Despondent and Depressed Part 14

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Scar paced and paced. He was miserable. He went to his training room and worked on his skills. He practiced and went through every form ever taught to him. He destroyed the room. He was incensed. Her angry words haunted him. Maybe he should have informed her from the beginning that he only had a few days. Maybe he should never have made love to her. Her face...her beautiful face with tears halted his pacing. This was going to be the fastest mission and Chiva ever. He would participate. Not for the trophies but for the sheer amount of violence it would take to burn through this misery. He already had the ultimate prize: Lex. Or did he? He wasn't so sure anymore. He wished his mother were alive to ask her advice. He stopped pacing. He was sweating. He headed to his lavatory. He needed to shower. He finished, he checked the ships navigation and turned on all censors, alerts, alarms, readied weapons and headed for his bed. He injected himself with a sedative and collapsed in misery. He curled up in his bed and let the drug take hold. Before he could doze. He jumped up and retrieved her nightshirt. He inhaled her scent. He walked back to his bed and placed her nightshirt over his face. He allowed the sedative to take effect and drifted off to sleep smelling Lex. It brought him a small bit of contentment.

Lex woke 13 hours later. She opened her eyes and stared at the combi-stick. She began to cry. She sat up, Scars cape was wrapped around her. She exhaled the deepest breath. Her thoughts brought more tears to her eyes. Had she overreacted? Did she mean her words? She was angry. Would he return to her? Did she want him to? She cried harder.

Scar woke to the control panel beeping. He was in hyper-speed, soon going into hyper-jump. He stayed in bed. His body felt pain. He was in misery. She'd been so disappointed. He couldn't think. Her nightshirt, it smelled of her. Her scent was strong. The ship was going into hyper-jump. He felt it. He sat up and placed her nightshirt on his pillow. He stood and exited his quarters. He headed for his training room. He set up a training droid and began to practice. He went through combat practice. He sparred for over an hour. Sweat dripping down his back. He thought of Lex. His thoughts drifted to her first meal she prepared for him. Her face when his shield receded and revealed him to her. He thought of his tongue licking her asshole. He clicked, trilled, growled and lunged hard at the droid. Destroying it. He repeatedly punched and beat it into a million pieces. He was frustrated. He was angry. Angry with himself. Angry with this impossible situation. Angry he had to oversee this task of observing the unblooded males. He walked to the wall and caught his breath. He was full of tension and his body ached.

2 weeks later.....

Scar finally reached his destination. He boarded the unblooded males and three Elders. He was a walking wall of rage. He was short and precise. He kept quiet. He had nothing to say. He bowed to the Elders, touched their shoulders and shook them. They commended him on his last successful mission. He bowed in honour and respect. He had no words. His throat was locked up tight. They were all escorted to their quarters. Scar manned the central command centre. Obagi was their destination. It would take 2 cycles. He showed the Elders his progress with weapons found on Tercrik he had reversed engineered and upgraded. They were thoroughly impressed. They discussed mass production of the weapons, strategies for battles and mission plans. He could barely comprehend the conversations taking place. He displayed uncharted unsurveyed worlds. All technically moons in close proximity to Earth. He volunteered to survey further to be closer to Lex, travel to council hearings, aid in war, observe Chivas and the Elders enthusiastically agreed after the mission to Momoan was completed. Momoan was a planet rich in minerals. There was an over abundance of Fidsa, a metal 100 times stronger than anything available on Scars home planet. Many of their ships and weapons were constructed with Fidsa.

A crew had been sent to Fidsa over 3,500 years ago, lead by Tomso. Tomso was found to be a bad blood. The Elders deduced that Tomso and his team abandoned their mission and went rogue. An exploration for survey and discovery of Fidsa was postponed due to a large stockpile of Fidsa on the Yautja Prime home planet. In 110 years time the supply would run low. The Yautja didn't want to get to that point. Scar agreed to survey the planet himself. Only survey and report. He knew it would be the longest period he would either have without Lex or enjoy with her. A part of him was ready to abandon the mission if she didn't accompany him. He prayed silently to complete the journey with her. He had been told stories as a young unblooded male about the mountains and the sky. The eastern skyline was blue. The west was purple. It was reported to be truly breathtaking. He wanted to see it for the first time with Lex. The Momoan skyline masked silent storms. He would need to be careful with his ship and with Lex, if she decided to join him. He would beg her if he had to.

