Chapter 7: Kitten

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The next few days passed by in a lazy bliss, until her restless nature gets the best of her. (Y/n) woke up early one morning. "And...... I'm bored." Having said this, she gets up and gets dressed in casual attire and as she goes to leave the room, she sees her tiger friend that she had given the nickname, Scar, laying outside the door asleep, as he has been since the oath. With a pat on his head, she leaves her room to explore. As she wonders around, she hears the sound of someone fighting. As she comes up on the source of the sound, it goes silent. She peeks around the doorframe to find Chase in a stance that makes him look like a flamingo with black aura surrounding him. He suddenly throws a kick and the aura shoots with it, then he throws a punch and the aura shoots from it, the process continues until he relaxes back into a meditative position. As she stands there in stunned silence, he suddenly disappears in a puff of black smoke. Looking around the room for any sign of him, she then hears a voice from behind her that causes her to nearly jump out of her skin. "It's rude to spy you know."

"AHH! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! You nearly gave me a heart attack." She said with a hand on her chest, trying to will her heart to slow down. "My deepest apologies, Kitten." He says giving a small bow. "Why do you always call me that?" She asks. "What do you mean, Kitten?"

"THAT!! That's what I'm talking about. Why do you always call me Kitten?" She asked, determined not to let him brush it off. He then turns his face away from her, trying to hiding his blush. "Because... when I first saw you up were sleeping so peacefully and... I just couldn't help but think of a cute little kitten when I... saw your beautiful sleeping face." He said, finally turning his head to look at her, cupping her face in his hand while rubbing his thumb over her cheek. It was her turn to blush and turn her head, but Chase's hand wouldn't let her, forcing her to allow him to see her face getting redder by the minute.

Changing the subject fast, she gets back to what she was wanting to ask. "So are you going to teach me how to do all that?"

"All what?" he asked, taken aback by the sudden change in both subject and attitude. "What you were just doing. You know, before you nearly GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK." She said, still fuming a little bit about him scaring her. "What makes you think you'll NEED to learn all of that? I vowed to keep you safe. I don't intend to put you in a situation where you would have to, even think about, fighting." He states a-matter-of-factly, projecting an air of absolute control, almost challenging her to argue, which she does without hesitation. "Maybe but, you can't make me happy if I'm not at least ABLE to keep YOU safe. You can't always be there. At least this way, if something happens and you aren't as close as you'd like to be, I'd be able to stay safe until you got there." With a smirk on her face, she knows that she won this argument because of the defeated look on Chase's face. "Fine. But ONLY so that you can defend yourself IF I'm not around. And we aren't going to start your training until you are completely healed. Got it?" He said, realizing that he's not winning this argument. "Got it." She answered, beaming with pride. "But um..." She began to hesitate with her next question. "Until then... can I at least watch you?" With an amused smirk, he nods his head and gestured into the room. He then pointed at a place where a pillow had been put for her to sit on before continuing his training.

She watched him train every day after that, asking questions, even taking notes, acting as if she was studying for a test. This became routine for them, until (Y/n)'s injuries were finally healed and the day she had been waiting for had come at last.

(Y/n) rushed through the hallways, heading towards the training room when she ran head first into Chase. "Easy Kitten. Where are you off to so early in the morning?" He asked, still steadying her so that she wouldn't fall backwards. She looked up at him, rubbing her head, with a confused look on her face. "The training room, of course. Why aren't you? My injuries are all healed, so I finally get to train with you. Don't I?" He took her chin in his hand as he leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "It seems as though you've forgotten what was promised before the training." She thought for a moment, trying to figure it out, until Scar walked up beside her. She then gasped and looked up at Chase with an excited smile on her face. "MY FELINE FORM!!" She said practically bouncing with anticipation. With a chuckle, Chase placed his hands on her shoulders trying to get her to stop bouncing, to no avail. "Yes, yes. But we need to eat first. Magic takes a lot of energy, so we need to eat before attempting such a feat. But! I want you to keep in mind your aura. With your aura being pure white and the magic that will be used in turning you into a cat being pitch black, there is a chance that it may even prevent it from working at all." With that being said, they both make their way to the dining hall.

After breakfast, the two make towards the throne room. Once they entered, every jungle cat turned toward them and bowed. Chase leads (Y/n) to the same spots they were in when they made their vows. "It's time." This was all the warning she had before the Chase closed his eyes and began mumbling, what sounded like some sort of incantation. Trying to figure out what Chase was saying, she didn't notice the black aura engulfing her feet and making its way upwards until it was at her waist. Once she realized it, she also realized that he had been holding her hands this entire time. The feeling of his hands around her's made her feel calm even as the aura began engulfing her shoulders and started going down her arms and around her head. Before she was completely cocooned in the black aura, Chase had released her hands to make some strange hand sign. As the aura began covering the last bit of (Y/n)'s body, she whispered, "I trust you."

A bright white light began to shine through the black aura as it began to give her a new form. By this point, Chase had already stopped his incantation and was shielding his eyes just enough to be able the watch (Y/n)'s form getting lower. And lower, and smaller, and lower some more, and smaller some more. Until the light faded, and along with it went the black aura. When her new form was visible, Chase instantly covered his mouth with his hand and tried with all his might to not laugh. As (Y/n) opened her eyes, she noticed something was off. She looked up to Chase and asked, "Why are you so big?" Chase, still trying not to laugh, waved to some of the jungle cats to bring the mirror that had stood behind them. When the cats set the mirror in front of her, she was in complete shock of what she saw.


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