CHAPTER 8:Handling the press

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Okay so l have decided that l benefit the people
All my lovely readers reading the book
So yah do enjoy.

Nathan's POV

Giving her that goodbye kiss made me realize she's something l can't get enough of, l mean the way she genuinely responds to my touch and just the way she feels in my arms damn Good Lord come save me.
After this trip l was supposed to make sure l that l don't make contact or talk to her unless Mr Choo wants us for a meeting or something.
Walking causally to my car, the sound of cameras clicking and the sight of cameras' blinding flashes welcome me at the entrance door, do this people ever get tired aaarggghhhh

They are freaking party poopers l mean l was still enjoying the aftermath of having my angel in my arms now l have to do deal with this again. Get a life you journalists, changing my face to wear some stern and serious face that showed no room for nonsense l walked past them with the help of my body guards.

After passing by the office l picked up some files l had to look at them and finally put my self back to my position. Loosening my tie when the elevator door opened my maid coming to get my things as a reflex l took the remote and switched on the tv.

Looks like the enemies are getting cozy

What the fuck is wrong with this people l know have some freaking explaining l gotta do for the world and my dad obviously. And automatically my worry goes to her, Nicole and l don't even know why this happened but l had the edge to call and see if she was okay , not that l was going to ask her out and let her be my girlfriend or something

I mean right
I wouldn't do that and in her right senses she wouldn't do such a thing

The vibration of my phone in my pants slapped the reality to me, and there she was video called me, answering it she wore a serious worried face that had my worryness hiking up.

"Hey. I am assuming you have already been informed about the press."

"Oh yes l have seen. Are you okay though."

"Not that l know of...(sighs) my relatives and my mom would determine that for me."

Damn she's strong, shand doing all by herself because her father left when she was in high school and she was already taking over the Jonathan Corp and all the oil rigs he left for her.

"I am sorry."

What the fuck did l just say
I don't say sorry ,people say sorry to me, Nicole Jonathan better have more things in store for me she's fucking messing with my mind. I gotta do something for her in return after l put her in this mess right, l have to do something really but what the hell is it.

"Rest Nicole, I will handle the press."

I hope that was reassuring enough after all l am a newbie to this kinda game really might need advice from Dr Phil now never pictured muse,f in that kinda situation.
Next morning l had a task to do grabbing my coffee mug from the kitchen counter l head for the elevator but l am welcome with the paparazzi at the freaking exit of the elevator. Going up l switched on the tv and you won't believe what l saw someone leaked our pictures at the fair, the hotel even of her half naked, what the fuck. This can't be happening l thought l could handle the press. My hand automatically dialing Nicole's number

"So l guess we had different ways of handling the press. And for a moment there l thought l could count on you but hey guess what it was so stupid of me to sign a death sentence of my own."


"Don't even say a word l am done listening to you already, l am pulling out of the Mr Choos project. And cutting off all the shares that you and l share at the Oil Rig guess you gotta do thing whole damn thing alone."

Mad silence l couldn't even say a word to what she just said, me talking could actually stir up the anger that she's carrying inside of her. But she can't risk it all by pulling out of these projects right l mean isn't it what she was supposed to do.

"For the record, you play your game pretty well. Keep it up."

And with that she hung up, who would have set me up like this and here l thought l was on private land when we went to the beach and we acted so peasant in that park and this happens.
And my phone rings , it's my dad, my worst nightmare

"What Father."

Can't call him dad he's never deserved that title what he wants is winning this family feud

"How about we grab some drinks to celebrate such victory as we prepare our selves to the win we heading towards."

"You did this father."

"Told you l would be your damn guardian angel always on the look for your success."

I could already imagine and even see him smirking from the other side of the phone. Not thinking twice l hung and called the only thing that could help me get my mind of thing

A booty call.....


Yah yah l know this was not an interesting chapter at all
It sucks
It's short l promise you the next chapter l will try to spice it up

How do you like Nathan so far
And poor Nicole

Shame shame

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