CHAPTER 28:In the shadows

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Nicole's POV

I don't like it when people don't tell me some things and especially when they say it's to protect me. I am not a 5 year old girl l think l can protect myself okay.

"Nathan. If you don't say anything right this moment l am leaving you."

Even after threatening him he still kept quiet, son of a bitch to think he even cared is a lie really. What a fool l have made myself.

"Have it you way then. Bye."

Turning my body to open the door, he grabs my wrist with force to stop me from going. What now l thought you wanted me to leave.

"What Nathan. You made it clear you okay if l leave. So please let me make my way out."

"Nicole for once. See some good in me, l let you go once and l won't repeat that cause l can't keep losing the greatest thing that has happened in my life. A fool makes the same mistake twice if you think l am one them guess what you wrong okay. I regretted every single thing l did to you, everyday l couldn't have you in my arms like right now. Do you now how much it hurts that you think l am just here to be there. I have a heart and yes l am a man but you make me a better man, payout never a man when you can't own your mistakes and fix them. Here l am looking out for you and you think leaving is best. If you didn't want to be here hey you could have said that from the word go. Nicole you make a person l was not, you make me see sunlight in my dark world, you the light at the end of the tunnel in my life. I don't call you angel for no reason, it's because you are my angel, mine alone. And yes l love you, l have loved since-"

I had had enough, before he couldn't finish l crashed my lips to him, l was pouring out my my emotions at the moment yes they were all mixed, love, lust, care everything. He pushes his seat backwards and grabs me to be straddle his laps, looks like Nathan Junior is already misbehaving. The moment l chuckle he takes that as his que to plunge his tongue in my mouth so that he explores.

I never battle with him for dominance, l let him lead the way, l love it that way , pulling apart for air,

"I am sorry. Please forgive me cause l can't have the only man l love right now be mad at me when l need him right now."

His smile enlarges, he has these killer smiles that make me go all crazy and wild. My hormones are overboard as we speak, fuck l thought l was done with them after l lost my baby.
He captures my lips once more and l gladly welcome him and kiss him like my life depended on it. I didn't notice l started to grind on him that he let out a growl, l like that l have this effect on him. His kisses start to trail on my neck, earlobe, Oh God.

His making me too horny right now and l sure as hell cant have sex with him in the car, it can never be making love as long as we in the car, never especially when l waited for him too long even though l know we once did it. I end the kiss and look at him right in the eyes and said,

"Not here."

He nods and gives me one final peck on the lips before l went back to my seat, damn that was one heated make out session l rate the best or maybe it's because he's bringing out the kinky side of me and these hormones are not helping at all.

Starting the engine we drive off in a comfortable silence, damn why can't my mind think of something different than what he's going to do to me when we get home.

It sounds too good, home, and my mind ain't cooperating at all, it can't think of anything but his trail of hot kisses he always gives me to leave me hit and bothered..
Seriously this can't be happening not now, l didn't even realize we had parked in the garage due to the battle l was having in my mind. How great, it looks like they actually getting more and more vivid.

What is wrong with me.

Getting out of the car we head straight to the bedroom and we didn't need anything to tell us to start but our bodies naturally turned and we started to kiss, this time he was gentle, pouring out-all emotions he felt hat very moment. He knows how to treat me like a woman, a queen. And he started to leave his trail hit kisses along my neck and my sensitive spot where my shoulder and neck meet thus making me moan.
He removes the hoodie and left me with my bra and he did the same. Those abs would be the death of me.

"Enjoying the show."

He always finds a way to annoy me somehow, gently putting me on the bed he started to undress me leaving a kiss everywhere he removed any clothing.


And l will end here for some of my readers
They don't appreciate such
So Incase some of u want to read that
I will put up a book for mature content

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GUYS WE ON 1k😱😱😱😱I have 1k reads 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽Oh My God🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I can't thank you guys enough 🙏🏻
I am happy thank you thank you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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