Sequel 1: The Wedding

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A couple of months have passed since King Yan was defeated and Wuya and Jack had yet to show their faces. Until, a few days before (Y/n) and Chase’s long anticipated wedding, Jack came to Chase’s lair with a guilty look on his face. The Xiaolin monks, who had been spending a lot of time with the couple, glared at Jack, ready for a fight. As soon as Chase and (Y/n) walked into the room, Jack burst into tears and rushed over to Chase to hug his legs. Groveling at Chase’s feet, Jack told excuse after excuse as to why Chase should forgive him. “When I heard that you were retiring from evil *sob* I knew I had to leave Wuya so that I could be with my hero before he retired.” Jack cried causing Chase to roll his eyes. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll polish your armor, clean your lair, bathe your cats, anything.” Jack held Scar when he offered to bathe the cats, which caused Scar to growl and attack the red-head, making him scream in fear. “Fine. You can stay.” The moment those words left Chase’s month, Jack then clung to his hero in a hug. “OH, THANK YOU CHASE! I swear you won’t regret it.”

“I'd better not. AND GET OFF OF ME!!” Chase yelled causing the boy to stand up straight as a rod before Chase continued. “But you are to do EVERYTHING that I, or (Y/n), tell you to do. No questions. No excuses. And no complaints. Got it?”

“Yes Sir. Chase Sir.” Jack said giving Chase a salute. Chase begins to turn around before turning back to Jack giving him one final warning. “And if you even try, then I’ll let my cats use you as a scratching post. Got it?” With a final scared yes, Chase turned around and made his way back to where he and the monks were before Jack’s arrival, the training room. 

(Y/n) walked up to Jack after the others had gone back to training. Glaring at the boy, she pushes a scrub brush into his hands. “Your first task will be to clean the lair from top to bottom. Once you’re done with that, you can feed the cats.” (Y/n) said as one of the cats brings a bucket of water over to Jack. As she goes to turn around, she stops and looks back at Jack. “By the way, the cats like to work for their food so I hope you’re a fast runner.” The poor boy begins trembling as he cautiously takes the bucket from the large feline before starting his work. As (Y/n) makes her way to join the others in the training room, Guan stops her. “I thought Chase was the evil one out of the couple.” (Y/n) smirks at this and states, “I’m only evil when provoked. If he hadn’t helped hold me prisoner, I would have no reason to be mean towards him.” Guan nods his head in understanding as he accompanies her back to the training room.

As the days went on, the main hall was transformed. Decorated with flowers and ribbons, it looked more beautiful than any wedding chapel could ever hope to be. Then finally, the day had come. (Y/n) and Chase manage to convince everyone from the Xiaolin Temple to either attend or be part of their wedding. Master Fung offered to be the Wedding Minister while Guan takes the position of Best Man and the other three boys are the Groom’s Men. Kimiko takes the position of Maid of Honor, and only Bridesmaid, and forces the guys to wear white tuxes while Chase wears a black tux. Dojo offers to be the ring bearer and Scar offers be the one to walk (Y/n) down the aisle.

The day had finally arrived, the guys are putting on their tuxes while Omi gets tangled up in his bowtie. After Clay finishes tying his, he goes over to poor Omi and helps him detangle and tie his bowtie for him. “Oh, thank you Clay. You are a correct friend.” Guan lets out a small laugh before correcting his little friend. “I believe you mean to say that Clay is a true friend.” 

