CHAPTER 29:Miracles

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Nicole's POV

I woke up with my favorite hands cuddling me and dear God, l would want to die my whole life

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I woke up with my favorite hands cuddling me and dear God, l would want to die my whole life. But obviously he has to leave for work ,l realized that when he gave my neck a soft kiss before he stood up to take his bath.

Watching him as he gloriously displayed his Greek god like body to me, l bit my lil to prevent me from producing any sound. Glancing at my phone there was a reminder of my doctors appointment for my pregnancy. Sitting up l looked at my sitcoms here it surely did look big because l was starting to show.

I didn't notice Nathan coming from the closet buttoning up his shirt as he walked to me. I must have wasted time staring at my stomach for long.

"Hey angel. It's okay."

He hugged me and l needed some kind of warm and comfort l felt right now. Showing him my phone he saw the notification and gave me one last hug with a peck on the lips and one kiss on the forehead before he gave me another kiss more than just a peck.
Honestly speaking he surely knew how to make me forget my problems and make me feel loved, which he does.

"I have a meeting today Angel. Will call to check up on you."

"It's okay. I will go cancel the rest of the appointments l put on her calendar."

He nodded and gave a one last kiss on the forehead and a quick peck before he left for work. Fixing the bed l eft for the bathroom and looked at myself in the full body length mirror hugging my almost big stomach. Sighing l took a long bubble bath and dressed into simple clothing l had recently bought.
I slipped into grey tights, a long sleeved back top and a half jacket, putting on little makeup l put shades on before tying my hair into a messy bun. Walking into his garage l decided to get a normal car that won't attract attention, a black tinted Mercedes Benz. Driving to the office, Iris wasn't there, guess will have to see another time cause it's been long and it almost feels like we haven't met in like decades maybe it's because we have lived our whole lives together like practically.

Everything seemed to be going well in the office and l had no doubt Iris would fail me and in any case that something was going to happen she would have contacted me already. Now making the long way to the doctors office , when l got out of my car l walked with my phone and purse in hand as well as phone and keys.

"Doctor Elena please."

"You are Miss Jonathan.

I nodded

"She's waiting for you."

"Thank you."

Walking to her office, l knocked and she answered on the first knock, indeed she was expecting me.

"Nicole. I am glad you could make it. I have news for you."

"Hie there Elena, uuu,mm-"

I had that uneasiness in me and she picked it up,

"What's wrong sweetie."

"So about 2 weeks ago l was kidnapped and yes they tortured me but l tried to protect my baby (sobs), l-l-l even had a fractured bone in my hand cause l didn't want anything to happen. But-b-bu-But the baby didn't make it."

And l let all the emotions pour out, she came to hug me and comfort me, we stayed like that for a short while.

"So,you here to cancel appointments."


"But can l do one last checkup before you go. To see if they cleaned your uterus correctly."

I nodded in agreement and walked to the curtain to change into that gown, l waltzed in the room again, dragging my feet that l was going to be starring at an empty but a screen with just my stomach. Laying in the bed she put the cold gel on my tummy and she spread it before she put her machine over her stomach.

Looking away not wanting to see and get another reminder of the my baby the one l lost. Who would want to see that l mean come on right. Squeezing my eyes shut, l prayed she would finish fast enough for me to let these memories go, don't want to hold on to them.

She took longer than expected, what the fuck is her problem l mean can't she understand this is fucking hard for me to be coming here and for her to be taking her time to be doing this. I am freaking sure the doctors in that hospital did a good job cause l was at am 5 star hospital if there's something like that. But yes you get what l mean.

"What the fuck is taking long Elena."

Turning my head to the screen and what my eyes landed on made me freeze and stop in my tracks as my mouth went open.



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