CHAPTER 7:At the fair

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And we left the hotel to attend the fair just like any other human would do. No fancy clothes just the perfume and watch alone it was enough.
Nathan is just romantic naturally it's like it runs in his blood, he just knows how to make a girl laugh. I pray this is not what he did with his other hook - ups. Gotta enjoy the moment l guess and not worry what the past holds buy what the future had in store for me.

Walking hand in hand he paid the tickets we got in and just then l realised l missed a lot for my childhood, this was something l saw people in movies do and that moment l could see they were doing the same.

"Nicole ,you okay. "

"Huh, what, eish so sorry. What did you say just zoned out."

"No it's okay. I said what do you wanna do."

Thinking deep l just said

"So Nathan it turns out that l missed a lot of my childhood so we might leave this place tomorrow morning."

"Ohhhh l see. Let's get the adventure starting."

I felt like a baby cause the way l ran around, dragging Nathan to do some things which looked really embarrassing like wanting lots of cotton candy which got me a sugar rush to keep the party going.
We went to the shooting range where l got this big teddy bear, this sure was some love stuck teenage romance shit but you can't blame me it's just how it is. My age at the moment did not matter at all, l didn't care just wanted to enjoy life since no one even let me experience this inner happiness l had in me.

Just then l saw the wheel, spreading my smile ear to ear l looked at Nathan who looked so worked out and he said

"What now Nicole."

"The wheel."

He shook his head in disapproval, he didn't want and l ended telling him

"Nathan has a fear. Oh My God. He is afraid of heights."

I laughed at him and  with such provokes l managed to get him to come with me

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I laughed at him and with such provokes l managed to get him to come with me. This was some scary shit don't blame Nathan for not wanting to go at first l understood him. I could feel my heart leaving me , and Nathan just took my hand and said

"Don't look close your eyes, out your hands in the air and enjoy the feeling. (Eyeing with disapproval) just trust me nicole."

Just like what a baby would do, l nodded and did just as l was told, and he surely was correct, it was great feeling and it was enjoyable.

Felling like l had had enough at the fair we left to grab something to eat before heading back to the hotel. In the restaurant it was warm, welcoming and it was just a normal food outlet but trust me their food was just nice.

"If you could please stop moaning. It would be best for both of us,"

Eyeing and only realising how that such a turn on to him, l just continued to eat but don't judge me the food was worth some grand of dollar not these couple of dollars they said would cost.

IN LOVE.....WITH THE DEVIL HIMSELF.  [Completed✔️]Where stories live. Discover now