“That too.” Omi says earning giggles from the others. Guan then notices that Chase wasn’t acting right. “Chase? Is something wrong, old friend?” Guan asks placing a hand on Chase’s shoulder. “What if… What if she changes her mind? What if I do something wrong? I don’t know what to do. I-I-I-” Chase rambles until he gets interrupted by another hand being placed on his other shoulder. “C’mon now. Do ya honestly think that (Y/n) would do anythin of the sort? That’s just the weddin jitters talkin. She loves ya.” Clay says trying to calm Chase’s nerves. “Yeah. If she hasn’t already left, odds are that it will take A LOT to make her leave now.” Raimundo responds earning glares from everyone except for poor nervous groom. “What? It’s true. Think about it. She’s been turned into a kitten, left in the Amazon, taken by strangers, watched Chase die in her arms, taken prisoner by King Yan and Wuya, watched as a whole temple full of monks were killed infront of her, ran away from her captors in the Grand Canyon, got stuck in the middle of a war between good and evil… am I missing anything?” Raimundo asks after finishing his list of unfortunate events. “A few. Before any of that, she lost everyone who cared about her, tortured by everyone around her, I kidnapped her, and she got attacked by a bear when she tried to run away from me just to end up coming back with me.” Chase says finishing Raimundo’s list with a guilty look on his face. “Exactly! If she’s stuck with you through all of that, what makes you think she’ll leave now?” Raimundo clarifies the reason behind his list. “Raimundo is right Chase. After all that the two of you have been through, I doubt you have any reason to fear the future.” Omi says comfortingly, to which Chase nods his head giving a small smile. “Wait, you kidnapped her?” Dojo asks in slight shock.

“I can’t do this. I CAN’T DO THIS!!!” (Y/n) shouts, shifting into her kitten form and hiding under the dresser. “I thought you lost that form when you turned into a snow leopard. And why can’t you do this?” Kimiko asks while trying to get (Y/n) out from under the dresser. “What if I fall flat on my face? What if he laughs at me… or changes his mind? *GASP* WHAT IF I LOOK FAT!?” (Y/n) asks curling into a ball as Kimiko pulls her out of her hiding spot. “(Y/n), Chase is 1525 years old, I think he’s passed the phase where he’s worried about appearances. And besides, with everything you two have been through, do you really think he’s going to just change his mind?”

“You never know.” (Y/n) answers curling even more into a ball. “*Sigh* Come on (Y/n). Chase loves you. He came back to life for you. He set aside his pride to ask for help to SAVE YOU. Do you really think that anything could make him love you less?” Kimiko asks bringing (Y/n) to eye level with her. “No…” (Y/n) answers uncertainly. “Come on. Let finish getting you dressed and you’ll see that there’s nothing to worry about.” (Y/n) nobs her head and shifts back into her human form and finishes getting ready. 

While Chase stands anxiously at the end of the aisle, (Y/n) nervously waits to be escorted down the aisle. “Are you ready M’Lady?” Scar asks in his warrior form, offering her his arm. “No…*Sigh* Let’s go.” With that, the doors open and (Y/n) and Scar begin to walk towards Chase. Chase becomes mesmerized by the way (Y/n) looks in her pure white dress. The floral design perfectly framing her beauty as she walks slowly down the aisle. Guan decides to lighten the mood by elbowing Chase’s side, to which he gives Guan a playful glare and brushes him off as Guan and the others quietly laugh. When (Y/n) finally makes it up the stairs to Chase, he quietly whispers to (Y/n), making sure only she could hear him while Master Fung goes through the usual wedding speech. “You look stunning Kitten.”

“You do too. I think that I might even like the tux better than the armor.” She responds in the same way he had. “Bet you’d enjoy the look of it off even more.” Chase says giving her a playful wink, making her blush. “Well, let’s save that for the honeymoon, shall we?” She returns the playful wink making it Chase’s turn to blush, causing (Y/n) to let out a quiet little giggle. The rest of the wedding continued on as any other until Master Fung finally says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the groom.” Chase looked at Master Fung in confusion. “Don’t you mean kiss the bride?”

“Nope.” (Y/n) says tossing the bouquet behind her back, grabbing Chase by the collar of his tux and pulling him down for a deep kiss. Once Chase got over the shock, he picks her up to deepen the kiss and began spinning her around. “What’s it like to be Mrs. (Y/n) Young?” Chase asked still holding her in his arms. “Hmmm. I don’t know. Wait until I’ve savored that a little. … Okay. It feels amazing. Mr. Chase Young.” With that said, they pulled each other in for another deep kiss.

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