Chapter 3: Escape

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"A tiger is staring at me...... Never thought I'd be saying that ... EVER! *sigh* It's ok. I've just been KIDNAPPED! But everything will be fine. I mean, he seems nice, in a creepy, stocker sort of way. But that's fine, right?" (Y/n) turned to the tiger as if it's going to answer but it simply cocks its head to the side. "UGH! GREAT! Now I'm talking to myself AND a tiger. I'm going insane. I've got to get out of this place." As if on cue, her stomach growls after she says this. "Right after I eat that breakfast he mentioned." She puts the dress Chase gave her on. "Wow! This looks nicer than I expected." As she finished getting dressed, she starts looking for her shoes. The tiger then came up behind her and nudged her back. When she turned around, she saw that he was holding shoes that matched the dress perfectly. After taking the shoes from him, putting them on, and petting him a little in appreciation, the tiger then showed (Y/n) to the dining hall just as Chase said he would. The dining hall wasn't very far away from the room she woke up in, so she wasn't able to get much of a look around. As she walked in, she intended to look around the room but was unable to tear her eyes away from the table. It was a long table that you would only see in movies where they had feasts, and this table had a breakfast fit for royalty, waiting just for her. As she stood there staring wide-eyed, and drooling a bit, at the table, Chase noticed that she had yet to sit and eat. He lifted a hand, gesturing to the food. "Well? Come and eat. Every bit of it was made just for you. If there's anything you don't like, don't hesitate to tell me." She snapped out of the trance at his words and she couldn't get to the table fast enough to start eating as if she hadn't eaten a proper meal in ages, because she hadn't.

While she was eating, she noticed that Chase only had a bowl of soup in front of him. Curious and maybe feeling a little too bold for her own good, she asked him about it. "So... is there a reason why you're only having soup and not anything else?"

"This is a very special type of soup that, in short, makes it to where I can rely only on it for nutrition. It also helps me control a certain... ability... of mine that, if left unchecked by the soup's power, could make things very... ugly." Getting the hint that that is going to be the most detailed answer she's going to get from him, she decided to drop the subject and start a new one. Before she's able to however, she sees the same tiger that brought her to the dining hall prop himself up onto the arm of Chase's chair and act as though he was whispering in his ear. She shook any possible curiosity of that interaction as Chase began to talk. "I will give you free range over my home. The only places you are not allowed access to will be guarded by my cats."

"Wait. Why would your cats be guarding those areas?"(Y/n) asked.

"Because they are off limits." He answered bluntly, earning a pout from (Y/n).

"And let me warn you now." Chase continued while standing up, getting (Y/n)'s attention in the process. "Despite having free range of the place, know this. We are far too far from any sign of civilization and attempting such a journey would come with far too many dangers for any normal person to withstand. So I'd suggest putting any such thoughts OUT of your mind. Because I can't guarantee my protection if you try to leave." He warns her with a stern look in his dragon-like eyes that tells her that he's not exaggerating. He then leaves (Y/n) to the rest of her breakfast.

With Chase's warning spinning in her head, she is completely caught off guard when she sees a leopard take the bowl Chase had left and take it to, where she believed to be, the kitchen. Then a lion props itself onto the table with a rag in its mouth and wipes the newly cleared spot. "Okay..." was the only thing that could be said before she continued eating.

Once she finished eating, she got up with the plate in her hands, about to take it into the kitchen the wash it, when a lioness takes it right out of her hands and walks straight into the kitchen and a jaguar and puma then stood infront of the entry way. "Okay. I am perfectly fine with that being one of the rooms I'm not allowed in." With that said she turns on her heels and starts to wonder the halls. After wondering the halls and finding a total of three rooms she can actually enter, two in which she's already been in and the third being the bathroom connected to the bedroom she woke up in, she decided that it's time to go home. She doesn't want to go back to that abusive and lonely lifestyle, but she made a promise to keep her family's home safe, and she was NOT the type of person to go back on her word. No matter how torturous it may be.

Waiting for the coast to be cleared of any cats, she finally found her chance to bolt. Little did she realize that her tiger friend was determined to make sure she stayed safe, cause the moment her foot was out the large set of stone doors, the tiger was off to warn his master.

Exiting Chase's lair alone proved to be more difficult then she anticipated, because a few steps out the door and she found herself at a cliff and realized that it was inside the top of a mountain. Sighing in frustration, she started down the mountain. Thankfully for her, she was in excellent shape and made it down the cliffside with no problems, despite the heels, the problems came a few minutes later when a storm came out of nowhere. Seeking shelter, (Y/n) rushed into a nearby cave and began ringing the water out of her dress. Trying to get as much water out of the dress as possible, she didn't notice something coming toward the cave's entrance until it stood at the entry way.

Hearing a growling sound, (Y/n) slowly turned her head to find an angry bear blocking the exit. It roared a mere three feet away from her before she started running deeper into the cave hoping that there was another way out. No such luck. She quickly found a dead end and turned to find the bear wasn't far behind her. She tried to run past it but it knocked her back, throwing her into the cave wall injuring her leg in the process. She looked up at the bear as it raised its giant claws to crush her causing her to squeeze she eyes closed. 'I'm sorry. I'll be with you soon.' She thought before hearing something that she could only describe as the bear getting hurt. When she cracked open her eyes, she was shocked to find a giant lizard standing between the bear and her. Upon closer inspection however, she realized that no large lizard could stand on two legs. She came to only one conclusion. It wasn't a lizard standing in the bear's way, IT WAS A DRAGON!!!

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