Chapter 6: Answers

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Chase proceeded to disinfect and bandage every injury, even a tiny scratch she had on her cheek that she didn’t even notice until the sting of the disinfectant touched it. Once Chase was finished, he got up and picked her up so that he could sit on his throne with her in his lap. “Is picking me up going to be a running trend with you?” She asked with a bit of a pout on her face. “Most likely.” He answered with a smirk causing (Y/n)’s pout to deepen. “Okay. Now you can start your questions.” He said giving her permission to speak. “Okay. What was with the black stuff that was surrounding you when you made that oath? Why did it go into my arm? Why did my veins turn black? Did that same stuff form when I made my oath? And I’m already going overboard aren’t I?”

“Heheh, yes but they’re all related so it’s fine. That ‘black stuff’ as you called it, was my aura. When magic is involved with an oath, aura is used to make it more binding. Whether the magic is coming from the one giving or receiving the vow doesn’t make a difference, it could go either way. It going into your arm, was how it binded me to both my word and to you, that’s why your veins turned black,”

“Because that’s the color your aura was.” She finished his sentence. “That’s right. And normally when Heylin magic is used, auras always turn black, due to its dark properties. But… yours stayed pure. Not just pure… but pure white. Even saints aren’t able to get their auras to turn white, let alone under the effects of Heylin magic.” He said with a thoughtful look on his face. “So… I’m guessing it’s not normal. Is it a bad thing?” She asked timidly. “NO! No it’s not a bad thing. It is exceedingly rare, but it's not bad. If anything, it makes you even more special than you were thought to be before. It may cause Heylin magic to have different, maybe even no effect on you. But considering the fact that Heylin magic is evil magic, I can only assume that it will become a good thing.” He explained, not even sure if it was true or not due to his lack of knowledge of the white aura.

“Okay. Then what about the cats? How and why did they turn human? Did they also swear their loyalty to you? Is that why they’re cats now? And I’m doing it again.” Again, this caused Chase to smirk. Knowing that this is all very new to her and that it was only natural for her to being so curious. “Yes. They swore their loyalty to me and as a result they turned into cats. It makes it easier for them to follow my commands. No ability to talk back, unless I think it’s worth hearing, it makes it difficult for them to turn on me if their warrior pride should ever fail, and it makes it to where they can’t just run off. And before you ask, yes, they were all forced to swear their loyalty to me. They challenged me, wagering their freedom and loyalty, and lost. So now, they will spend eternity serving me however I see fit.”

“So… am I going to end up turning into a cat now?” She asked, not entirely sure how to feel about it. Chase turned his head and scratched the back of his neck. “I’m not sure. I used Heylin magic to turn them into cats. I figured at the beginning that I would at least give you a feline form and make it to where you can control it, unless I force you into or out of it for whatever reason, in case there may be a reason for it to come in handy. But with your white aura, I don’t know if I could. I could certainly try if you want, but I won't attempt anything of the sort until your wounds heal. And I mean ALL OF THEM.” He says pointing at her bandaged leg. “Okay, that sounds fair. I can’t think of any other questions right now. Well other than, what now?” 

“Now, you go eat. It’s almost dinnertime and we both skipped lunch.”

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now