Where They Started Part 71

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Upon boarding Scar placed her boxes in the wardrobe next to the ships outer seal. He turned to Lex who stood watching as the stairs ascended and the snowy expanse disappeared. They walked to the central command centre and Scar powered on the ship. "Would you like to fly?" He asked her. "No, you can take the controls." He nodded. Lex stood gazing out of the view screen. Scar ascended the ship slowly. He circled the cabin so she could have one final look. Tears streamed down her face. She wasn't sad. She was happy and relieved. Scar was alive, he'd found her, claimed her, married her and was taking her from Earth to explore the galaxy. "We will return soon." He told her softly, clicking and trilling. She smiled, she understood Yautja.

Scar ascended and the ship took off. "Lex, come here. Sit." He motioned to her. "We are flying over England." She beamed. Her smile was infectious. Scar surprised her....... "Fly slowly..." She did as he instructed. She flew over London. He touched a control and the ship stopped. The city of Bloomsbury was lovely. The lights glowed brightly at night. The people, buses...life."

Scar flew her over Borneo, then Japan. She took several pictures. He flew her over Brazil, then stopped. Scar dropped the intruders jeep onto a field with a home nearby. It was in the poorest and most underprivileged area in Rondônia. He'd found the keys on Dave's body. The jeep could be useful or sold for money.

Lex stepped from the ship. It was dark. She walked to the tree she remembered as a marking. There it was. She kneeled down and placed the floral arrangement and gift for her father on his grave. She began to bury the black sand she'd collected for him in Iceland. She also included a letter in the time capsule along with a picture of she and Scar at their wedding. She dug deep into the earth and buried it. Scar stood next to her then moved to hold her. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she cried silently. "I love you Mom and Dad." She whispered. "Thank you Scar. Thank you." He trilled softly.

Lex and Scar took one last look at Bouvetøya. The whaling station was just as she remembered it. Scar stared at it and thought of their final fight against the alien queen kainde amedha. They both sat and looked out among the snowy landscape. He held her and they both stared in silence.

"Ready?" He asked trilling. "Yes..." She answered.

Across The Galaxy By Nori Elan Where stories live. Discover now