CHAPTER 9:Old habits don't die

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Nicole's POV

Why do l have to be caught up in these situations huh, here l thought no hey he wasn't there for the revenge and l let my body control and l bet he does that to all the girls he has slept with and l happened to be one of those on the list.

Way to go and we'll done Nicole
Like seriously how could l do such a thing
And to him it was all about the sex and revenge

"Earth to Nicole can you even hear me."

I must have have zoned out to my best friend who happens to be telling me about what l missed out when l left with him can't even say his name now he disgusts me.

"Nicole baby l know this isn't what we expected but don't let him win, let's bit him at his own game."

"Iris don't worry about it okay. I am fine just need to go and settle the documents on my own. And give Nora my assistant a break."

"If that's what you think is best."

Collecting the documents l had to pull out and as well as to sign him out of the shares we have l got in my black Mercedes Benz X6 one of those in my garage. No need to brag but yah.

Oh hey little did l know l was going to attract the media here by driving myself and with a well known car here. Doing all l can to dodge it l walked or rather jogged to the elevator not to be seen.

No assistant l guess all l gotta do is knock and get this done with once and for all. At least l don't get to fight with her Incase he's in a meeting.
After knocking twice l decided to open the door he could be busy after all maybe let me save him the energy of shouting enter. Opening the door wild l regretted what my eyes landed, on Nathan banging some bimbo and he seemed to be in rough and she was a moaning mess rather she was screaming.

Feeling the bile rise up and the only toilet l had nearby was his pardon me but l have to continue in your sex making Nathan.
Running l made it to the toilet and l let it all out, never knew he had that effect on me and here l thought l was so done with him and all. Giggling water in my mouth l emerged out of the door and he was there fixing himself. Even his sight knowing he was doing that with her made me throw up more how amazing couldn't this tummy ache just happen another time at least.

"You okay"
He said that whilst trying to touch my shoulder and l moved away from him,

"Like you care."l snapped back

"Nicole please come on you walked in on us and you is that supposed to be my fault and all l remember is you were not on my list of agenda today."

"Nathan save your energy for some round two. Guess it's true what they say old habits don't die. And here l was thinking you could prove them wrong."

"Nicole l have tried to explain myself but l am done being nice to you now. If you don't mind please do see yourself out of this office and book an appointment to see me. I won't listen to anything you have to say anymore and make sure you only come to talk business."

I scoff wow Nathan by the second you continue to show me what you really made of.

"That won't be necessary thanks anyways. Do make sure you read everything in that file and make sure they are delivered to me ASAP."

Not looking at him twice l walked away and after this l never wanted anything to do with him anymore like never.

You were never there before and what him so sure l can't live without him now.

Nathan's POV

And the way she walked out of my office showed me l had no second chance or any room of trying to win her back. She's sick and all l could do was just snap at her.

As far as l know they ain't nobody like her to fill up that space she had created for me when we went on that getaway weekend.


Making the papers go all over , l walked to catch up with her but she looked at me one last time before the elevator doors closed,

(Some cliche seen Christian and Anna 🤪😉)

And l just lost something that improve and be the best part of me,

way to go Nathan never knew you were so clever and fucking amazing

Going back to my office and pour myself some whiskey I took about 3 shots, it was enough for me to clear my mind off things.

"You know we could always take it up from where we left off."

Looking up to her she was in her birthday suit , this girl doesn't even know what she's doing,

Standing up,

"You know what...."

Removing my jacket to cover her

"You fired."

Making my way to the best place l know where to clear my mind off things , the bar and inviting Alex would make matters worse he seems to be hitting off with Iris and things are going well. I hate seeing other people happy in their relationships and knowing Alex he will be there to remind me of what l just lost.

"What can we get you sir."

"Two bottles of the strongest scotch you can make for me."

"But sir....."

"Do as l say unless you already too rich to get more money into that pocket of yours."

"Two bottles of the strongest scotch we have in the house coming right up."


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Sorry for the typos l am making hope
It doesn't mess things up l promise
I will try to reduce them

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