It had been 2 weeks and Lex wasn't feeling any better. In fact, she felt worse. She was miserable. She couldn't eat or sleep unless she took pills. She forced herself to eat. She forced herself to workout. She needed to be in shape for the expedition and exploration in Mexico. She was dreading the trip but she couldn't wait to leave either. She wanted a moment of peace.


The unblooded traveled into the underground cave. Scar followed. He was on edge. He was ready. Scar disappeared from the unblooded. He would allow them their Chiva. He would obliterate any creatures that crossed his path but he wouldn't infringe upon their trial and interfere with their success. He wouldn't take trophies. He headed for the Silfe, a crystal that could power their plasma weapons. It was needed to study and hopefully create an artificial component that would power advanced ships and weaponry.

The unblooded entered the chamber to retrieve their plasma casters. Upon doing so, a chamber deep in the structure released over a dozen rabid creatures. They were fast, vicious, poisonous and intelligent. The unblooded males entered into a chamber and began to travel deeper into the structure. The creatures smelled the unblooded. Several ran for the unblooded and a small pack ran for Scar. The unblooded were prepared with their weapons drawn. They heard the screeching and clawing. They all crashed into a full battle.

Scar was more cunning. Leaving a piece of armor against a boulder. He'd rubbed himself with Javago. An odorless oil. It masked his scent. He stood from a high ledge and stared down. His shoulder canon blasted 2 creatures. Killing them instantly. The other 3 spotted him and leapt to the ledge. Scar sliced their skin and evaded their poisonous blood and bites. He grabbed a smaller creature by the throat crushing it. The creature yelped and died. The other two attacked him simultaneously. One aiming for his mask and the other at his knees. They scratched at his armor, cutting into it. Scar kicked and crushed the skull of one and felt the sting of the other who aimed for his mask. The creature cut his neck. Scar gripped it and flung it into a boulder. It landed on the boulder and jumped to him again. Digging it's claws into Scars chest plate. Scar held it from his body and slammed it into the ground. It rolled out of Scars grip and jumped to Scars back. Clawing at his armor covering his back and shoulders. Scar felt it's claws dig through the armor and rip his skin. Scar walked backwards fast. Crushing the creature into the rock wall. The creature yelped and fell to the ground bleeding. It jumped back up and attached itself to Scars mask. Pulling it. Scar groaned and clicked. He gripped the creature and dug his claws into the creatures shoulders. Scar gripped it with all his strength and ripped the creature apart. Splitting it in two. Green blood spilled to the ground. Coating Scars armor.

He stood holding one half of the creature in each hand breathing hard. The blood began to corrode his armor covering his shins. Scar dropped the creature and tore the armor from his body. Angry and seething, he eventually roared kicking the creatures halves across the ground. Scar the dark......enraged. He continued to the cavern and retrieved the Silfe. More creatures attacked him. Trying to rip into his mask. His shoulder cannon decimated four more. He ripped and skillfully overpowered the other two. He stood seething. He was pumping adrenaline and couldn't feel any pain from his injuries. Only his heart.

Lex vomited.....

Scar proceeded into the cave. He could hear the battle. He stood back. A silent creature stalked him. Scar heard all the signs of a war, a proper Chiva. He smelled blood. Multiple creatures were dead and Yautja's were injured. He knew this was a Chiva that would define the unblooded males or end them. He stood listening. He could hear injured Yautjas fighting for their lives. Silently, a creature descended from the top boulder. He moved at a slowed paced. Lining itself to jump and dig his claws into Scars neck. Scar rested. He wanted to join but he wouldn't. The creature mounted to leap. It pushed itself from the ledge and aimed for Scar. In an instant Scar turned. Grabbing the creatures neck. Scar gripped its head and slammed it repeatedly into the rock wall. Scar slammed it over and over, until he held an exoskeleton and crushed bone. The creatures blood ate through the rocks. No trophy could be collected from this bloody pulp. The kill satisfied some of the anger in him. He stepped back and clicked his mandibles. He couldn't take another day. He couldn't wait to return to Earth!

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