, Omi is the first to react. Instantly beginning his climb with quick movements, making up for the fact that he's only half (Y/n)'s size. "MONKEY STAFF!" Jack yelled as the staff begins turning him into a monkey. Using his monkey agility, he easily caught up to his opponents. When the three of them got about even with one another, Omi activated his own Wu. "THIRD-ARM SASH!" The little monk yelled as the sash began acting as a third arm and tried to knock the other two away. In hindsight, the names of their Wu kind of gave (Y/n) a hint as to their abilities. (Y/n) reacted quickly and yelled "MANTIS FLIPCOIN!" and began flipping out of the way and farther up the cliff, causing Omi to hit Jack instead of her. As the sash attempted to knock her off as well, it ended up getting tangled on the ledges that (Y/n) used to hop around and out of its reach. When she reached the top of the cliff, she heard sounds of a struggle. When she looked down the edge of the cliff, she found that poor Omi had somehow ended up getting tangled up in his own Wu while Jack had just started his climb back up. She shook her head and turned around to begin the last stretch. It wasn't much of a challenge and she soon stood at the top. "My first ever showdown and it's a success. Chase will be so proud of me." (Y/n) said as she grabbed the Wu. Light began to flash again as the earth shifted back into place. When the flashes of light stopped, (Y/n) held the Light of Life, Mantis Flipcoin, Monkey Staff, and the Third-Arm Sash. "Wait, why do I have these too?" (Y/n) asked looking to Scar for answers.

"Don't you remember what happened after Master's Chase's Showdown?" Scar asked earning a glare from (Y/n). "No. I was a little preoccupied getting LEFT BEHIND!" Scar gave a guilty look at that comment before (Y/n) continued on. "Whatever. Let's get back to Chase. I have a bad feeling something is wrong." With that, she closes her eyes as white smoke slowly formed around their feet. By time everyone else had gone, the smoke had completely encased them and they finally teleported to the Grand Canyon.

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