CHAPTER 17:Its now an if thing

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What Nicole wore
Nicole's POV

Having to be in the same room with him all the time is not something l had imagined today but l have to be there for Iris and not think about my problems with Nathan at the moment.
He looked comfortable for my own liking maybe l was just a time pusher or rather it was part of his plan to take me to bed so that l lose focus on my job.
Yah because he really is hit as fuck he had many girls coming over to flirt with him, l didn't even want to see if he was going to fall for it guess l am not ready to let it bother me again.

"Nicole you sure you okay with him here and all."

"Tonight it's about you. Enough about me okay let's have fun."

I took the wine glass and l had to make sure they notice that l am drinking or else that smart arse of a man might just pick something up and my secret will be exposed.

Looking around l could see there was love in the air, if only Nathan hadn't messed things up we would be looking like one of them, probably more than in love with each other.

If only he didn't, oh gosh

And it's only an if thing now.

I had had enough of today and l was really happy for her and it's something that l can say l am proud of. Me leaving this place for now would be great don't yah think.
She will understand really right.

The moment l left the club just when l was about to open my car door, someone put a cloth on nose. With no time darkness started to welcome me in it's hell and l felt my body fall , at least it landed in some arms. And l was completely gone after that.

Nathan's POV

At least today she was here ,what hurts is that she was not kilometers away, she was somewhere k could hold her. But l couldn't . Checking the parameters to see where she was but she was nowhere to be found. Asking won't hurt right, just asking.
What if she starts to think l am desperate l mean l am not right
What if they laughs at me
What if they don't tell me and lie to me

You know what fuck this, let me just ask and put my heart at peace to just hear she left for a good cause.


She quickly turned and flashed me her pretty smile, at last it wasn't one of those fake ones.

"Congrats hey."

I said this whilst hugging her but well Alex being the guy l know, quickly pushed me away from her. She was happy l even adore their relationship that's what's bored people who are single spend their time doing by imagining something and they can't do anything about it.

"Where's Nicole."

"She left to rest because she's pr-" a pause "uuummmmm she left becauuse (drags her because) she's leaving with her private jet tomorrow for some event she will tell me about tomorrow. She said she wanted to rest."

Her answer almost sounded like a lie, like there was something wrong like something l wasn't supposed to know. Since she said she just left to rest guess l shouldn't be worried as l am right now.

My instincts they telling me otherwise though, and they never let me down, not once have they done that before. What's wrong with my angel now

IN LOVE.....WITH THE DEVIL HIMSELF.  [Completed✔️]Where stories live. Discover now