Chapter 4: The Word of a Warrior

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“I’m getting my butt saved BY A FREAKING DRAGON!?” (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief. And by the way it was trying to push the bear back, it was clear that keeping her safe was in fact its intent. Each time the bear tried to get around it, the dragon snapped at it forcing it back until it became clear that neither were going to back off. But then, a ball of fire formed in the palm of the dragon’s hand before it threw the fireball at the bear causing it the flee the cave to find a new shelter. “Okay. I’m no dragon expert, but I’m pretty sure the fire is supposed to come out of their mouths, not their hands.” (Y/n) said in confusion when the dragon turned towards her. It began to walk toward her, just as the bear had but closer, upon getting right infront of her, it began staring at her leg as if it was inspecting it. When it looked up into her eyes, she felt her breath get caught in her throat, its eyes looked exactly like Chase’s. “Did it hurt you anymore than this?” The dragon asked causing (Y/n)’s already widened eyes to get even wider. The dragon looked confused then suddenly looked as though it realized something, that look didn’t last long before it closed its eyes and it's form began to shift and change as it turned into, “CHASE!?” Chase then opened his eyes to find (Y/n)’s eyes being so wide it looked like they would fall right out of her skull. 

Finding this look quite humorous, he couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle before taking (Y/n) into his arms forcing her to instinctively wrap her arms around his neck. Realizing what she just did, her face turned scarlet, earning another chuckle out of him before he began to make his way back to the entrance of the cave only to find that it was raining even harder than before. Coming to the conclusion that they would have to wait out the storm, he walked over to the wall of the cave and sat (Y/n) down and began tending to her wounds as best as he could.

“Why?” He asked not looking up from her injuries as he wrapped them. He finally looked up into (Y/n)’s (e/c) eyes and asked again. “Why did you leave? I warned you that it was dangerous out here. And I even told you that I wouldn’t be able to guarantee your safety if you left. You’re lucky I got here when I did. Did you really dislike my home that much? Or was it… me?” He looked down in shame with that last question.

“NO! No no no no no! It has nothing to do with you. Or at least, not completely. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, well… other than kidnapping me, and chaining me to the bed… and saying I had free range but couldn’t go into any of the rooms. But…” She answered a bit too honestly.

“Did you enjoy your abusive and lonely life?” He asked genuinely confused to which she quickly answered, “NO! Of course not!”

“Then, why go back?” He asked with a pained look in his eyes.

“I have to keep my home safe. I promised my family that I would keep our house in the family. It’s the best way I can think of to keep their memories, and my memories of not only my family but also my friends, alive. I’ve never broken a promise and I don’t intend to now.” She answered with so much determination in her eyes that it caught Chase by surprise. A long silence followed where the only sound that could be heard was the rain beginning to lighten, until Chase finally broke it.

“All you had to do was ask.” He said catching (Y/n) completely off guard. “I would have made sure you wouldn’t lose your home.”

“If you still wish to return to that life then I won’t stop you, but I won’t protect you either. But if you stay and swear your loyalty to me, then I will swear to you that I will never let you feel the burden of loneliness ever again.” He vowed looking dead into her eyes.

They sat there, staring into each other’s eyes in silence until the rain finally came to a stop. When it did, Chase stood up and started making his way out the cave. When he passed (Y/n), he felt a tug at his leg and barely heard a whispered voice. “… swear… just… me.” He couldn’t quite catch what was said so he looked down at his leg to find that (Y/n) had grabbed his pants leg and had her head down. “What?” He asked her in complete shock. She then looked up at him with a look in her eyes that reminded him of a scared, abandoned kitten. “I swear.”

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now